@Mr. Cartman and others. I'm going to give a quick update. Two things.
1. I saw a few videos by random a few minutes ago showing this unusual technique people are saying they are using on the back of the neck for tinnitus.
2. About me. I recently had my stainless steel fixed retainer removed. I've had it in for about 15 years and my muscle pain problems in the neck and other stuff started around that same time. So, I decided to finally have it removed in case it might have something to do with the pain. I don't believe the function of my teeth in place was causing the pain, though I had thought of that before. No, I was thinking the stainless steel in my mouth may be causing the pain beause of a sensitivity to the heavy metals such as nickel causing systemic problems. I can also keep my teeth cleaner now.
However, I also want to see what things I can do to try to speed up the removal of heavy metals like nickel. What I found is that silantro / coriander and Chlorella are supposed to bind well to nickel (I think). Different plants or agents bind to different heavy metals. I prefer to cook all my food to avoid contamination. If it is a bottled suplement I might not have to do that. Though even sea salt can have lots of bacteria in it and I tend to cook with my salt rather than add it after now.
So, I'm going to be taking fresh Coriander stem leaves at least a quarter cup every day and I may order some Chlorella as well (get the powder that says cell wall ruptured so you can absorb it). What I don't know is if ti cook the Silatnro if it will destroy the chelating agent.
Then, when it comes to cookware I'm thinking avoid stainless steel and go with ceramic. For ceramic many require you use flame, not electric. A traditional japanese donabe will often require flame. You can use an inexpensive indoor rated counter top butane stove top that is popular in japan by Iwatani ZA-3HP. You can also find ceramic that is electric stove top safe like the Xtrema brand
https://www.ceramcor.com. Though they aren't quite as made for cooking rice. I recommend japnoca rice by the way. A medium grain white or partially milled brown. JFC owns the Nishiki and Boton brands which is basically Japanese rice you can buy for good price because it is not improted, but grown in California. Nishiki 15 pound bags for $15 are easy a simple though and available on Amazon. A local international store may have Japonica rice as well.
If you want an authentic Japanese donabe this is one place you can get one made from Japanese clay which is the best. Not cheap though at $180. You may find other places. Very cheap ones may be made in China.
Anyway, back to the heavy metals and muscle pain. You can find multiple studies talking about nickel leaching from dental apliances and also causing systemic problems in some people. Also, talk about some people with fibromyalgia having their symptoms caused by heavy metals they are sensitive to.