Anything that degrades your hearing normal sounds will allow you to hear your tinnitus more. You may have an ear infection or a cold... and if your ears have fluid the ear drum can't transfer sound as well... and therefore your tinnitus seems louder... this part is temporary.
Fluid behind the eardrum is very common. Go to the doc, get some antibiotics since this fluid will probably grow bacteria and make an infection.
An ENT will put tubes through the ear drum for people with chronic fluid behind their ear... but otherwise you can get certain drugs to "dry" you out and make your body reabsorb the fluid for a temporary condition. A normal person never needs to puncture their ear drum to remove fluid.
My eardrum has crackled in the past and it is temporary... and not a big deal... don't obsess over this.
Also, Afrin nasal spray is pretty safe and will help with congestion.
Thank you for the reply! But isn't antibiotics dangerous for tinnitus? Ototoxic or what it is called?