Healing only starts when we have accepted the reality of what we have.
An acceptance of reality is crucial.
For the severe sufferer it is unfortunately a life changing experience.
I can not now have my old life back.
What I can do is recognise that my life has taken a sad but different direction.
However, I am still here.
I am lucky enough to be part of a loving family.
By the daily use of deep relaxation, meditation, walks, in the park, 'pussycats' etc.... I am once again enjoying my life - a different life to the one I had planned, but a life no less.
You may see all of the above as negative Fishbone.
I definitely see it as positive.
I suppose we have to accept that as individuals we are very different, and probably have to find and make our own way forward.
An acceptance of reality is crucial.
For the severe sufferer it is unfortunately a life changing experience.
I can not now have my old life back.
What I can do is recognise that my life has taken a sad but different direction.
However, I am still here.
I am lucky enough to be part of a loving family.
By the daily use of deep relaxation, meditation, walks, in the park, 'pussycats' etc.... I am once again enjoying my life - a different life to the one I had planned, but a life no less.
You may see all of the above as negative Fishbone.
I definitely see it as positive.
I suppose we have to accept that as individuals we are very different, and probably have to find and make our own way forward.