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Suicides Per Year?

He might be fairly new to tinnitus though, how would he know that peoples tinnitus can vary in intensity, I only found that out when coming to this forum. Its not like tinnitus is a commonly known subject, so try and see it from his side as well.

If he doesn't know then he shouldn't be saying things that are very offensive to those truly suffering.
I would speculate that the number of people who commit suicide exclusively due to tinnitus is very low. I would suggest that the number of people who die of natural causes AND have tinnitus is higher.
If he doesn't know then he shouldn't be saying things that are very offensive to those truly suffering.
I have had tinnitus for over a year. I am still annoyed from time to time by the ringing, and it is every bit as loud and piercing as it was the first day I got it. The reason I talk about mindset being important, is because that's the only thing that saved me from letting tinnitus unravel my life. I went to the doctors and specialists, I had the retraining therapy, I bought the sound generators. None of that worked in my case. I never started to get better until I refused to allow my brain to even consider the tinnitus. That's why I completely disappeared off this board for about 8 months. I get that some of the people who took offense to what I said may feel that their tinnitus is so much worse and they can't habituate, but I would assure them that they can if they put in the effort. I too thought that my tinnitus was the worst case in the world and it was impossible to ever get over it. While I thought that way, I suffered 20 times more than I suffer now. I would like to get everyone on this board to see that feeling sorry for themselves is actually making their tinnitus suffering more intense, and more long lasting.
The thing is that tinnitus can also come with hyperacusis, hearing impairments and distortions, you can't really ignore those.
I don't want to kill myself but many times, I've been wishing I were dead (and meaning it). I'm sure many can relate to this sad sentiment.
Yeah I don't really care if I die,I've attempted to end it all twice now but conveniently both times someone showed up and stopped me and as a result I'm still here,maybe it's a sign for better things to come?Doubt it sadly.
I don't want to kill myself but many times, I've been wishing I were dead (and meaning it). I'm sure many can relate to this sad sentiment.
I honestly can't relate. Sure because of the anguish of my T and H I have thought about suicide. Many here have. But I wouldn't do it because I love life. Its more like depressing this burden has been placed upon us which detracts from quality of life but certainly not enough to consider ending what is a short life sooner than necessary.
Suicide rate is pretty staggering independent of tinnitus.

Here are some facts:
Over one million people die by suicide worldwide each year. The global suicide rate is 16 per 100,000 population. On average, one person dies by suicide every 40 seconds somewhere in the world. 1.8% of worldwide deaths are suicides. Global suicide rates have increased 60% in the past 45 years.

I am pretty sure only a very minute subset of this surprising number is due to tinnitus. But those living with intrusive tinnitus...a much different thing. There was a video on this forum about a beautiful woman who suffered tremendously and finally took this path. Very sad.
I honestly can't relate. Sure because of the anguish of my T and H I have thought about suicide. Many here have. But I wouldn't do it because I love life. Its more like depressing this burden has been placed upon us which detracts from quality of life but certainly not enough to consider ending what is a short life sooner than necessary.
Suicide rate is pretty staggering independent of tinnitus.

Here are some facts:
Over one million people die by suicide worldwide each year. The global suicide rate is 16 per 100,000 population. On average, one person dies by suicide every 40 seconds somewhere in the world. 1.8% of worldwide deaths are suicides. Global suicide rates have increased 60% in the past 45 years.

I am pretty sure only a very minute subset of this surprising number is due to tinnitus. But those living with intrusive tinnitus...a much different thing. There was a video on this forum about a beautiful woman who suffered tremendously and finally took this path. Very sad.

Forgive my ignorance but if i can hear it at my pc dors that make it intrusive? If i put some music on it will generally mask it.. i feel intrusive is a vague term. If i sit in my bedroom i hear it ect ect.
I honestly can't relate. Sure because of the anguish of my T and H I have thought about suicide. Many here have. But I wouldn't do it because I love life.

I'm glad that you can't relate. It's a horrible feeling that I won't wish on anyone.

But I've already wanted to die (but not wanting to commit suicide, which is a diffent thing) for various reasons even prior to T and H. It's how I'm wired, I think.

