Hi there!
to start: I am not a doctor or a medical professional, I share everything below as a layperson with opinions. Given what share below, I feel the need to disclaim, though I do not know if that is legally necessary, here goes:
My writings on tinnitustalk.com provide general information and discussion about medicine, health and related subjects. The words and other content provided in these writings, and in any linked materials, are not intended and should not be construed as medical advice. If the reader or any other person has a medical concern, he or she should consult with an appropriately-licensed physician or other health care worker.
Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this blog or in any linked materials. If you think you may have a medical emergency, call your doctor or 000 immediately.
The views expressed in these writings have no relation to those of any academic, hospital, practice or other institution with which the authors is or is not affiliated.
Here's the promised long response. I am sorry, Valeri, to add to your confusion, which this entry may..... My encouragement to you would be to check out websites, youtubes, get a vibe off of the person, watch their videos, pick one, and dig in. I include a way to start practicing for free absolutely immediately, below.
so, here are some more contemplations and potential directions....I hope these links make it--they come cut/pasted from emails to other people. I repeat some information that Carlover has already provided, it seems....
As I wrote to Carlover, I have not studied Zhineng extensively but am familiar with their basic practice and know that it has an incredible track record, and I feel, a very sweet "qi field", connected to it.
First, I am remembeirng now: Ooi Kean Hin does skype and distance healing work--he's a Zhineng Master and Healer, a brilliant mind, and fascinating scientist, witty, sweet, kind--the one shown in Carlover's video. He is incredible, and he is very responsive to emails! I met him while in Penang--he kindly agreed simply to meet with me to discuss the world of qi gong, Zhineng qi gong, and his fascinating studies and work. So, personally, I would contact him and ask what he charges to do distance emitted qi work for tinnitis. He could very well have success stories! Carlover? You studied with him? I would like to study with him someday too--he has a group of healers doing emitted qi work in his clinic in Penang. I deeply and enthusiastically admire this man's passion to bring qi gong into the world of recognized, "legitimate" medicine. It is so powerful, and as this world deals with increasing health issues, it needs self-empowering answers to "incurable" things....and I believe qi gong has them. God bless Ooi Kean Hin and his mission!
I know you can get really solid learning materials from chicenter.com. Ming Tong Gu is one of the remaining 30 or so high level masters trained at the center itself by Dr. Pang (I was told there are 80 remaining teachers from the center itself, 30 of whom, including Ming Tong Gu, are world class healers. He was named by Dr. Effie Chow's Annual World Congress on Qi Gong, Qi Gong Master of the Year in 2014. Sifu Wong of Shaolin Wahnam Chi Kung (I always forget he uses Chi Kung instead of Qi Gong) was named by the Congress as Qi Gong Master of the Year in 2009, I believe it was.
I can say I have heard others say of Ming Tong Gu that he is not as collaborative in spirit as the other remaining Masters trained by Dr. Pang, but that is the only thing negative I have ever heard of him, and i have heard much positive. His office staff is spectactularly kind, loving, helpful, though I have never met him. I personally know one of the women, Bianca Molle, who has cured herself of Parkinsons under Ming Tong Gu's instruction. I have his DVD's and CD's, and I find them potent and very well put together. My Dad is strengthened and feels good (he has Parkinsons) every time he simply takes a nap with one of the qi transmission healing DVD's (not for exercising to, just listening to).
I do not know any of the other Zhineng (or Chil-El) teacher's recordings, but....I bet there are other good ones out there! I love Wei Qi Feng of Daohearts so much (his accent is heavier though which for some may be a challenge...). He is a true sweetheart--I personally would very much like to study someday with him soon. BTW, he is on tour right now teaching in New Zealand, if you can pop over from Australia! just google him to get to his blog and contact his assistant Harmony. She can also tell you where to get his recordings, I know they have them. As you can tell, I appreciate so much about the world of qi gong, and the hearts of Harmony and Wei to me epitomize the essence of what I feel Zhineng Qi Gong to be about..... Wei's personal practice itself is so elegant.
