The Tao of Tinnitus

Discussion in 'Alternative Treatments and Research' started by Ellen, Feb 28, 2013.

    1. carlover

      carlover Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
    2. carlover

      carlover Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Hi Ellen Ive answered this a couple of posts above and the video 2 posts up show it happening ,like a tree In a breezeThe sholin style movements are all a pre requisit to getting In this state.That is the ultimate aim of shaolin cosmos chi kung.
      Whereas in many styles ,this is just SOMETIMES a bi product and not part of that particular system.
    3. Martin

      Martin Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Hi Pete, I don't know much about Chi Kung. I became interested from what I read here about it. By coincidence a course that accepts beginners is starting this Sunday with a six hour session. They start only every half year. It is probably different to the ones that you describe, they call it Hua Gong. I think it has less emphasis on healing than zhineng chi kung. But as you wrote, why not trying it out. I'll see how it is. Thanks for your advise.
    4. AUTHOR

      Ellen Member

      Tinnitus Since:

      calin, you mentioned that yours started from the feet and travel up. I'm not sure mine started the same way, though it could if you consider that I was actually walking away from the acupunturist, feeling no effect whatsoever at first, when all of a sudden, a force of energy broke through in the manner described. I halted in amazement, just letting the energy does its thing. You couldn't have stop it anyhow, and it might be harmful. In my case, the energy felt like it's been released from some hidden reservoir in the body, something's been unblocked, and it is now free flowing through all the channels. It was like your battery was down and out, and suddenly recharging came on. That first instant recharge was so powerful, I went from sick to well. Wish tinnitus has such instantaneous cure but the acupuncturist told me T is a different modality altogether and cannot be treated by the same manner of qi release. I suffered from near total loss of vitality at that time. So I wouldn't have any excess qi to shake off then (not that I'm saying yours is a case of excess qi as I'm no qi expert).

      calin, I happen to have a friend who has similar experience of 'waves' and 'release'. He attracts people like magnet, and once or twice, electronics act up around him. Ever since his "excess" qi (my word again, may be the wrong term) left him, his life is now relatively mundane. That's just his experience though. Maybe no correlation at all to qi.
    5. AUTHOR

      Ellen Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Any reason you have a preference for Zhineng over Shaolin Whanam? (Sorry if I got this preference wrong.)
    6. sweetincense

      sweetincense Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      friend has it since childhood
      I want to let you know that Dr. Effie Chow of Chow Qi Gong teaches manual techniques in her 4 weekend Level 1 certification that apparently are amazing for tinnitus. one guy in our class had a 50% reduction in 10 minutes of manual work... I believe in her estimation tinnititus is a relatively easy fix. I also think Shaolin Wahnam and Zhineng are top notch. Chow's manual techniques are quite simple, and amazing.... Best healing wishes to all!
    7. valeri

      valeri Member Benefactor Hall of Fame

      Tinnitus Since:
      Is this only available for people in San Francisco?
      Would doing her 30 min YouTube exercise be beneficial at all?
    8. sweetincense

      sweetincense Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      friend has it since childhood
      Yes, you have to study with her wherever she's teaching. You can also see if a a chow qi gong certified level 1 practitioner is anywhere near you. No, doing her youtubes would not really help. You would be better off going to her website and purchasing her DVD's. but those do not include the manual techniques.

      I would contact her, tell her your situation, and see if she has a purchase/action recommendation given your locale. You will definitely have to commit to become a qi going practitioner on your own though. With all qi gong, you must keep doing it to really heal and stay well. The ideal is to have a practitioner treat you with emitted qi, and you do your rexercises at home. Although plenty of people heal themselves with no treating practitioner. fyi: home practice is where Shaolin Wahnam has advantages in that the practice is only 15-30 minutes once or twice a day, preferably twice. All other forms I know have benefits at 30 minutes a day, but serious major helaings of big league illnesses and diseases require 2+ hours a day of practice.

      I agree with Carlover that Zhineng (of Chil-el, also called Wisdom Healing qi gong) is amazing, as is Shaolin Wahnam, and Dr. Chow's work. Within the realm of publicly known qi gong masters and forms, these forms are amongst the very best in the world. I can't speak to the efficacy of the hidden masters. ;)

      fyi: I know people who have healed Parkinsons, MS, all manner of cancers, and other big league incurables via qi gong. In my own healing odyssey of 30 years, I have found nothing more powerful than extremely high quality qi gong. If I were queen of the world, I would have the whole world do 30 minutes of practice a day, minimum, and would rate it as far more important even than physical exercise as a daily priority for health! (it's not particularly physical). of course exercise is important, but it won't heal Parkinsons, so....that is why I say this. I deeply encourage anyone on this forum to take on a practice, and if your tinnitus doesn't heal, seek out a qi healer inside your chosen practice form who can do emitted qi and qi massage on you.
    9. adam2525

      adam2525 Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      @carlover @sweetincense have either of you heard of Master Mingtong Gu. Is he the real deal?
      Looking at his website I'm wondering if this is a case of style over substance.
    10. valeri

      valeri Member Benefactor Hall of Fame

      Tinnitus Since:

      Thank you kindly for your reply.

