Update on My Cure! Please Read. It Might Help Someone.

Mad maggot

Jun 7, 2015
New zealand
Tinnitus Since
Cause of Tinnitus
I just want to update my condition in case it might be of help to someone out there experiencing similar symptoms.

Some years ago I was on this site as I had seven long years of daily intermittent tinnitus like a "tink" sound or sometimes fast like a Geiger counter but it would make my eyes jump and swing in time with the noise so that I found walking and things difficult.

I had found my skull was deformed and got a splint made for my jaw called a TMJ splint. My symptoms completely disappeared for almost a year.

Then they slowly came back and not as bad as previously but were become progressively worse.

Then my mother had a pulmonary embolism and almost died and the stress gave my father a heart attack so I was in and out of the hospital and then back and forth to my parents home helping them.

Then my father died which was devastating and a week later I collapsed five times in one day.

Thinking perhaps I had low iron I went to the doctor for an iron test. My collapsing/fainting would come with the one sided tinnitus and vision bouncing plus my head even more fuzzy and light headed than it had been with those symptoms in the past. The doctor immediately said "heart" and sent me straight to the ER.

They discovered I was actually experiencing presyncopal episodes due to. Entricular tachycardia ectopic beats which I was born with and sort of aware of all my life but they were getting worse over the years. It seems my T and vision and head symptoms were possibly seizure type activity due to intrupted blood flow to parts of the brain. I am now on medication to control my arrythmia and my symptoms have vanished apart from some of the more "normal" arrythmia problems when I over exert myself like with steep hills or stairs. Breathlessness and crazy fatigue so that I have to stop and wait for my heart rate to normalise again.

Since I was born with this heart block problem I didn't recognise my arrythmia as abnormal. It was normal to me. And the tinnitus and vision problem came many years on So was the only symptom I really took note of as abnormal. I don't always feel the arrythmia either.

So I am here to let others know that there is a possibility your symptoms could be of cardiac origin. It took nine years of investigation and nobody picked this up. I was told I was a hyperchondriac or had a mental illness. Nobody looked at my heart until I had fainting.

Once they finally looked, well hey suddenly nobody can do enough for me! I am not laughed at or dismissed as neurotic any longer! Any slight symptom and they rush me to hospital and put me on heart monitors.

Nobody is laughing at me now! Just letting people know, get your hearts checked over if your tinnitus symptoms are out of the ordinary and not the typical ones.
I would like to add that my T sound was NOT pulsatile nor did it seem to be in time with my heart beat. I thought it was inner ear related because the T was only in my left ear and lying on that ear made it worse but lying on my right side could quiet it down and sometimes stop it. So I had no clue it was related to my heart and neither did any doctors I had seen for my strange neurological symptoms which accompanied my T. Somehow it seems lying on my right side helped slow my tachycardia.
Pity, My condition isn't like yours (though to be honest I think I wouldn't mind a Geiger counter sound, make things interesting until someone asks why I constantly ask for Radaway at Target.) I have really nothing conclusive to report on the origin of My Condition aside from it appearing after a massive allergy attack.

Now I say Pity because Yours was identifyable as mine has no hearing lose apart from having not heard silence in a while (but then have I truely ever?) and decreased with removal or head potatoes, mine I can compare to a Hearing test, it's a constant middle of the lane beep that changes in friquency based on My possition it also is drowned out by walking down the coridor, wind even a barely noticeable one blots it out, unlike at the beginning where it was near car alarm levels.
Hello Mad Maggot. You and I chatted via email a while back (years) about our similar symptoms (visual shaking in time with tinnitus). I had seen here that you had a TMJ splint and now see that it wasn't the answer. At that time I followed your lead and went to a TMJ specialist but he said that I do not have TMJ. Now I see that you have a new cure related to a heart arrythmia. I also have a heart arrythmia and take 180 mg of Cartia XT every other day to control the arrythmia and high blood pressure. I have been on this Cartia for several years but it has never helped my tinnitus. What does help is: yoga-like stretching, foam roller exercise, proper posture, meditation. If I am stressed out, the T and visual shaking increase, when I actively work to control it, it is manageable and tolerable. I have had many heart monitors, stress tests, ultrasounds of heart, and even an attempted ablation (they could not stimulate arrythmia during the procedure and said that they didn't think I actually had 'supra ventricular tachycardia' after all). So - glad to hear you again found something to give you some peace. If you want to send me a message to talk about your experience or even respond to this I would appreciate it. I would like to stay in touch with you because you are the only person I have encountered with the same set of symptoms. I feel like my problem has something to do with an irritated nerve. A nerve that serves both eye and ear or two nerves (one for eye and one for ear) that are near each other. I started out with only the visual shaking - the tinnitus appeared years later after a neck adjustment by a chiropracter who was trying to help with my symptoms.
@Doggone T I think that you are doing actually everything needed as mentioned in your brief posting history. You may want to add a little calcium when taking magnesium. Your visual shaking may be associated with fibers on the inside of a SCM muscle known as fiber contraction from neck manipulation. Stretching and proper posture is good. Wishing you the best.

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