I was enjoying a night out with friends. We went to a loud concert and I made the mistake of standing right next to a big speaker. I came out of the show very distressed because I had maddening ringing in my ears so I went to the ER. After about a half hour of waiting, I was called back. After I told the doctor what happened, he performed an audiogram. I had moderate to severe damage to both inner ears. He took me to the 5th floor where I lied on a cot and was put to sleep. I woke up to complete silence and my hearing was better then it was before. They put me under this machine which was kinda like a CAT scan but instead of taking pictures of the brain, it emits this green light on the ear and the auditory cortex. The light shines through the ear and regenerates the damaged cochlea while normalizing the auditory cortex. It took 10 minutes. On my way out, he told me that I was lucky because 100 years ago, there was close to nothing that could be done. People were stuck with the noise for life in hopes that it would go away on it's own. Ah well back to clubbing!