Those Whose Noise-Induced Tinnitus Never Faded Away — Should They Have Protected Their Hearing More?

Things can improve for you, PeteJ. I'll send you the list of successful recoveries of T that I have from this board - minimal habituation. The fact that you've had some silence is a good thing!
Thanks. I tried to send a PM to you but couldn't. No problem though. I don't know if steroids would have helped but I have asked a few drs including one at the ER and none would.
I wish I was able to experience that. That is a good sign though, I'm pretty sure.
I hope so. Btw, sorry for my tone. I'm upset and can't help it. I really hope it fades for you, too. I wish it could fade for all of us.

I wish this condition was more understood by the medical community so they could answer our questions and treat it with an actual cure - instead of saying we have to habituate and pretending we don't exist.
Thanks. I tried to send a PM to you but couldn't. No problem though. I don't know if steroids would have helped but I have asked a few drs including one at the ER and none would.
Yeah, I can't seem to PM you either. Some people have said the prednisone did nothing, but I would rather have done it.
I read up to a month after, two weeks the most acute, it still has the possibility of helping.
I believe that's about right. The sooner, the better. I believe some members on here have the drug ready just in case of a neew trauma.
Yeah, I can't seem to PM you either. Some people have said the prednisone did nothing, but I would rather have done it.

I believe that's about right. The sooner, the better. I believe some members on here have the drug ready just in case of a neew trauma.
Really? That's strange.

Did you try to get it or you did?
I can see your profile, but I don't get to see 'Start a Conversation'. Must be a glitch.

I didn't know about it until it was too late. I asked my GP and she said she wouldn't give it to me at this stage :/ In fact, she seemed surprised I thought it would work for T. It's probably going to be one of the biggest frustrations of my life. It could've done nothing, but I'll never know. I do know that other people have reported a temporary decrease or even temporary silence of their T out of the acute stage. The drug does apparently make you feel awful in other ways though. I've read people report tiredness and muscle soreness.
I can see your forum, but I don't get to see 'Start a Conversation'. Must be a glitch.

I didn't know about it until it was too late. I asked my GP and she said she wouldn't give it to me at this stage :/ In fact, she seemed surprised I thought it would work for T. It's probably going to be one of the biggest frustrations of my life. It could've done nothing, but I'll never know. I do know that other people have reported a temporary decrease or even temporary silence of their T out of the acute stage. The drug does apparently make you feel awful in other ways though. I've read people report tiredness and muscle soreness.

I read someone took it two months after onset and it lowered their T to very, very mild.
Niiiice! It's a drug that needs major studies behind it. I believe most studies of using prednisone for T are of small sample size. Sure, it's not a cure, but a large study could go towards making it standard treatment procedure for tinnitus patients in the acute stage, or discounted if the study shows it's not useful enough in enough cases.
Niiiice! It's a drug that needs major studies behind it. I believe most studies of using prednisone for T are of small sample size. Sure, it's not a cure, but a large study could go towards making it standard treatment procedure for tinnitus patients in the acute stage, or discounted if the study shows it's not useful enough in enough cases.

I just wish I had Jason C's genetics LOL.
I can see your profile, but I don't get to see 'Start a Conversation'. Must be a glitch.

I didn't know about it until it was too late. I asked my GP and she said she wouldn't give it to me at this stage :/ In fact, she seemed surprised I thought it would work for T. It's probably going to be one of the biggest frustrations of my life. It could've done nothing, but I'll never know. I do know that other people have reported a temporary decrease or even temporary silence of their T out of the acute stage. The drug does apparently make you feel awful in other ways though. I've read people report tiredness and muscle soreness.
I am in Canada and while at the ER, a Dr was talking to a patient 'next door' about giving prednisone for some other ailment. I wanted to go over there and say, '...and a 'script for me, too, please!'
My ears got better over the noticeably better around 3 months and then stagnated at 8 months and has stayed the same since. The truth is that you can't always predict the future (or future exposures)...these things take time and a positive mindset will help and will make time go by faster (so it feels like you are healing faster). My T is still doing well despite me being a little careless recently so yea =]
Yeah, I can't seem to PM you either. Some people have said the prednisone did nothing, but I would rather have done it.

I believe that's about right. The sooner, the better. I believe some members on here have the drug ready just in case of a neew trauma.

You think it's safe to keep and have it ready and just take it? I have a bottle that I never finish because my ent told me to stop because I didn't need it
You think it's safe to keep and have it ready and just take it? I have a bottle that I never finish because my ent told me to stop because I didn't need it


I took Prednisone 2 weeks after onset and it took the edge off after 2 weeks of taking it (could just be from time), BUT, I experienced re-emerging sounds from the beginning after I got off prednisone. (Thankfully they subsided after another week).

During my Prednisone I actually didn't have too many side effects. In fact I lost about 10 lbs, no weight gain, because I was so depressed and anxious.