So I can't fully blame T and H. They simply magnified whatever dark thoughts I already have.
I am still annoyed from time to time by the ringing, and it is every bit as loud and piercing as it was the first day I got it.

That just means that your T is bearable , congratulations. Not all of us are that lucky, simple as that.

Be glad that you have tinnitus that can be conquered with a mindset , dont assume that i am a pussy or lacking in the mental department because mine cannot. There are various degrees of T , some of them no matter how distressing at first can be overcome , some cannot . My best days could be like your worst , you cannot know that.

In fact I am completely confident that my best days (Only "hearing " T super Hi freq , super loud and not piercing through my brain like my head is in a microwave like most days) would devastate a LOT of people.

Now obviously I cannot know what kind of T you have , but its safe to assume that it is not as hardcore as mine since ..well ..it only needs the right mindset to not bother you.

I fight this every day and feel i am super strong , probably the strongest person i know, and for a fellow T sufferer to assume that I am just not "hard" enough perfectly demonstrates why this condition is not taken seriously.

There will be people that are suicidal with mild T, there will be people that kill themselves for mild T.
There will also be people that are still fighting severe mindblowing, brain eating headache super hi freq car alarm T and dont kill themselves.

I am sure that there are just as many types of T as there are people with T.
I don't want to kill myself but many times, I've been wishing I were dead (and meaning it). I'm sure many can relate to this sad sentiment.

I can relate. I don't think about suicide anymore but I also don't want to live a really long life. All of the maladies of old age will come on top of T and H!
In the beginning I will admit, at 8 months pregnant I did think of suicide (after delivery) as a way out of this misery. I never had a plan or would say I was completely suicidal but I was extremely depressed and lost tremendous amount of weight as well as inability to sleep well. But I have 3 kids and I would never leave them motherless. A year later, it still sucks. But I'm no longer depressed about it to that extent. I have my days or weeks where it's really bad but it always tapers and I get some relief for a few days. My T is very unstable.

I know of several people who felt this exact way in the beginning of their tinnitus journey and are doing better now although still suffer daily.
Forgive my ignorance but if i can hear it at my pc dors that make it intrusive? If i put some music on it will generally mask it.. i feel intrusive is a vague term. If i sit in my bedroom i hear it ect ect.
Nothing to forgive Sam as we are all ignorant as hell about tinnitus including all the MD's and PhD's that have tried to solve it. What is intrusive tinnitus? Ever been around objectively loud sound? Sound so large that all you want to do is get away from it? Contrast that to a whisper. Some people's tinnitus is no louder than just a hint of sound. A loud noise in your head is intrusive or acute tinnitus. It is diabolical and can rob a person of their sanity. I only prey mine never reaches this point as I don't want to consider the consequences. My tinnitus fluctuates between mild and moderate. Right now its a 2/10 and I'm grateful.
Nothing to forgive Sam as we are all ignorant as hell about tinnitus including all the MD's and PhD's that have tried to solve it. What is intrusive tinnitus? Ever been around objectively loud sound? Sound so large that all you want to do is get away from it? Contrast that to a whisper. Some people's tinnitus is no louder than just a hint of sound. A loud noise in your head is intrusive or acute tinnitus. It is diabolical and can rob a person of their sanity. I only prey mine never reaches this point as I don't want to consider the consequences. My tinnitus fluctuates between mild and moderate. Right now its a 2/10 and I'm grateful.

Thanks for your answer that clears it up a bit. Sitting at my pc now it seems a very soft humming sound, its almost soothing dare i say it, earlier today im sure it was a bit more intense and irritating, perhaps its my mood as i have been in the house for 3 days as i'm due back at work until the 3rd and its starting to get soo boring. Out for a walk tomorrow though and then i'm at a friends for NYE.

Funny thing is when im at work i always look forward to time off then when i have it i get bored after a few days at home, different if im on holiday somewhere else of course.

Edit: as it is now i could listen to all day no problem.
Yes, it always amazes me how even Tinnitus sufferers are able to overlook the subjectivity of their own condition and approach certain cases with a "more must be going on because I have Tinnitus and I don't do that" rationale. That's a bold assumption you just cannot say anything about, as due to the subjectivity of the condition we cannot know how bad it is for another person. The Tinnitus alone MIGHT have been enough to send people over the edge, it also MIGHT not. We just cannot assume "more must have been going on" solely based on our own subjective condition and how we handle it. Until this day we still cannot measure Tinnitus objectively, and even if we could; what a person can handle differs from person to person.