      I was doing qigong 18 movements shibashi for few months but now I'm not sure if other forms are more superior or more beneficial for healing?!
      Shibashi instructors couldn't tell me if that particular form would be good for tinnitus.
      So how does shibashi compare to other forms of qigong?
      I was thinking of ordering chows DVDs from the amazon.
      To be honest I've never heard of dr chow.
    11. carlover

      carlover Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Hi Adam, Mingtong gu studied at the medicineless hospital at the Zhineng centre.
      Id say he is the real deal who happens to know how to market himself in the internet age,I have every book CD and DVD he has produced. i wouldnt personally do his skype stuff because i am in a place through the training ive had not to need that reassurance if you get my meaning,
      • Helpful Helpful x 1
    12. valeri

      valeri Member Benefactor Hall of Fame

      Tinnitus Since:

      Could you please tell me if other forms of qigong are more beneficial than shibashi 18 movements?
    13. carlover

      carlover Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Valeri ,having been steeped in this stuff for 20+ years ,for me now there is only one ,zhi neng,,and if I could go off somewhere for 6 months and just practice this for hours i believe I could lick this Tinnitus,
    14. adam2525

      adam2525 Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      @carlover , what would be the best UK site for Zhineng, for info and products? ~ Adam
    15. carlover

      carlover Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
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    16. carlover

      carlover Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
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    17. tinnitussufferer

      tinnitussufferer Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      how do you know her tinnitus is cured? where is the proof
    18. carlover

      carlover Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Ape- like ,shes my mum ok?
      • Funny Funny x 1
    19. tinnitussufferer

      tinnitussufferer Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      not very scientific is it? most of what you speak of is not been approved by science. It is not accepted because it is basically not true. if there was a way to cure cancer we would be using it right now in all hospitals. So its not right to perpetuate these kinds of misinformation
    20. carlover

      carlover Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      What!! your saying she is not my mum? What proof do you have ?

      ,,,before you comment about science, proof and zhineng you should do your research on the subject,

      As for cancer my friend had no chance with his stomach cancer if chemo had worked he was still given 15 months at best,he researched refused chemo found cannabis oil took it for 6 months and cured himself.

      I have an open mind and I like my open mind,
      • Funny Funny x 1
    21. tinnitussufferer

      tinnitussufferer Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      there is no such thing as chi. It cannot be proven and so is not scientific. It is just a word which has been made up and does not mean anythin
    22. tinnitussufferer

      tinnitussufferer Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      I dont have to prove anything. You are the one saying that tinnitus was cured. Which cant be proven?
    23. carlover

      carlover Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      There is so much I can cut and paste,regarding western Drs working at the medicineless hospital run by Dr Pang Ming (also a western trained Dr) and the successes ,never mind if Chi is real or not,but you have a closed mind so i cant be bothered,and i havent got to prove anything have I.I have nothing to sell go and find that lady and call her a liar.
      Wish you well
    24. carlover

      carlover Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
    25. valeri

      valeri Member Benefactor Hall of Fame

      Tinnitus Since:

      Sorry but I got a bit lost in this thread, are you saying that shibashi is not as good or beneficial as the other forms of qigong?
      How do I get to learn the one you recommend?
    26. carlover

      carlover Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Valeri there is only one form I reccomend Zhineng ( chi lel In USA) It has such a formal structure.Google Zhineng Australia youwill find info

      Look at this

      Basically this relates to the medicineless hospital ,western Drs would take symptomology before and after the patients stay. This is not some Micky Mouse Nonsense we are talking about here.
      Sadly the Chinses Govt Closed it down around 2000 they had a purge on any groups of more than 50 people gathered,This hospital had 5/600 at any one time,however many of the Teachers still teach around the world.
    27. valeri

      valeri Member Benefactor Hall of Fame

      Tinnitus Since:

      Thank you for your reply.
      What is your opinion on dr chow's qigong?
    28. carlover

      carlover Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Hi Valeri ,dont know enough to comment re dr chow.
    29. valeri

      valeri Member Benefactor Hall of Fame

      Tinnitus Since:

      No zhineng classes here where I live, adelaide, South Australia, disappointing coz I'm willing to try anything:(
      Are there any DVDs that you would recommend?
    30. sweetincense

      sweetincense Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      friend has it since childhood
      To the person who said qi is not real, it is very easy to feel and experience all by yourself! is so considered "real" that the National Institute of Health right here in the US, has funded qi gong studies. Check out PUBMED.

      I would agree though that qi is that, it is not yet scientifically defined, though it is believed to be comprised in different conditions of many types of known energy, including electromagnetism, light energy, etc.

      But feeling it and experiencing the benefits of cultivating itself is the most exciting thing of all!

      Try this: try putting your right thumb into the center of your left palm and digging in a bit, moving the thumb in circles and then just holding the hand with the thumb pressing in for a minute or so. Then do the other hand. Be paying attention to how the INSIDE of your held hand feels , and pay attention to the INSIDES of your arms. Compare the sensation of the inside of the held hand/arm to the feeling on the inside of the hand/arm doing the holding. You may even experience sensation up to your head, or even other parts of thebody. If not, no worries... :) Then do the other hand. then rub your hands together, and start to do La-Chi..... shown here.
      Chi Lel_La Chi Practice.flv

      Try that, and report back if you felt the qi! It's easy! I hope you like it!

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