If you're asking about my personal experience with TRT and Hyperacusis, I found it didn't really help as the WNG's were too painful for me to wear. My Hyperacusis improved with time without the use of TRT. But that doesn't mean it wouldn't work for others.
People with Hyperacusis are not necessarily 'fucked' -- many times, Hyperacusis will resolve by itself, or it can improve with desensitization training. For some, it will not improve, as with Tinnitus. We are all different -- Tinnitus and Hyperacusis has many different causes (it can sometimes be stress/anxiety related, for instance) and therefore everyone responds differently to different treatments.
Personally, if I were American I don't think I would pay for TRT if ordinary counselling is cheaper, as I mentioned in the post you quoted. But if you are suicidal, you should seek out some kind of counselling -- at least as a last resort.