
Prednisone can have serious side effects. Normally you would reserve Prednisone for things like gunshots. However if the spike is huge, perhaps Prednisone can be a good idea, after all. Keep in mind that doctors will be hesitant to prescribe it. You might have to make up a story of a spike following having to turn off a loud fire alarm.
A 6-day or 12-day course is not that serious. It may be worth it to see if it helps. I feel bad that he can't get access to medication.
It may be worth it to see if it helps.
I agree, that's what I would choose to do too.

But just to ensure that our view of this isn't biased, I feel compelled to post the quote below:
Because of taking prednisone for my tinnitus, I then got more serious problems, I was examined for 2 months because I felt terrible. It turned out that I had developed adrenal insufficiency from taking prednisone. And 3 months later, it persists. What's the reason for this, nobody knows.
I agree, that's what I would choose to do too.

But just to ensure that our view of this isn't biased, I feel compelled to post the quote below:
I have a problem that is immensely improving from prednisone. I am strongly biased towards it. Granted, I have an autoimmune problem. Sometimes serious drugs are worth it. In his case, I see very little wrong with a 6 or 12 day course. He probably shouldn't go nuts with it for months at this point.
I have a problem that is immensely improving from prednisone. I am strongly biased towards it. Granted, I have an autoimmune problem. Sometimes serious drugs are worth it. In his case, I see very little wrong with a 6 or 12 day course. He probably shouldn't go nuts with it for months at this point.
He won't see this because he blocked me for having political ideas different than him but since he has a dog, if he absolutely needed Prednisone it would be easy to get in any country if you know what to say to a vet.

I'm not saying it would or would not help him (I have no idea) and he probably won't even see this but it could be obtained. So if someone that does interact with him wants to pass that along and not say it was from me, maybe he'd want that info, I don't know.
I have a problem that is immensely improving from prednisone. I am strongly biased towards it. Granted, I have an autoimmune problem. Sometimes serious drugs are worth it. In his case, I see very little wrong with a 6 or 12 day course. He probably shouldn't go nuts with it for months at this point.
Who is "He?" I assume you don't mean me or are people ignoring what I post again?:rolleyes:
Prednisone can have serious side effects. Normally you would reserve Prednisone for things like gunshots. However if the spike is huge, perhaps Prednisone can be a good idea, after all. Keep in mind that doctors will be hesitant to prescribe it. You might have to make up a story of a spike following having to turn off a loud fire alarm.
I made up stories. Doctors ignore you. Or me.

How many people told ENTs how bad their ear hurt and how bad their tinnitus was? How many posts are here about no help?

They are more willing to do something in the USA because a patient can bribe a doctor with direct-pay fees.
I read mixed results here on Prednisone. It helps some and doesn't help others. For a small percentage, it harms them somehow unrelated to the ear trauma.

I wish there was something for the spike/tinnitus.

The Prednisone doesn't really do much for the tinnitus - if it helps someone? It just helps heal the trauma faster or?

My tinnitus is so loud, I can't tell which ear is worse - probably the right one. But, it's so loud, I can barely tell there's more than one tone. I don't know the frequency or pitch but I guess that doesn't matter?

Would it help to donate my brain, cochlea and ear anatomy?
down with the fucking clown


He won't see this because he blocked me for having political ideas different than him but since he has a dog, if he absolutely needed Prednisone it would be easy to get in any country if you know what to say to a vet.
Can you please tell what to say to a vet to get prednisone. And can you go to a vet to ask for prednisone without bringing a dog there? Maybe it's possible to borrow a dog and take that to the vet. What kind of tests would a vet run? How expensive?

Is it also possible to get pentobarbital from a vet if you tell them you want to euthanize a dog? I guess they won't give you that stuff to take home?
I made up stories. Doctors ignore you.
When I made up a story like that, I was given 5 pills, enough for five days. If one were to be very determined, I can see how one could go to three emergency rooms and get a supply of 15 pills. I am just saying...
Can you please tell what to say to a vet to get prednisone. And can you go to a vet to ask for prednisone without bringing a dog there? Maybe it's possible to borrow a dog and take that to the vet. What kind of tests would a vet run? How expensive?

Is it also possible to get pentobarbital from a vet if you tell them you want to euthanize a dog? I guess they won't give you that stuff to take home?

Disclaimer, the only reason I'm going into this is because it's on the suicide thread and I hate that people feel like they have no options or hope.

I really strongly recommend going to an ENT in the acute stage and if they can't help you a second or third opinion first if it can be done in a short time period.

But anyway, if this helps anyone...

A vet can't prescribe anything without a vet/client/patient relationship so you can't do that without a dog.

