There may be some no
ise abatement (noise camouflage) to consider....for me, it's a rock within a few feet of a mountain river in North Georgia. When I sit down on that rock....the constant sound of the river that close and that loud overwhelms my tinnitus noise so I can just enjoy the sound of something else for as long as I feel is necessary.
While in the mountains, I can go to a cabin and sit on the porch hanging over the side of a steep drop off....the sound of the wind is one thing, but rustling leaves, pines and trees will also prove distracting but peaceful.
I always know when I've hit home....I usually doze out within minutes of getting comfortable and let the sounds take me along.
The only thing that stops people from finding their own places to find sitting inside, typing and reading notes on the Tinnitus boards...the very thing that you're trying to forget.
You'll find your own sweet spots around that helps you cope on those days that you need a break. It's not here.
Have a great weekend and hit the malls...the noise and people there will prove to be a distraction!
Dan Turner
Conyers, Ga
ise abatement (noise camouflage) to consider....for me, it's a rock within a few feet of a mountain river in North Georgia. When I sit down on that rock....the constant sound of the river that close and that loud overwhelms my tinnitus noise so I can just enjoy the sound of something else for as long as I feel is necessary.
While in the mountains, I can go to a cabin and sit on the porch hanging over the side of a steep drop off....the sound of the wind is one thing, but rustling leaves, pines and trees will also prove distracting but peaceful.
I always know when I've hit home....I usually doze out within minutes of getting comfortable and let the sounds take me along.
The only thing that stops people from finding their own places to find sitting inside, typing and reading notes on the Tinnitus boards...the very thing that you're trying to forget.

You'll find your own sweet spots around that helps you cope on those days that you need a break. It's not here.
Have a great weekend and hit the malls...the noise and people there will prove to be a distraction!
Dan Turner
Conyers, Ga