Hi, I first noticed a persistent high pitched ringing in my ears since I was maybe 4 years old and now it just keeps getting worse as I age. My whole life I've been sensitive to treble sounds (I like base) and can get overloaded by sounds and loud places (music is hard for me). Also have trouble hearing voices over background noise. I had always assumed this was from repeated ear infections that I had as a baby, but I really don't know.
The doctors I've seen have not helped me. Last year I tried feverfew for about a week and it did take away the ringing. Unfortunately, the ringing was replaced with a very loud and alarming thump noise. Thinking about trying it again as it might also help with my migraines.
The doctors I've seen have not helped me. Last year I tried feverfew for about a week and it did take away the ringing. Unfortunately, the ringing was replaced with a very loud and alarming thump noise. Thinking about trying it again as it might also help with my migraines.