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Thiamine Pyrophosphate (TPP) Stopped My Tinnitus!

Suffered from Tinnitus for so long I'm not totally sure I remember when it started....let's just say well over 20 years. This year the fluttering in my left ear along with the 24/7 365 screeching in both ears, nearly constant headaches, reached a point that I was exhausted, sleeping was getting very challenging, hearing in most any environments was iffy at best, in short, pretty horrible. Then I read this thread about B-1, as most of us will do...

I was game for just about anything. Found the pills on Amazon, low priced and I had some free shipping to use up so what the heck, give it a shot AND.....it worked... to a degree, a welcome degree ;) The fluttering in my left ear is gone, completely, headaches are nearly gone (amazing) the screeching (to describe that sound, thousands of crazy birds all squawking at the same time very loudly) has diminished by roughly 1/2. I've been taking one pill before I go to bed and then one in the morning, for two weeks, but I'm strongly considering upping the dosage and monitor the results. Waking up from actually sleeping is such a welcome change I can't really put it into words. When I wake up, that's the most quiet the screeching is all day but having some relief (at all) is extremely welcome, to say the least.

Please understand, I'm not saying I'm cured, it's not gone, it's noticeably better....I can live with this, not happily living with it but much closer to a tolerable level.

Haven't noticed any ill side effects just the positive changes. I've since ordered a large supply of these pills from Amazon, I'm convinced I'll be taking this until something better comes along.
Suffered from Tinnitus for so long I'm not totally sure I remember when it started....let's just say well over 20 years. This year the fluttering in my left ear along with the 24/7 365 screeching in both ears, nearly constant headaches, reached a point that I was exhausted, sleeping was getting very challenging, hearing in most any environments was iffy at best, in short, pretty horrible. Then I read this thread about B-1, as most of us will do...

I was game for just about anything. Found the pills on Amazon, low priced and I had some free shipping to use up so what the heck, give it a shot AND.....it worked... to a degree, a welcome degree ;) The fluttering in my left ear is gone, completely, headaches are nearly gone (amazing) the screeching (to describe that sound, thousands of crazy birds all squawking at the same time very loudly) has diminished by roughly 1/2. I've been taking one pill before I go to bed and then one in the morning, for two weeks, but I'm strongly considering upping the dosage and monitor the results. Waking up from actually sleeping is such a welcome change I can't really put it into words. When I wake up, that's the most quiet the screeching is all day but having some relief (at all) is extremely welcome, to say the least.

Please understand, I'm not saying I'm cured, it's not gone, it's noticeably better....I can live with this, not happily living with it but much closer to a tolerable level.

Haven't noticed any ill side effects just the positive changes. I've since ordered a large supply of these pills from Amazon, I'm convinced I'll be taking this until something better comes along.

Are you swallowing the pill or dissolving under the tongue?
So sorry for my very slow reply! under my tongue as the directions suggest. And an update, I was without these pills for about 6 days and I can definitely tell you that although the positive effect of this pill is not 100% as I've previously stated, it helps! In particular, I "hear" several different frequencies of "screeches" constantly and when I take this pill two of those frequencies quiet down quite a bit. The day I received my new batch of pills, about an hour later I noticed those particular frequencies/screeching subsided to the point that I almost....can't hear them.
Also, the directions say one pill per day, unfortunately, that doesn't work for me, one pill for about 8 hours....I'm hoping I can cut that down but for now that seems to work best. I truly, truly hope this input helps anyone suffering as I am!
Suffered from Tinnitus for so long I'm not totally sure I remember when it started....let's just say well over 20 years. This year the fluttering in my left ear along with the 24/7 365 screeching in both ears, nearly constant headaches, reached a point that I was exhausted, sleeping was getting very challenging, hearing in most any environments was iffy at best, in short, pretty horrible. Then I read this thread about B-1, as most of us will do...

I was game for just about anything. Found the pills on Amazon, low priced and I had some free shipping to use up so what the heck, give it a shot AND.....it worked... to a degree, a welcome degree ;) The fluttering in my left ear is gone, completely, headaches are nearly gone (amazing) the screeching (to describe that sound, thousands of crazy birds all squawking at the same time very loudly) has diminished by roughly 1/2. I've been taking one pill before I go to bed and then one in the morning, for two weeks, but I'm strongly considering upping the dosage and monitor the results. Waking up from actually sleeping is such a welcome change I can't really put it into words. When I wake up, that's the most quiet the screeching is all day but having some relief (at all) is extremely welcome, to say the least.

Please understand, I'm not saying I'm cured, it's not gone, it's noticeably better....I can live with this, not happily living with it but much closer to a tolerable level.

Haven't noticed any ill side effects just the positive changes. I've since ordered a large supply of these pills from Amazon, I'm convinced I'll be taking this until something better comes along.
What doses you take? like how many mg? Thanks
I did the SpectraCell Micronutrient laboratory test, which is a blood test that checks for a number of vitamins and minerals, including vitamin B-1 (thiamine). It is only available in the United States and Canada, because the blood samples must reach the lab within 24 hours.


The test itself is a bit controversial - it is not vetted with the FDA, and many doctors may not consider the results meaningful, but many health insurance plans seem to cover it. Be all that as it may, I got my results back yesterday and they showed a severe vitamin B-1 deficiency.

So, I have followed the suggestion of @Azariah and ordered the Source Naturals Coenzymated B-1 from Amazon.


Looking forward to receiving my bottle and trying it.
Hope it helps. I have not had my B vitamin levels tested but neither the B1 nor the B complex made any difference for me. They also seemed to give me insomnia but most vitamin supplements do.
Keep us posted, I have been taking this for a few months , no difference.

