I have not been able to post here for a few days , and in that time I have thought about Bam a lot. I sure hope we get some news from him. I saw the picture of what I suppose is his ward bed, and at least when I was away on a psych ward the beds and room were at least decent physically.The nurses and orderlies were mostly jerks. Personally, the company of one incessantly talking former homeless man and heavy criminal was a drag ( the stories I heard...

) I heard a young woman flip the hell out one night from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder she got, being caught in the middle of a war in Lebanon when younger. But for the rest it was pretty "quiet", lots of zombies just shuffling along, freaking out crazily inside perhaps, anesthesised by various anti-psychotic drugs I suppose.
Ah yes, some good news, my father after 2 and a half years with severe tinnitus, after taking some ear drops, is now much better according to my sister. So there can be improvement. But 2.5 years...
To Fishbone and Bill Bauer:
Yes I try to set an example and be kind, but sometimes people just push me beyond my limits. I have been, for example, pretty kind to a female friend of mine who is broke, but these days NOTHING I say or do , can please her. She is also clinically slightly paranoid and very mistrustful, racist, which I only discovered lately. It takes time for those masks to fall away as one gets to know people, and her mask is a seductive very pretty one, attached to a hot physique , which at 50 is still beautiful enough that she does some part time stripping to make some money. Now stripping clubs or any clubs or anything of those milieus, were never of interest to me, but all this stuff came out later , because we first connected because of Art. So all this was a BIG surprise. I ain't got nothing against strippers or prostitutes if they are nice. In any case we are friends and so no touchy touchy, and I would never exploit anyone financially or sexually. That is my modest contribution to this degenerate world.