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Ways to Combat Tinnitus Side Effects from COVID-19 Vaccine?

@Lane, I highly agree with you.

It's complete bullshit and I don't agree with the it's just inflammation from the vaccine and it will go away in 6-12 months that the medical establishment keeps saying. You can't even explain how the vaccine causes ringing but can explain when it will stop??? My theory is that the spike protein manufactured by the mRNA ended up in the middle or inner ear and damaged hair cells. A study a while back confirmed spike proteins are toxic to the middle ear. This also explains why my left ear had worse ringing than my right ear after the shot, because I was injected in my left arm and more of the spike protein went to my left ear.
Hi @linearb (how ya doin?)
I am well, thanks, I hope you are as well :)
I see these political and financial interests at play literally every night when I watch the evening news and their coverage on COVID-19.
The stink of Capital more or less pervades and perverts everything, so an incredulous person needs to constantly be questioning data sources. To be frank, I don't turn on the evening news, and I try pretty hard not to consume very much besides primary sources, and when I read whitepapers that seem to have any significance the next two things I do are check the stated conflicts of interest, as well as looking into the background and former work of the authors. If I don't have the background to make some comparison or interpret some part of a paper, I try to find someone in my trusted network who has a professional & academic background in whatever discipline is involves and see how they parse it.

This is tiring and time consuming but it's sort of the only way to understand basically anything right now, as far as I can tell :-/

This leaves a wide, wide margin of things it's not really possible to come to any concrete conclusions about, and so past a point I have to trust people to make their own decisions. On the other hand, consider these three questions:

"Is there good evidence, or reason to believe, that a gram positive antibiotic will be beneficial in treating an infection with a gram positive pathogen?"

"Is there good evidence, or reason to believe, that news channel A is more reliable than news channel B?"

"Is there good evidence, or reason to believe, that the Earth is actually flat like a piece of paper?"

To me, #1 is an obvious "duh, yes", #2 is an obvious "duh, no, you're loony for asking", but #2 is where the devils of details and our personal biases tend to creep in (and there are plenty of other undecidable problems like this).

All that said, if every mainstream source from multinational press is more or less telling the same story, there are likely to be many factual elements to it, even if the narrative is something that's been constructed to serve the interests of Capital (as all media narratives are, one way or another).

I don't actually know what they're saying about COVID-19 in the press right now, honestly! I follow the local numbers so I know what level of precautions is appropriate for us, and I follow non-preprint peer reviewed stuff and sometimes look at ScienceNews as an aggregator, and that's about it. The CDA & FDA have made enough statements through this which are not, in fact "following the science", that I decided by mid-2020, if I was, in fact, going to "follow the science", I'd need to do it on my own. I am fortunate to have a couple seriously credentialed infectious diseases specialists and MDs in my personal and close professional networks to help me parse unfolding or controversial information.

The media shoots itself in the foot on this stuff constantly. Case in point: I don't think Ivermectin does anything useful for COVID-19, but, I also don't think it's "horse dewormer". Yes, some people acting on low information were taking veterinary preparations, but Ivermectin is a pretty conventional anti-nematode pharmaceutical that's widely available in human formulations, which is in fact what a bunch of people took in some of these cases. But, you know, "ERs overflowing because dumbasses eat horse paste" makes a better headline than "ERs overflowing because of decades of systemic rot in the healthcare system, followed by One Weird Pandemic that pushed it over the edge" isn't the kind of headline that makes Blue/Red MAGA neocon/neolib types feel comfortable about going to brunch again, so, we get the horse paste headline.
@Lane, I highly agree with you.

It's complete bullshit and I don't agree with the it's just inflammation from the vaccine and it will go away in 6-12 months that the medical establishment keeps saying. You can't even explain how the vaccine causes ringing but can explain when it will stop??? My theory is that the spike protein manufactured by the mRNA ended up in the middle or inner ear and damaged hair cells. A study a while back confirmed spike proteins are toxic to the middle ear. This also explains why my left ear had worse ringing than my right ear after the shot, because I was injected in my left arm and more of the spike protein went to my left ear.
Could you link the study?
Feature BMJ Investigation
Covid-19: Researcher blows the whistle on data integrity issues in Pfizer's vaccine trial

Revelations of poor practices at a contract research company helping to carry out Pfizer's pivotal covid-19 vaccine trial raise questions about data integrity and regulatory oversight. Paul D Thacker reports

"In autumn 2020 Pfizer's chairman and chief executive, Albert Bourla, released an open letter to the billions of people around the world who were investing their hopes in a safe and effective covid-19 vaccine to end the pandemic. "As I've said before, we are operating at the speed of science," Bourla wrote, explaining to the public when they could expect a Pfizer vaccine to be authorised in the United States.

