I have seen others say that one can do anything as they did prior to having tinnitus, like use headphones and play musical instruments (with hearing protection) since it is simply the negative aka distorted thoughts that drive the distress. I know you do not subscribe to this. What is interesting is they are just as convinced that they are right. Again this is simply meant as discussion.
You and I have discussed this before. The belief that once a person habituates to noise induced tinnitus, they can return to using headphones and play musical instruments as they did before their noise trauma is often not the case. No doubt there are some people that can do this but there is a risk of the tinnitus becoming worse and often it does. I also don't agree with the belief that true habituation means a person will never hear their tinnitus nor will they ever be troubled by it. Habituation means to live with. So one learns to live with their tinnitus and with all it's idiosyncrasies and each person's will be unique to them. Mine is variable tinnitus and completely random: Silent, mild, moderate, severe and very severe.