After 4 days at 50 mg per day, no difference.

By the way, I am taking two tablets per day (25 mg each) instead of one because SpectraCell recommended 50 mg daily. However, I am unclear if 50 mg of coenzymated B-1 is equivalent to 50 mg of regular B-1. @Azariah do you know the answer to this?
This discussion of high dose thiamine therapy is interesting. I wonder if any crossover implications for T. Probably only one way to find out...

"This is high-dose vitamin B-1 therapy. According to Medline the recommended daily thiamine dose for healthy people is 1-2 mgs and 300 mgs for people with 'severe' thiamine deficiency. The Italian group gave their patients (with normal thiamine blood levels) from 600 to 1,500 mgs of thiamine per day (depending on their body weight). The doctors observed an 'all or nothing' response, with no response being shown until the correct dose was found."

Amazing how many of these fly by night therapies appear only to be debunked by the vast majority. Saffron, CBD oil, etc, etc.
Amazing how many of these fly by night therapies appear only to be debunked by the vast majority. Saffron, CBD oil, etc, etc.
Unfortunately, this appears to be true.

I would respond by saying that we each have to find our own cure...

However, even the authors of these threads often come back later to report that their "cure" has taken flight.

In the meantime, scores of people on the forum have already run out and purchased the "cure" and reported their results.

Then we learn--much later--that the author, along with many of the forum test subjects, are taking multiple other supplements and drugs a day, and that their tinnitus fluctuates anyway.

It is very disconcerting, to say the least.
Amazing how many of these fly by night therapies appear only to be debunked by the vast majority. Saffron, CBD oil, etc, etc.

This thread has been around long enough that we can go back and actually count how many people feel that they were helped by TPP and how many weren't. I went back and counted, and I would disagree that this has been "debunked by a vast majority."

Here is the list of posters who feel that TPP had a positive effect on their T:
bread man
Paul Burdett

Here is the list of posters who think they had a positive initial reaction to TPP which then seemed to wear off:

Here is someone who feels it didn't help his T, but cured another long-standing medical issue, Restless Leg Syndrome (which, btw, is associated with T):

Here is the list of posters who feel TPP didn't help their T at all:

By my count, there are 14 posters who tried TPP and then reported back. Of those 14, 5 claim to have had a major positive effect from it.

That is 36%.

64% claim they weren't helped by TPP.

I don't think the numbers warrant claiming this has been "debunked." Debunked implies it's just hogwash and doesn't help anyone.

36% positive effect is pretty good.
So glad I stumble upon this thread. I suffer from both regular T and PT. I've had regular T for most of my life. I didn't realize that I actually had T until I developed PT. I just thought the ringing in my ears was what everyone heard! Having PT is No fun at all and like everyone I have good days and bad days. I try not to let it bother me, but unfortunately, it does some times. Especially when I tell myself that I notice that thumping and whooshing going on inside my head.

Anyway-why I'm here; I have noticed a significant drop in my PT over I'd say the last three weeks. And the only thing I can really think as to why I've noticed a drop is that I have been taking Women's One A Day metabolism vitamin. And here is why:
I try to take the vitamin at the same time every day (around lunch time). And I can notice when I'm due for it. My PT is usually very noticeable, even in a loud room. But these last few weeks have been pure heaven. It's still there but it's very subtle. I actually have to listen to really hear the PT.

Right now, though, I am going through a little bit of a spike in my PT due to something else entirely. But I just thought I would post this on here and maybe someone else will have a little bit of luck like I did!
I take a pill a day but never noticed any changes
I guess I don't have a vitamin b1 deficiency
I do like the taste of those pills under the tongue and I ordered a bunch of bottles back then
Interesting thread. Occurs to me that one should take B vitamins as a complex together and not as an individual supplement or it just gets too likely to cause imbalance, especially if you are already probably low on vitamins in general and therefore very sensitive to any change in the levels available.
Has anyone tried including Sulbutiamine with for example the Source Naturals Coenzymate B Complex product?
Hi Sam,

Who is telling you your CPAP machine will cost $2000? That's outrageous! I bought the highest rated one, brand new, for $800. You can get a good one for $400.

If you need a BIPAP machine, those will cost more, but even the highest priced BIPAP I could find was $1700. (Most BIPAPS are around $1000.)

Try searching at CPAP.com and you'll see what I mean.
I installed a ceiling fan in the bedroom..... excellent results so far.
I have some Thiamine Hydrochloride in my cupboard, is this the same stuff? Thanks

Nope. It's not the same.

TPP is the activated form of thiamine. Thiamine HCl needs to be changed to TPP in the body first before it can be used. Working theory is that some people can't do this, so it wouldn't work for T.

Personally, Thiamine HCl never made my T better. Only TPP did.
Will do still awaiting delivery....slow !

Arrived just after my post above.
Have taken one, and had the most massive Hissssssy spike about an hour after taking...who knows...hisssing still going strong. Maybe it just super excites nerves. Which is I guess what we dont want ?
Will persevere for a few days though and let you know !!!:confused:
Arrived just after my post above.
Have taken one, and had the most massive Hissssssy spike about an hour after taking...who knows...hisssing still going strong. Maybe it just super excites nerves. Which is I guess what we dont want ?
Will persevere for a few days though and let you know !!!:confused:
Swansons also have an activated B1 - good solid company.
Going to give it a try !


NOT FOR ME !!!!!!!
Created the most awful increase in Hissing that is still on going.
Wicked stuff.:cry:

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