Depends on the reason why that someone with legit medical training has vouched for him, is it because he is a close friend who just so happens to conform to that said medical experts ideas and beliefs? or..?????
Most experts would need you to agree with them for them to vouch for you. And that goes for any discipline. I doubt too many medical doctors would vouch for someone who goes against the grain of the established knowledge-base of medical science, i.e. you must agree with them. That's common sense. There are exceptions of course, but that's the norm for how it works.
I don't believe that he ever claimed to be an expert on it or claimed to have a medical degree.
When someone sets up a thread where he expects other people to come to him for help, then yes, he is setting himself up as an expert in that area. And he doesn't have a medical degree, and that's my entire point. He made a thread that set himself up as the "go to guy" and this gives people the impression he is an expert. I don't have a problem with this actually. My problem is the double standard.
The advice he gave for me is no good for my personal position at the moment and I never did ask for his advice in the first place.
Fair enough, but you could have easily said just that. You could have just said, "I didn't ask for your advice and I don't want it." And that probably would have ended the entire thing right then and there.
Honestly why you think I was angry is beyond me.I am blunt and straight to the point in everything I do, I call a spade a spade...
Seems that just throwing everything under the claim, "I call a spade a spade" is just an excuse to be rude and act like you don't know what people are talking about when they call you out for your rudeness.
But here's an example of how you started a reply to h2h:
Oh my f##king God! Are you serious! You sound like one of those positivity lecturer's! The world isn't all rose's and fluffy's
Now does this honestly not seem rude or angry to you? Not only do you start off with vulgarity (never a good thing to do in a conversation that is meant to be civil), but then you insult him by implying that he is delusional regarding the reality of the world and compare him to a positivity lecturer.
How we communicate goes a long way in how people perceive our mood. If h2h said something to me that I disagree with I could reply with, "Thanks, but I don't agree with your view on that." Or I could reply with, "What!!! How in the world could you think something so wrong?!!!!!" Do you see the difference?
Now, I wasn't going to say anything about your rudeness (which you claim is just calling a spade a spade) originally. But it seems that at least a couple of people have pointed this out to you and you essentially brushed it off as you're just disagreeing or the spade thing. So I felt that I should say something too. But, when several people begin to tell you that you're coming off as rude, then perhaps it's time to re-evaluate the way you write things.