Without going into too much detail, prednisone is often used for environmental allergies and associated skin itchiness. If you were traveling to see a friend at a known place where itchiness has occurred in the past, and Prednisone helped, most would prescribe it if you didn't want to pay for the better but more expensive options.

Unless the dog was old, most wouldn't require testing. At least in the US, the Rabies vaccine is required to be updated if overdue in most states before treatment is given (unless medically exempt).

And no vet would ever (nor should) give you euthasol (pentobarbital) to take home.

***I want to stress, i think this should be a last resort. I only mentioned it in Pete's case because he is constantly on the suicide thread and at some point "last ditch efforts" are maybe what people are left with.

There are always risks and side effects and interactions depending on the individual and medical history.

Rarely, Prednisone can make tinnitus worse and everyone should know that too.
I have learned about so many horrible neurological conditions in the last few months it has messed me up a lot, mentally. No one is safe, not little children, not the poor, not even people who are already suffering. Over the last few months I've developed something on top of tinnitus, hyperacusis/ burning pains and it's just adding to what already feels like a hellish existence. I'm in so much pain daily, I'm not sure how much more I can take and I'm only in my 20s. I don't understand why my body is plaguing me with horrible neuropathic pain.

Life feels like a scary thing when you know doctors can't help. If you're lucky you get prescribed meds and they don't give you further health problems. Even if they do manage to find a treatment for this ear stuff within the next few years I'll probably still be suffering.

CTB sounds like a a really nice option lately, not gonna lie
I have learned about so many horrible neurological conditions in the last few months it has messed me up a lot, mentally. No one is safe, not little children, not the poor, not even people who are already suffering. Over the last few months I've developed something on top of tinnitus, hyperacusis/ burning pains and it's just adding to what already feels like a hellish existence. I'm in so much pain daily, I'm not sure how much more I can take and I'm only in my 20s. I don't understand why my body is plaguing me with horrible neuropathic pain.

Life feels like a scary thing when you know doctors can't help. If you're lucky you get prescribed meds and they don't give you further health problems. Even if they do manage to find a treatment for this ear stuff within the next few years I'll probably still be suffering.

CTB sounds like a a really nice option lately, not gonna lie
I'm not sure if this is a long shot or not but have you ever had viral titers?

I have had severe neuropathic pain around the time I was having vertigo attacks and both responded well to antiviral therapy for EBV. In fact it cured both my vertigo and my pain (not my hearing unfortunately since that was due to the antibiotics they tried first).

It was very severe. Just to give you an idea, I have chronic neck and nerve pain from a bone spur at C3/C4 but that is literally cake compared to what I had with that months long episode.

Like I said, it's a long shot, but in case that gives you another stone to unturn.
I'm not sure if this is a long shot or not but have you ever had viral titers?

I have had severe neuropathic pain around the time I was having vertigo attacks and both responded well to antiviral therapy for EBV. In fact it cured both my vertigo and my pain (not my hearing unfortunately since that was due to the antibiotics they tried first).

It was very severe. Just to give you an idea, I have chronic neck and nerve pain from a bone spur at C3/C4 but that is literally cake compared to what I had with that months long episode.

Like I said, it's a long shot, but in case that gives you another stone to unturn.
Hello there. I haven't heard of this before. I just looked it up and I can't tell what exactly this is, is this a test that can be done?

I think my neuropathic pain is stemming from a pre-existing condition and surgery that I had but it's an unusual thing to experience despite that. My neurologist seems to have little desire to help and with COVID-19 it appears that doctors are even quicker to dismiss patients with invisible pain than before.

I'm trying to hold out from taking the Gabapentin I've been prescribed because I don't want to mask the pain and make it worse along with my ear issues but the pain is starting to wear me out.
If you reaaaaally want prednisone and doctors won't prescribe it, you can also try bribing pharmacists. Don't even need that much money. But you definitely should read the included prospect before deciding to take it.
I have learned about so many horrible neurological conditions in the last few months it has messed me up a lot, mentally. No one is safe, not little children, not the poor, not even people who are already suffering. Over the last few months I've developed something on top of tinnitus, hyperacusis/ burning pains and it's just adding to what already feels like a hellish existence. I'm in so much pain daily, I'm not sure how much more I can take and I'm only in my 20s. I don't understand why my body is plaguing me with horrible neuropathic pain.

Life feels like a scary thing when you know doctors can't help. If you're lucky you get prescribed meds and they don't give you further health problems. Even if they do manage to find a treatment for this ear stuff within the next few years I'll probably still be suffering.

