Yeah middle ear symptoms regarding the stapedial, tensor tympani, and middle ear myoclonus? I think these could result from/be combined with inner ear damage, sort of like an over protection mechanism. The middle ear may also be physically damaged as well. But I know Japongus is very much focused on middle ear symptoms, and if I recall he doesn't put much merit in the inner ear stuff like synaptopathy/glial scarring.What Japongus is talking about involves a wider spread of symptoms than just the tinnitus sound alone, some of which can originate elsewhere in the auditory system.
I personally think not only can it all be involved, but that it is all connected. Inner ear damage, untreated/not healed, resulting in middle ear symptoms. In cases of acoustic trauma, the startle reflex stuff may actually be physically damaged as well as the inner ear.
Think about the wide range of symptoms a degenerated disc in the back, or an untreated broken bone can result in, all sorts of peripheral symptoms...