btw, you could start a Zhineng practice for FREE tonight if you follow these instructions below! Sorry, it's a bit messy going to copy/paste from an email sent to a friend who is very ill, and without money for treatment whatsoever. the encouragement I give her to do qi gong all day long is because she is incredibly ill. If you can get a 1 hr/day practice going, that is a fantastic start. And you will likely notice your energy and well-being start to shift quickly. Side note: for a general way to treat your ears, you can do a practice, and when your qi is flowing, rub your hands together, and just massage and hold them over the ears for a few minutes, focusing qi on the ears and intending them to heal. you might also try the daily habit of ending your practice by rubbing your kidneys and massaging the back over them, holding your palms over them--they are associated with the ears. Ok, on to the larger practice:
- 1. okay, start here. just start doing qi gong all day, whenever you can wake up and do it, so a few minutes, fall asleep, do some more, do it in your imagination if you cannot do it physically. Please, I do not have time to explain all of this, or how amazing Chil El (aka Zhineng or Wisdom Healing Qi gong) is, but...there's a huge qi field that's available to you RIGHT NOW to start helping you. Just intend to tap in, and you are IN, and it's helping you. I cannot emphasize what I am saying enough! Get going girl! Okay, more instruction to follow. Just do La chi as much as you can when you are not following the next instructions. Be sure to feel the qi (burning, cold, tingling, whatever sensations you personally get, between your hands. try to have a relaxedly focused mind to the bes tof your ability, and keep your mind on any energetic sensations you have in your being, look also for enhanced saliva flow--all signs that energy is rolling and you are now in a therapeutic qi state....just gentle awareness of these things, and if you do not feel them for a while, do not worry, just keep gently going).

Chi Lel_La Chi Practice.flv
I made this in 2009, originally for a friend who had a brain tumor whom I could not practice directly with due to being in different states. It is showing La...
2. Watch this Zhineng Qi gong full class intro level class for free, and do what you can of the exercises: you could add the exercises he demos to your daily routine.

The Chi Center ~ Beginning Qigong Practice
Mingtong Gu is an internationally recognized teacher and healer who received his training from a variety of Grandmasters in China and at the world's largest ...
3. Now, EVERY DAY, prefreferably twice, do this Lift Qi Up, Pour Qi Down practice. here is an abbreviated 17 minute practice, but search and you can find videos of it done over a 25 minute period. I imagine 17 minutes is plenty for you given your fatigue level. Do it in your imagination if you cannot actually do it. . Keep your mind relaxededly focused if possible, scan your body for qi sensations gently as you practice. again, do not worry if you do not notice any at first.

Daily 17 min Qi Gong practice with Mingtong
Qi (Chi) means "life energy" and gong means "cultivation and its benefits." Qigong, an ancient technology and revitalized science of energy healing, has deve...
4. play these healing session audios once a day when you are resting. this is another Zhineng qi gong teacher. they are all part of the same qi field, if that makes any sense. they are all considered amongst the top living Zhineng qi gong teachers in the world. all of these recordings are potentized. again, no time to explain what i have experienced or seen, but just get going with all these! Don't worry about how it will work, or if you can really understand what htey are saying... just play them, and rest if you can. i play them in the background even when I do work around the house, and even in such a sloppy fashion, I notice a lift.

Qi Healing with Teacher Xi Xiaofeng
Join Teacher Xi Xiaofeng and his friends at Harmonious Big Family for a Qi healing practice. This is a recording of a recent HBF online session on 23 June 20...
- Here is a blog of some of these teachers, in case you are interested. https://harmoniousbigfamily.wordpress.com/tag/prominent-zhineng-qigong-teachers/
Posts about prominent Zhineng Qigong teachers on Harmonious Big Family
Posts about prominent Zhineng Qigong teachers written by Harmonious Big Family
- 5. here is the chicenter.com, home of Ming Tong Gu and Wisdom Healing Qi Gonjg . fyi o, regarding Zhineng qi gong, at this point it is alternatively called Chil El, Wisdom Healing Qi Gong (by Ming Tong Gu). You can find tons of amazing info and testimonials and information about Dr. Pang nad the medicine free hospital he had in China--he is the developer
- okay, so to repeat, here's an instantly implementable practice, using the free links/videos above:
1. doing la qi in as frequent an interval as you can, all day long
2. watch the beginner class. mark down times in the recording where he does exercises. do those exercises once a day in your mind or physically.
3. 2-3 x a day, do the LCUPCD (Lift Chi Up Pour Chi Down) 17 minute daily practice video
- 4. Play the qi healing session audios....just rest and listen once per day or play while you are sleeping.
HUGE HUGS! xoxoxox
- ps. if that list seems daunting, just do whatever you can, as much as you can, right away, and each day do a tiny bit more... do not strain yourself, just be focusedly determined, make an effort, get tired, rest, recoup, start again. hope that's clear!
and don't eat gluten, dairy, or sugar if you can please stop doing that asap! ;
Ok, new tinnitus group friends, I just checked my email, et voila, I have more to add to this now very large entry.
Synchronously! Wow-JUST got this letter from Dr. Chow whom I am in correspondence with and will resume studies with someday. She's a great lady, as well as a great Grandmaster! I had been writing her to ask her blessings for my decision to go work with Sifu Wong, due to my Dad's I-don't-want-to-work-for-my-health requirements. This was her reply--thought I'd post it due to the exciting random synchronous tinnitis mention. And...I was just remembering, I myself once helped effect a tinnitis healing long long ago! I had completely forgotten this. I had just learned Reconnective Healing, only Level 1, and I worked on a girlfriend, and her ringing stopped immediately. It stayed gone for over a year. As you will note below, Dr. Chow reports that this person's qi effect was 10 days out. When you get healings like that, the common wisdom is, you have a far greater chance of "keeping them" if you actually have your own practice and are keeping your qi levels high and replenished.
