I did have it done. But it gave me all the results for other types of medication, like blood pressure pills and stuff. You can look into it.Have you done this? Do you know the name of the panel to request?
Last night was miserable for me. My mind was still but my body couldn't relax. Legs seem to be where all tension goes for some reason. I just can't make them relax no matter what I think I do. The ONLY thing that helps is Xanax. I don't even need much, just 0.125mg (half of the lowest dose) will do the trick. Can't take that every night though... I need some help. I'm starting to feel really desperate for a break from the typical torture regiment.
I also take 20 mg of Baclofen a day. It really takes the edge off. From what I've read it works on the same part of the brain as alcohol. But without the feeling of being drunk. Works pretty good on anxiety also. At first it will make you feel a little groggy but after a few days you get used to it. I've read about people taking 100 mg a day. But 20 mg seems to do the trick. It doesn't lower the tinnitus but helps keep your mind away from it. If that makes sense.