CTB sounds like a a really nice option lately, not gonna lie
I'm sorry if this was asked before, but have you ever tried CBD oil and/or curcumin?
In the interest of disclaimers, and since this is a suicidal thread, I do want to point out that prednisone can exasperate psychiatric problems. For me, the benefits and obvious application far outweighed the negatives of not taking it (i.e. the improvement in my hyperacusis improves my mental state far more than the mood swings make it worse). But if you do end up trying it, the weeks on it (and tapering from it) are not the time to do anything that can't be undone.
Hello there. I haven't heard of this before. I just looked it up and I can't tell what exactly this is, is this a test that can be done?

I think my neuropathic pain is stemming from a pre-existing condition and surgery that I had but it's an unusual thing to experience despite that. My neurologist seems to have little desire to help and with COVID-19 it appears that doctors are even quicker to dismiss patients with invisible pain than before.

I'm trying to hold out from taking the Gabapentin I've been prescribed because I don't want to mask the pain and make it worse along with my ear issues but the pain is starting to wear me out.
Maybe I shouldn't have used an abbreviation but I meant "Epstein Barr Virus" which most people have had exposure to at some point but stress (physical and/or psychological) can reactivate it and it can be severe in some people.

Any virus in the herpes family can reactivate following stress (including Chicken pox, Cytomegalovirus, etc) and these viruses are latent in the nervous system. Usually, it's one nerve or group of nerves (e.g. some people get shingles in one area with chicken pox or get Bell's Palsy) but it can be multiple nerves as it was in my case. The stress of surgery could also do it (as you mentioned having).

Without knowing your pre-existing condition, obviously that could be a cause too as well as a number of causes but I would encourage you to work up any potential treatable cause just in case.

I was lucky that I couldn't tolerate Gabapentin and they didn't want to keep me on Buprenorphine so doctors were at least open to a fuller work up. Btw, only one of my doctors wanted to try me on antivirals because the other said "everyone has been exposed to Epstein Barr" (only my IgG antibody titers showing past exposure were high but they were very, very high) but I'm glad she did. She felt that they were relatively low risk drugs and it was better to at least try than keep giving me opioids.

My widespread neuropathic pain completely disappeared after a few weeks on them and hasn't come back.
I'm sorry if this was asked before, but have you ever tried CBD oil and/or curcumin?
Yeah CBD oil didn't really do much. I played around with doses and either I didn't feel a thing or it made me super sleepy.

Curcumin too but when I was taking it it was without pepper so maybe I'll have to try that.
I'm giving myself another year to improve, then I'm checking out.

I'm only 2 months into what I think is hyperacusis and I've already had enough. Constant jaw pain and fullness is already too much.
I am where you are at. This is not a life. Plus I have extreme chronic back pain previous to tinnitus. In my country, it is impossible to get a firearm and if it were not the case it would be over as of now.
Seriously considering other options.
I go to bed each night wishing and hoping not to wake up.
What country are you in?
I am where you are at. This is not a life. Plus I have extreme chronic back pain previous to tinnitus. In my country, it is impossible to get a firearm and if it were not the case it would be over as of now.
Seriously considering other options.
I go to bed each night wishing and hoping not to wake up.
What country are you in?
Canada. You?

I have chronic pain too (that I don't want to elaborate on) BESIDES frequent ear pain. I don't know exactly what the ear pain is from. Probably a combination of TMJ and acoustic traumas that 'injure' my ear.

The tinnitus is the worst though because it's constant. I avoid reading personal experiences and anecdotes of people who mention their tinnitus fluctuates or goes away periodically since it really depresses me.

My tinnitus is always loud. The only question is the degree and the constant spikes but the latest spike was from a loud truck.

Tinnitus is a constant torture kinda like in movies in which the guy in a basement is forced to listen to constant sirens. Except for me, it's ongoing and real life.

If it was just a light switch on the wall how great it'd be... just flick the switch and over. If I lived in Canada it'd be a short drive across the border and obtain a firearm in the US if I it were me... definite and instant!
I hear/see people who have died in the news ect and am envious of them..

This is not a life...
Same with my wife. She was prescribed it for her facial nerve pain. She was in a fog and had hallucinated shrimp dancing in their bowl. This was on a lower dosage...
Interesting. Those were actually similar to my symptoms, complete brain fog and seeing hallucinations (like bears in passenger seats of cars when they were actually dogs).
I'm giving myself another year to improve, then I'm checking out.

I'm only 2 months into what I think is hyperacusis and I've already had enough. Constant jaw pain and fullness is already too much.

Same. No idea if these new treatments will even do anything for hyperacusis, but I'm giving it a year or two max and then, if there's nothing, I'm out. Life's an absolute joke.
Pretty simple... Just don't eat or drink anything starting now. 5-6 weeks you shut your eyes and don't wake up...

