Yes lmao - whilst yeah there is a lot of misinformation online I think this view is becoming increasingly dated and is really dismissive given that you can now access research papers via Google Scholar etc or even take the initiative to contact researchers yourself as their contact info is displayed on their institution's webpages. Obviously if a patient comes and they subscribe to Goop-style pseudoscience then yeah that's a bit problematic but doctors need to keep up with the times. How else are we supposed to access information to understand our condition?
When someone is exposed to a major life altering/ending condition such as tinnitus, one quickly becomes an expert and that is
no exaggeration.
Your doctor on the other hand might have been exposed to a half hour grainy video about tinnitus in med school
at best.
At this point I have read just about every study, write-up and every post on various tinnitus hubs, forums and help groups in search for
something that might help me.
I assume most of us here have done their fair share of research.
I have tried just about every supplement that was ever mentioned in relation to possible tinnitus relief.
I visited chiropractors, acupuncturists, osteopaths and out of desperation even Reiki practitioners, energy healers and psychics.
I tried hypnosis, hyperbaric oxygen chamber, neuromodulation, cranial sacral therapy, various spa treatments and massages, reflexology and even got a TMJ mouth guard just in case.
I tried a pretty wide cross section of most prescription meds ever mentioned to possibly be of help (before tinnitus, the strongest pharmaceutical I would touch was an occasional Advil or antibiotics).
Because of tinnitus, I tried Amitriptyline, Remeron, Zoloft, Gabapentin and Trazodone.
I even got into trying 3 different Benzos, which I would consider the last resort and was very careful with them (Lorazepam, Clonazepam and Xanax).
Some made me really tired, but still was unable to sleep more than 2-3 hours per night.
This is why I'm no longer using any of them.
I also tried PEMF treatment and I even rigged up a TENS machine for Vagus nerve stimulation to no avail.
I would piss on electric fence, hack off any of my limbs and trade for any terminal condition out there, if it would give me relief from tinnitus.
I lost count of how much $ I had spent on all of that, but at this point I'm pretty much broke.
This is why I have completely given up on doctors and ENTs.
They might know more about other things and I hope this does not come across as arrogant, but when it comes to anything
tinnitus related, there is
no information they can offer me.
Sadly, because I have now given up searching for any more medical help, I will be most likely entered into the statistics as yet another tinnitus success story, just to add
insult to the injury.