Look into a 'Basenji'. They are literally known as the barkless dog. They don't bark. They can however apparently make a yoddle type of sound. They are known to be quiet, loving, calm and loyal.
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Those breeds are so regal looking.
They are beautiful. Small but very dignified in appearance. They are apparently bred to hunt Lions in Africa so they are not fearful. Depending on your situation however, they can be quite aloof, cat like and will usually only bond with one or two people in a family setting but their bonds to select individuals is very strong.
They are also extremely intelligent and said to be the oldest dog breed, with paintings and carvings of them going back to the Egyptians. Very interesting. They are also said to be very clean and meticulous in regards to their own appearance, licking and cleaning themselves like cats while shedding very little. If anyone does look into this breed, they are known to suffer from a genetic kidney disorder so make sure you purchase from a reputable breeder who can trace its lineages. I myself may look into this breed.
Get a Pokémon.
Pokémon is a messed up concept because you are hunting animals and enslaving them to fight each other.HAHAHAHAHA that made me laugh way to hard. Ive been actually binge watching pokemon last two weeks due to my anxiety. How I would love a pokemon, my house would be full of them.
Hey, yeah she is about 6 months now...they grow up really fast! She is barking more now than ever, whenever someone is at the door she goes absolutely nuts. If i am really close to her (within a feet) then yeah it bugs me...but if i am a room away or 6 feet away it doesn't bother me. She's a tiny dog so her bark is more shrill but not high in volume. I haven't had any issues since I've got her.@coffee_girl how is your yorkie going. I remember you had smiliar concerns to me when reading one of your other threads. Are your ears still hurting when your yorkie barks or no?
Hey, yeah she is about 6 months now...they grow up really fast! She is barking more now than ever, whenever someone is at the door she goes absolutely nuts. If i am really close to her (within a feet) then yeah it bugs me...but if i am a room away or 6 feet away it doesn't bother me. She's a tiny dog so her bark is more shrill but not high in volume. I haven't had any issues since I've got her.
@Jazzer Om gosh hahahaha that is hilarious, hope your wife got her sewing machine back after the standoff! Also I looked into blue Persians apparently there hypoallergenic so maybe my allergies wont be as bad with one.
@Jcb awwww id love a husky maybe one day i shall get one of those down the line. Ive heard however you need two of them otherwise they can destroy the house?
@Vin That definitely looks like a regal dog, i might have to look into it more if it doesnt bark.
Her name is millie. I think once you get a dog you will find that they really distract you from your T. I haven't been on the forums or thought about my T much since the last month because she really takes up all my thought process.At least you know she is a good guard dog lol. I am glad its worked out well for you. What is her name?
Is this a British short hair cat?
They're so precious! My dream is to have British short hair one dayYes Shelby. I have two.