I'm only 3 months in - if not improved at 6, that's my plan.
My Last Letter To All The People With Tinnitus

Hi Dear Friends,

I am already planing my suicide. One year ago after MRI my tinnitus worsened and since then I have been disabled. One month ago the tinnitus worsened further. I have had tinnitus for 20 years that gradually became unbearable. I have 2 types of tinnitus, one is noise induced and the other is from Trigeminal Neuralgia. Both of them not treatable.

I would like to say thank you to the people that created Tinnitus Talk. They have done more than any doctor or scientist.

This condition was never taken seriously and this is our own fault. If any of us with tinnitus including me was fighting for a cure, some of us wouldn't have to kill ourselves and leave our families and all the lovely people we know devastated.

Remember if you want your voice to be heard you need to shout. Let everyone know how badly you are struggling. Use social media, use YouTube, create videos of how bad tinnitus can be.

If every person with tinnitus made their own video "Tinnitus - My Story", do you know how much awareness you would be creating?

Make the people who don't have a clue about tinnitus understand what you are going through.

Why do you suffer in silence? Does it not make you feel bad that there is a pill for everything but tinnitus? Are you not tired to be scared of every noise that can make it worse? You are not helping yourself this way. You need to be proactive. If every person with tinnitus let the world know how bad it is then things would be different.

If you happen to read this, you have the power to change things. You have the power to save lives. Don't just get better and go on with your life as there is no guarantee that down the line you won't be exposed to dangerous levels of noise or ototoxic substances or have head or neck injury and your tinnitus misery will start again. And because you had not been proactive, you did not donate to research, you did not advocate, and so when you come back to Tinnitus Talk you will find that nothing has changed in the tinnitus field. Welcome to the tinnitus hell again.

My last wish is to the people who are managing Tinnitus Talk to ask new and existing members if they feel comfortable creating short videos of what caused their tinnitus, how does it sounds, how they feel about it and what their doctor recommends.

My final words:

If there were more awareness of tinnitus, my story and many more could have been different. My son is 2 years old and my daughter is 16 years old. They could have still enjoyed their lives with their father. If you don't want that to be your story or someone else's, please protect your ears, donate for research, advocate, create awareness.

If all of us gave something from ourselves, we could change that "nothing could be done, go and learn to live with it".

I will now go and donate and after that I will create "Tinnitus - My Story" video.

I will then take my own life to stop this torture.

Son, daughter, wife, mother, please forgive me.
My Last Letter To All The People With Tinnitus

Hi Dear Friends,

I am already planing my suicide. One year ago after MRI my tinnitus worsened and since then I have been disabled. One month ago the tinnitus worsened further. I have had tinnitus for 20 years that gradually became unbearable. I have 2 types of tinnitus, one is noise induced and the other is from Trigeminal Neuralgia. Both of them not treatable.

I would like to say thank you to the people that created Tinnitus Talk. They have done more than any doctor or scientist.

This condition was never taken seriously and this is our own fault. If any of us with tinnitus including me was fighting for a cure, some of us wouldn't have to kill ourselves and leave our families and all the lovely people we know devastated.

Remember if you want your voice to be heard you need to shout. Let everyone know how badly you are struggling. Use social media, use YouTube, create videos of how bad tinnitus can be.

If every person with tinnitus made their own video "Tinnitus - My Story", do you know how much awareness you would be creating?

Make the people who don't have a clue about tinnitus understand what you are going through.

Why do you suffer in silence? Does it not make you feel bad that there is a pill for everything but tinnitus? Are you not tired to be scared of every noise that can make it worse? You are not helping yourself this way. You need to be proactive. If every person with tinnitus let the world know how bad it is then things would be different.

If you happen to read this, you have the power to change things. You have the power to save lives. Don't just get better and go on with your life as there is no guarantee that down the line you won't be exposed to dangerous levels of noise or ototoxic substances or have head or neck injury and your tinnitus misery will start again. And because you had not been proactive, you did not donate to research, you did not advocate, and so when you come back to Tinnitus Talk you will find that nothing has changed in the tinnitus field. Welcome to the tinnitus hell again.

My last wish is to the people who are managing Tinnitus Talk to ask new and existing members if they feel comfortable creating short videos of what caused their tinnitus, how does it sounds, how they feel about it and what their doctor recommends.

My final words:

If there were more awareness of tinnitus, my story and many more could have been different. My son is 2 years old and my daughter is 16 years old. They could have still enjoyed their lives with their father. If you don't want that to be your story or someone else's, please protect your ears, donate for research, advocate, create awareness.

If all of us gave something from ourselves, we could change that "nothing could be done, go and learn to live with it".

I will now go and donate and after that I will create "Tinnitus - My Story" video.

I will then take my own life to stop this torture.

Son, daughter, wife, mother, please forgive me.
Hi BrStan,

Looking forward to seeing your video! Once you've made it, upload it here and stick around to discuss it. You may find that some people have had a similar journey and can relate.

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