Tinnitus Is Not Tinnitus...

No one can take this choice away from us, not even tinnitus.
Hi @85dB T,

I hear what you're saying, but I'm might add, that making choices is eminently easier to do when the brain is functioning properly. Tinnitus/hyperacusis can affect our brain in some very profound ways. which I believe goes a long way in explaining why some people with relatively mild can have such a hard time with it, while others with far more severe t are able to somehow habituate or able to deal with it much better.

I believe the state of our brain and nervous system is often far more important in how well we deal with t than what's happening in the ear itself. At some point, I will likely start a thread discussing a variety of things a person can do to improve brain and nerve resiliency, with nutrition playing a vital role. I'm also currently feeling fairly biased toward mHBOT as something that has the potential to be extremely helpful for many of us who struggle a lot.
Hi @85dB T,

I hear what you're saying, but I'm might add, that making choices is eminently easier to do when the brain is functioning properly. Tinnitus/hyperacusis can affect our brain in some very profound ways. which I believe goes a long way in explaining why some people with relatively mild can have such a hard time with it, while others with far more severe t are able to somehow habituate or able to deal with it much better.

I believe the state of our brain and nervous system is often far more important in how well we deal with t than what's happening in the ear itself. At some point, I will likely start a thread discussing a variety of things a person can do to improve brain and nerve resiliency, with nutrition playing a vital role. I'm also currently feeling fairly biased toward mHBOT as something that has the potential to be extremely helpful for many of us who struggle a lot.

Hello Lane, thanks for your reply.:beeranimation:

I agree. I'm learning that since tinnitus is an hallucination it's often affected by other mental weaknesses like hypochondria, paranoia, delusions and hallucinations.

But still you have to agree we possess a free will (at least at some level no matter how low). We all have a choice to chose a positive outlook no matter how bad things get. Not choosing this, at whatever level no matter how low, contributes to failure. To totally reject this leads to death of the free will. Never choose death, it will choose you. Fight it until the end, suffering and all.

"Old age is not for sissies."
"Getting old is the hardest job I've ever had."

The above two quotes are from people I know. Getting old is full of challenges and illness.

Life is a test of will. Until there is a cure we are challenged by tinnitus. Bring it on, use the anger to fight against it. T isn't going to ruin my life. It tried, it succeeded but it came short of causing my death, I'm still here. T can kiss my grits.

Sorry, I'm off subject and all over the place. Anything but negative. If I let myself, my self pity party ignites and consumes me.
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@Wolfears @Bam I have severely high pitch somatic tinnitus from dental whiplash.

I have cut nerves from that dental procedure. My c-spine was severely injured. My alveolar, mandible, maxilla and basal bones are damaged. All this is severely painful. It's almost impossible to open my mouth. I have an extreme burning mouth where the facial nerve and facial structure is affected.

I may need to have my entire jaw removed.

My situation is rare and medications are not my friend. For me physical pain causes more emotional pain and emotional pain causes more physical pain. I have seen lots of cases over my lifetime with pain of many human condition involvement.

I started off after college using a degree in finance/economics. I wish that I would had continued doing that. When I was a child, I wanted to be a forest ranger or own an early American/European gift shop. Destiny can be unforgiving, but we can also face judgement on a spilt second notice.

I just can't separate body before mind or mind before body. It's not a matter as to what is worse and there's no words that make sense to any of this.
@Wolfears @Bam I have severely high pitch somatic tinnitus from dental whiplash.

I have cut nerves from that dental procedure. My c-spine was severely injured. My alveolar, mandible, maxilla and basal bones are damaged. All this is severely painful. It's almost impossible to open my mouth. I have an extreme burning mouth where the facial nerve and facial structure is affected.

I may need to have my entire jaw removed.

My situation is rare and medications are not my friend. For me physical pain causes more emotional pain and emotional pain causes more physical pain. I have seen lots of cases over my lifetime with pain of many human condition involvement.

I started off after college using a degree in finance/economics. I wish that I would had continued doing that. When I was a child, I wanted to be a forest ranger or own an early American/European gift shop. Destiny can be unforgiving, but we can also face judgement on a spilt second notice.

I just can't separate body before mind or mind before body. It's not a matter as to what is worse and there's no words that make sense to any of this.

You are such warrior! You can always reach out to me, if you need me :)
...making choices is eminently easier to do when the brain is functioning properly
You know, when a person is full psychotic they make choices but these choices are not based in reality, therefore they are helpless to improve their condition. Drugs like Abilify and Zyprexa treat this, and sleep. Hopefully no one here is psychotic, it's a horrible condition and experience, worse than T. (If anyone suspects they're psychotic please seek help. If you are afraid of doctors or not sure you can ask me.)
Free will is an illusion. Telling someone they can choose to be happy is the same as saying they can choose to have tinnitus or not
No one is guaranteed happiness. We only have the choice to move forward without it. We make this choice with our free will.
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Libet's work famously challenged the view of free will with this experiment:

Libet concludes:
My conclusion about free will, one genuinely free in the non-determined sense, is then that its existence is at least as good, if not a better, scientific option than is its denial by determinist theory. Given the speculative nature of both determinist and non-determinist theories, why not adopt the view that we do have free will (until some real contradictory evidence may appear, if it ever does). Such a view would at least allow us to proceed in a way that accepts and accommodates our own deep feeling that we do have free will. We would not need to view ourselves as machines that act in a manner completely controlled by the known physical laws.
This is a good short video on the subject of free will:

So we are biological robots driven by unknown causes?

Are we all just biological cogs in a deterministic machine?

Or do we have some semblance of control over our motives and actions?

Or is all of this just nonsense, doesn't matter at all and all of this is pointless?
So we are biological robots driven by unknown causes?

Are we all just biological cogs in a deterministic machine?

Or do we have some semblance of control over our motives and actions?

Or is all of this just nonsense, doesn't matter at all and all of this is pointless?

Who knows? I've always had a curious mind and have wondered about these things since I was a kid.

What is consciousness? This is possibly one of the most fundamental questions that we have no answer to, and yet it is the construct of our entire reality.

How do we even know that we all experience the same reality?

I remember the first time I heard about the infamous double slit experiment as a kid and it blew my mind:

I remember the first time I heard about the infamous double slit experiment as a kid and it blew my mind:
Quantum Entanglement, this is better science than Benjamin Libet's experiments (at least more relevant imho).

Of course: "Quantum entanglement is a physical phenomenon which occurs when pairs or groups of particles are generated, interact, or share spatial proximity in ways such that the quantum state of each particle cannot be described independently of the state of the other, even when the particles are separated by a large distance."

Aka Einstein's "spooky action at a distance".

Quantum entanglement is currently being incorporated in the highest levels of internet security. If a change within a computer in one location is made, the computer in another distant location instantly knows by the monitoring of quantum entangled particles.(n)
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Quantum Entanglement, this is better science than Benjamin Libet's experiments (at least more relevant imho).

Of course: "Quantum entanglement is a physical phenomenon which occurs when pairs or groups of particles are generated, interact, or share spatial proximity in ways such that the quantum state of each particle cannot be described independently of the state of the other, even when the particles are separated by a large distance."

Aka Einstein's "spooky action at a distance".

Quantum entanglement is currently being incorporated in the highest levels of internet security. If a change within a computer in one location is made, the computer in another distant location instantly knows by the monitoring of quantum entangled particles.(n)

Yep. I've read and own many books on this subject as it's a real interest of mine. This stuff fascinates me and always has.

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