Still, responses along that lines are usually among the first few comments of another horrible suicide story where Tinnitus might be heavily involved, which is saddening and kind of egocentric because it only bases your reasoning on your own experiences.

When you think about the fact that exposing "criminals" or interrogated individuals to a continuous high pitched sound was (and still is) an effective psychological torture device to get out of them what you need, I think we should never underestimate the potential severe and psychologically maddening impact Tinnitus can have for an individual. It might just be enough. Really enough. It doesn't always take much to break a person.
Wow! Amazing post.
I have to say even though I'm not seriously considering suicide right now, I'm at least partially relieved to have this option for the future if my T gets worse.

Actually to me there is no better reason to commit suicide than to suffer from T. (Same for suffering from pain).
Pic.4 says it all. T is 2nd after chronic pain.

What's more disturbing about this graph is that, as miserable as all these other conditions indeed are, at the very least, there are treatments or medications that can significantly mitigate their impact. For tinnitus, there is really nothing.
What's more disturbing about this graph is that, as miserable as all these other conditions indeed are, at the very least, there are treatments or medications that can significantly mitigate their impact. For tinnitus, there is really nothing.
Hmm, I've met a guy who said to me that his chronic pain is even worse than his T. I guess it depends on case to case. Also not always pain killer help. E.g. Trigeminus neuralgia, sometimes even anticonvulsants lose effectiveness.

Concerning T, it seems so that nothing helps.
I have often thought I've found something at least helping a little and since my T fluctuates a lot I had often improvements. Right now, I realize all for nothing.
I've some trobalt which I never tried so far. Maybe its time to give them a try, just out of curiosity if it really can make a difference.
What's more disturbing about this graph is that, as miserable as all these other conditions indeed are, at the very least, there are treatments or medications that can significantly mitigate their impact. For tinnitus, there is really nothing.

I don't know about that. Yes there are painkillers, but none of them are a good long term solution for chronic pain.
Sorry to demoralize you but here is a link that gives the trend (I did not find it in this forum) :


Figures speak by themselves.

I think the numbers are actually underestimated.

They come from the analysis of a questionnaire used in a medical setting, and patients know that answering anything but "no" to the suicide questions raises a red flag for the medical teams, which could lead to things happening to you against your will, including things that could make your T worse.
I can see how people would be cautious about stating on the record that they are thinking about harming themselves.
This subject is really really really really really really really dangerous for new sufferers...

Tinnitus is really different from each sufferer. I mean, if you discover you have tinnitus and you can't find help in real life you will probably check websites like TinnitusTalk. WORST MISTAKER EVER (and I did it...).

Why ? Because people here are :
- New sufferers seeking for help
- Hard sufferers (loud tinnitus) = less than 20% of people having T

Where are those who did cure ? They just don't come back here, because trust me, I didn't hear my T during 1 year (yep, 1 year :woot:) and during that time I forgot about this website and about T in general.

If a new sufferer come here and see "Did you think about suicide once ?" do you think he will cure from T ?
Impossible, because congrats guys, you just increased his T by writing this :)

So please, before writing such a thing please please please don't forget to describe your T because I bet you hide the true part of your speech, the "my T is really loud" part.

You can't let new sufferers read your topic without knowing that your tinnitus is really loud and probably louder than his new tinnitus.

This thread I believe is helpful and informative. I think of suicide a lot. I tried to leave this life before and when I failed I figured it wasn't my time. So for now I cry over My T. I scream about it. I listen to music and leave tv on all night. I for one appreciate this forum. It showed me I'm not alone in this crap. Is there any real bonafide research going on?
This thread I believe is helpful and informative. I think of suicide a lot. I tried to leave this life before and when I failed I figured it wasn't my time. So for now I cry over My T. I scream about it. I listen to music and leave tv on all night. I for one appreciate this forum. It showed me I'm not alone in this crap. Is there any real bonafide research going on?

Sure there is. It isn't as much as the more popular stuff, but it's exponentially better than what it was a decade ago.

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