My name is Cliff from Atlanta. My T started about two months ago while I was lifting weights and generally trying to live a very healthy lifestyle. Felt like a real kick in the head to be trying to do everything right and then this. I have some asymmetrical hearing loss (I'm 56) that I imagine is caused by age, too many rock concerts and a lightning strike on a tree about 30 feet away. So, I've seen two ENTs, audiologist, hypnotherapist, and am getting an MRI in a week, taking various drugs, vitamins and supplements, considering CBT and will be seeing about hearing aids. I don't really have any advice to offer because nothing I have tried yet has helped much. But it feels good to get it out and to have a forum to communicate with people who understand. I'm trying to work the Rewiring Tinnitus, by Glenn Schweitzer, program so I'm hoping I can habituate. Has anyone had any success with that?