Update: I was going to share an update post Sunday, but the plan has changed temporarily and I wanted to share what has been going on.
I had my first session on Monday where we did 40 minutes of transcranial random noise stimulation (tRNS) over the right temporal area as well as electro-magnetic frequency coil stimulation. The random noise electrical frequency used was pink noise. The idea behind this is that pink noise frequencies, in the form of electric current frequencies, are delivered to the area to break up the dysfunction of brain wave activity of the heightened gamma area that is seen with tinnitus and get it out of this stuck pattern. In addition, a series of magnets were placed over my head and ran specific low level frequencies that are a protocol for tinnitus. This is not TMS like we have discussed and heard about, however these are magnet squares that use coils and deliver electro-magnetic frequencies. It is not loud, just some random very low noise level beeps sometimes. He stated this is used at the same time because as the pink noise breaks up the gamma waves/electric activity, we want to give that activity a "new job to learn" and not let it just go haywire. So the magnets deliver low frequencies to calm and bring down the distressing frequency levels of the tinnitus.
Monday night, let's just say it was evident that something went on in my brain earlier that day lol. My tinnitus responded, great! But man did it respond in a "what the heck just happened?!" way. I had increased volume and tinnitus was erratic. Although this was distressing for me, this is not a bad sign. This is actually expected with "poking the bear", and I was told many times things could get agitated before improving. Easier said than experiencing

I had trouble going to sleep Monday night due to this agitation. Tuesday was a little better, but I quickly learned how shot my nervous system is because I could not calm myself and regulate my emotions due to the change. Even though I wanted to push through and keep going with this protocol, I had to be honest with myself and stand up for my nervous system. So many of us, especially those in success stories, have come to realize how important a stable nervous system is on the path to healing. It was evident to me this needed some attention before proceeding if I wanted the best shot at effective results.
So, I went back Wednesday and told him what I experienced and was very honest with him. I basically said "four months ago, I would have the nervous system stamina to endure this. Now, I do not. I am sorry." He completely understood, was actually happy to hear that the tinnitus responded in some way after one session which he thinks is a "great indicator", because he's had some patients have minimal responses after many sessions for various conditions. He also said he ALWAYS runs a nervous system regulation protocol first, but was going with what the remote team told him to do which was "go after the gamma". So he had no problem with what I shared and actually agreed we may be more successful in the long run doing nervous system first, then moving on.
So, yesterday and today we used transcranial alternating current stimulation (tACS) for vagus nerve, brainstem, and parasympathetic intervention. This is to calm the brain down overall and calm down my fight/flight response. He said this is also very beneficial because all 12 cranial nerves run through the brainstem, so each nerve was getting some calming stimulation. The electrodes were placed on my mastoid bones. I told him I could tell when the electric stimulation was running through which electrode because I'd get a sensation in that ear and reactivity to the electric current. He found that fascinating, I found it annoying lol, I definitely felt calming effects pretty immediately though, even some euphoric feelings today. It's crazy how effective these avenues can be, and apparently I'm very fortunate that I am so responsive. Lastly, we ran an electro-magnetic frequency protocol again over the head, but for this time it was a protocol for neuro-inflammation. They have a lot of success with this protocol for long haul covid and any condition that can create inflammation in the brain.
So moving forward, we will be doing the tACS nervous system + EMF neuro-inflammation protocol for about 6 sessions, see how I am doing, then move back to the tRNS + EMF tinnitus protocol and see how things go. I am VERY happy and fortunate to have a practitioner who is very invested in my case, is very knowledgeable and good within this neuromodulation space, has others to discuss my case with, and will personalize treatment as we go. May take some time, trial and error, etc., but we both feel with how responsive my brain is, we can take this somewhere where some neuro rerouting and relief is a reality.
With all this said, I am going to do my best to avoid signing on every day because I need to keep my nervous system as stable as I can. I have exercises and things to do at home that the brainstem specialist gave me to do on a daily basis, so going to really focus on healing and hope. I am determined to get better and to improve to a more functional state. I will absolutely give updates, just know I may not check in as often as I have been.
Thanks for reading!