Here is my tinnitus update and some advices for you guys!
At first when I got T I almost seriously thought I would lose my mind with this.. I always thought that I was alone with this and I also went to silent places to see if my T is still there... Well, guess what, it always was there. That made me feel very sad and anxious, so I felt terrible so long!
So now when I have had this like 4months, I think I have habituated pretty well. I don't plug my ears anymore or go to silence places to hear if my there is still with me because I know it is. I think nowadays that why I want to listen that sound if I don't have to do so?? That has made a huge difference about how I feel.
I'm not scared of normal environment sounds anymore. For example, I can drive a car without thinking all the time if it's going to make my T worse.
And when I hear my T louder than usual, I can think "Well, it's louder and I can hear it, but it will come down when I just give time to it..." and then I try to focus my mind to somewhere else and listen to music to mask my louder T.
Oh yes, and thanks for my T, I have quitted smoking!
So my advices are: DON'T LISTEN TO YOUR T! Don't go to silence places if you are not ready to meet your T yet! Mask it if you feel so, because in the long run it's better for you and your T won't make you feel so bad when you know you can mask it... When you notice yourself to paying attentiont to your T, go for a run or something. Don't give it power to affect your day.
DON'T BE SCARY OF NORMAL NOISES! Like I said, your life will be so much better when you let your fear away! When you are scared of normal noises, it will make your living normal life so much harder because those noises are everywhere
DON'T THINK THAT IT WILL GO WORSE AND THERE WON'T EVER BE CURE! You all know that it will make you feel so much worse... As we all know, there will be some treatment in future, but we just have to wait for it. But you all know that phrase "Good is worth waiting"? That is good phrase now for us

If you are worried about your T going to be worse in the future, don't worry about it!!! You don't have to think it now when you have to live your current T now.. You never know if it's going to be worse, but don't worry about it now. Live in this moment and live one day at a time!
DON'T BE AFRAID TO TALK ABOUT YOUR T AND GETTING HELP FOR IT! We all know that it's so easy to think "Oh they won't understand because they don't have T...." but you know what? They can still help us. Talking about it will make you feel a lot better. I you need medications to ease your anxious, then go for it. You don't need to suffer because of this.
That's it! Those advices had helped me A LOT! I hope that this post wasn't totally useless, I thought alot that where I put this but I decided that this is positive so I put this here