Then, after my final taper day I completely emotionally crashed, hard. I cried and cried and cried. I also was seriously dehydrated, and had no appetite, along with muscle soreness. That took a couple days to turn around.

Prednisone is a serious drug that shouldn't be taken like an Advil. You need a specific dosage, with a long taper, and even then getting off it can hurt. Please take this advice seriously.

I took Prednisone 2 weeks after onset and it took the edge off after 2 weeks of taking it (could just be from time), BUT, I experienced re-emerging sounds from the beginning after I got off prednisone. (Thankfully they subsided after another week).

During my Prednisone I actually didn't have too many side effects. In fact I lost about 10 lbs, no weight gain, because I was so depressed and anxious.

Then, after my final taper day I completely emotionally crashed, hard. I cried and cried and cried. I also was seriously dehydrated, and had no appetite, along with muscle soreness. That took a couple days to turn around.

Prednisone is a serious drug that shouldn't be taken like an Advil. You need a specific dosage, with a long taper, and even then getting off it can hurt. Please take this advice seriously.
Really? Not like Advil, what about Zoloft, Xanax, Valium, Oxycontin. Those are all prescribed freely, as a matter of fact from 1968 to 1982 Valium was the highest selling drug on planet earth. If a person has an acoustic emergency, better give them some Advil and tell them to sleep it off. By the way, 1 week is fine with steroids with no taper. It's that simple. Your body , your choice. Heroin is obviously safer than steroids if you're smoking it or putting opium balls up your bottom. We have Ambassadors and Hall of Famers on this forum who have no clue about hearing regeneration trials in England or for that matter hearing regeneration in general. Do some CBT, throw in some TRT and you will be as good as new. Modern medicine is one big lie, just habituate through the screaming in your ears, you'll be fine.
Really? Not like Advil, what about Zoloft, Xanax, Valium, Oxycontin. Those are all prescribed freely, as a matter of fact from 1968 to 1982 Valium was the highest selling drug on planet earth. If a person has an acoustic emergency, better give them some Advil and tell them to sleep it off. By the way, 1 week is fine with steroids with no taper. It's that simple. Your body , your choice. Heroin is obviously safer than steroids if you're smoking it or putting opium balls up your bottom. We have Ambassadors and Hall of Famers on this forum who have no clue about hearing regeneration trials in England or for that matter hearing regeneration in general. Do some CBT, throw in some TRT and you will be as good as new. Modern medicine is one big lie, just habituate through the screaming in your ears, you'll be fine.

Incorrect. The one week of Prednisone would include a taper. Like 60 mg on day one, 50 on day 2, 40, 30, 20, 10.

No, it is not safe to just take a high dose for a week and stop.

My source? My wife is a pharmacist.
Incorrect. The one week of Prednisone would include a taper. Like 60 mg on day one, 50 on day 2, 40, 30, 20, 10.

No, it is not safe to just take a high dose for a week and stop.

My source? My wife is a pharmacist.
So your wife, god bless her, graduadeted from pharmacy school, which is what, a 4 year program? Forgive my ignorance, I studied art, does she have a Master's?

What are the stats on people having adverse reactions to 1 week steroid use. Some doctors say go 80, 80, 60, 60, 40, and stop. I wonder how many doctors would recomend a different taper course.

Sincerely, random dude
Trust you wife, listen to Ann.
I bow out and apologize for my aggression.

Tinnitus has been bringing the worst out of me lately. So please accept my apology.

Sincerely, Daniel,aka, random dude
So your wife, god bless her, graduadeted from pharmacy school, which is what, a 4 year program? Forgive my ignorance, I studied art, does she have a Master's?

What are the stats on people having adverse reactions to 1 week steroid use. Some doctors say go 80, 80, 60, 60, 40, and stop. I wonder how many doctors would recomend a different taper course.

Sincerely, random dude

I'm not going to argue with you about it.

If you want statistics, go do research. In the meantime, let others follow the guidance of their prescribing doctor, who's going to take into account the specific patients history, other medications, weight, etc etc.
Trust you wife, listen to Ann.
I bow out and apologize for my aggression.

Tinnitus has been bringing the worst out of me lately. So please accept my apology.

Sincerely, Daniel,aka, random dude

It's okay. Trust me I get it. People just need to be careful with Prednisone, and everybody reacts differently, truly. Like I said, I was mostly fine those 2 weeks. I wasn't even grouchy (any more than from the onset of tinnitus). Then that first day after I was an emotional wreck.

No, not really. I think it's just luck. I protected my ears as much as I reasonably could and my tinnitus never faded away. It's even gotten worse (more tones added). The silver lining is that I'm better at ignoring them now after three and a half years. It's the H and reactive T that keeps me around these parts.

I think it's important to protect your ears around very loud noises and the decibel level that is going to be harmful to someone is to a certain extent dependent on the individual, but I don't think protecting is going to aid in it healing, it's just going to prevent things from getting worse. It's not like your hearing regenerates.

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