From Dr. Chow:
"I know Master Wong Kiew Kit very well and highly respect him. Did you ask him how quickly your dad can expect results from the "forbidden to practice more than 15 minutes two times a day"? (Elizabeth inserting: Sifu Wong said that with his pracitce people see results at 3,6, 9 months, with most diseases highly resolved by 9 months. I actually had changes occur in the first session of class with him. His son runs a facility in Kuala Lampur that guarantees complete healing with a contract and medical doctor's signing off of all diseases if you stay for 1 year. I was told the cost is $10,000. They said they had had 80 yo's with advanced Alzheimer's heal completely. So, I can say nothing personally about that, but since I am here reporting for other's benefit, I am simply sharing what I know for others to investigate. his classes in general are the most expensive I have ever encountered. But... something like healing from Parkinsons or Alzheimer's for $10,000? I would never complain of that. continuing with Dr. Chow's lettter...: )
The following is my news and good....Out of many clients, I want to share these two especially with you.....In the past two weeks I had a client with severe MS and another with severe Parkinsons'.
One client from France with serious MS and breast cancer...Cancer is now almost in remission with Chow Qigong. With her MS she had severe mobility problems--mincing steps, staggering balance, right shoulder lower than left, moderate scoliosis, problem with stairs, cold hands and feet, weakness and stiffness of legs more with left leg, severe left leg spasms/cramps, cannot be touched without jerking,-- now all 90% improved!
Second client from Illinois with severe parkinsons' -- exhibiting mincing steps, loss of balance needing to hold onto something in walking very slowly, slight speech impairment, constant moderate to severe tremors worse in left hand/arm, cannot climb up and downstairs without holding tightly to banister, severe constant sciatica pains, have not been on floor for years cannot get down to nor up from floor, trouble getting in and out of bed, trouble sitting down to and getting up from chair, etc.. -- came for four days intensive work with Chow Qigong....first day tremors controlled, and within the four days, all the above 95% improvement...eg. could easily get down and up from chair and floor, get in and out of bad easily, walked up and down stairs easily without needing banister, walk with longer strides and balanced, and etc....
You know I teach that healing energy is transferable...well, her daughter had constant ringing in the ears for nearly two years, at the end of the first day (I did not personally work with her, but asked her to absorb the healing that was taking place), her ringing in her ears totally disappeared and did not have it for the rest of four days...reported ten days later that it is still clear!
I wish you and your dad all the best with Master Wong Kew Kit....Hope your dad gets tremendous success.... Please let us know how he does, and that I am here if you need anything"
So, that is a sweet note from Dr. Chow! I hope someday to also complete my certification with her. Her manual techniques are really amazing! And her certification system is very succinct, easy, and frankly would be beautiful for every human in to have in their life-skills toolbox. Her accupressure and manual techniques are whip-smart and incredibly simple to use, and energetically harmonize with her Precious 8 Exercises (tweaks of the 8 Silk Brocade). Her manual techniques can be absolute lifesavers in emergencies. I had two friends experience total disappearance of pain and numbness from 6 & 7 year injuries in a single session with me--and I am a total novice, if perhaps a good qi conduit. As Dr. Chow taught me, I credit God, those techniques, and of course the willingness of the friends worked on to heal.
You can learn via her recordings too, but not about her manual techniques that deal with the tinnitis...although, again, I encourage you to contact her, as perhaps there could be possiblities embedded in her recordings that I am not remembering clearly, for those of you who want to work with her, but cannot travel to receive treatments or study. She does long distance qi emission too, but not sure about that for tinnitis..again, just ask her!.... I believe I posted elswhere to buy her recordings online. Here's the link.
http://eastwestqi.storenvy.com/ And here is her email
eastwestqi@aol.com Again, even if you just get a practice going off of videos, that is quite the boost up in life! Dr. Chow also has a great youtube channel with some free meditations, and a couple exercises, and tons of qi gong information, and footage from her annual World Congresses. She is a treasure and a great promoter of these arts worldwide, as well as an incredibly potent Grandmaster teacher and healer.
I just deeply urge and re-urge people, please get going with some very high level of qi gong!!!! Make sure it's a form in which you find testimonials of tinnitis healings, since that is your main focus. but really, healing your tinnitis is just a hint of what is possible with qi gong, it so deeply empowers and awakens your life.
Carlover, you are far more experienced a practitioner than I.....please correct anything I write above if you believe it in appropriate for people on this site.....
Wishing everyone the best, and happy healing!