But, for researchers who were testing Pfizer's vaccine at several sites in Texas during that autumn, speed may have come at the cost of data integrity and patient safety. A regional director who was employed at the research organisation Ventavia Research Group has told The BMJ that the company falsified data, unblinded patients, employed inadequately trained vaccinators, and was slow to follow up on adverse events reported in Pfizer's pivotal phase III trial.

Staff who conducted quality control checks were overwhelmed by the volume of problems they were finding. After repeatedly notifying Ventavia of these problems, the regional director, Brook Jackson, emailed a complaint to the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Ventavia fired her later the same day. Jackson has provided The BMJ with dozens of internal company documents, photos, audio recordings, and emails..."
I think it should be remembered that pharmaceutical companies have paid billions in fines and criminal penalties over the years. Their unethical (to say the least) behavior has cost the lives of (in my estimation) hundreds of thousands of people. Should we really be believing what Pfizer says about the safety and efficacy of their COVID-19 vaccines?

Pfizer received the largest criminal fine in history.

In 2009, Pfizer agreed to pay $2.3 billion in a criminal and civil liability lawsuit stemming from the illegal promotion of certain drugs. At the time, it was the largest healthcare fraud settlement in history.

In Pfizer's 2009 settlement, the company had to pay a criminal fine of $1.195 billion and its subsidiary Pharmacia & Upjohn Company Inc. had to forfeit $105 million, for a grand total of $1.3 billion. It's still the largest criminal fine ever imposed in the U.S.

The company pled guilty to felony charges or violating the Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act by misbranding the anti-inflammatory drug Bextra and promoting it for uses that the FDA "specifically declined to approved due to safety concerns," the Department of Justice stated.

Pfizer also paid $1 billion to resolve allegations under the civil False Claims Act that the company illegally promoted four drugs—Bextra, anti-psychotic drug Geodon, antibiotic Zyvox, and anti-epileptic drug Lyrica. The settlement claims that Pfizer paid kickbacks to healthcare providers to entice them to prescribe the drugs.
@Lane, I highly agree with you.

It's complete bullshit and I don't agree with the it's just inflammation from the vaccine and it will go away in 6-12 months that the medical establishment keeps saying. You can't even explain how the vaccine causes ringing but can explain when it will stop??? My theory is that the spike protein manufactured by the mRNA ended up in the middle or inner ear and damaged hair cells. A study a while back confirmed spike proteins are toxic to the middle ear. This also explains why my left ear had worse ringing than my right ear after the shot, because I was injected in my left arm and more of the spike protein went to my left ear.
Do you have that study citation?
Without taking any sides here - the Pfizer jab worsened my tinnitus, but I did not perceive any other changes in my normal bodily constitution/functions. I don't have access to Prednisone (my GP won't "just" prescribe it) and NAC didn't help. But - out of every 10 supplements, 9 will spike my tinnitus, so it may be just me.
I'm confused about people comparing the percentage risk of getting tinnitus from vaccination vs COVID-19 infection. Getting vaccinated doesn't mean you can't later go on to be infected with COVID-19.

Unless your worried about serious side effects (which is the only thing the vaccine truly protects you against), I don't really see the point in getting vaccinated.

You would only be exposing yourself the additional 0.5% chance of tinnitus caused by the vaccine, on top of the 6% caused by the infection itself.
I'm confused about people comparing the percentage risk of getting tinnitus from vaccination vs COVID-19 infection. Getting vaccinated doesn't mean you can't later go on to be infected with COVID-19.

Unless your worried about serious side effects (which is the only thing the vaccine truly protects you against), I don't really see the point in getting vaccinated.

You would only be exposing yourself the additional 0.5% chance of tinnitus caused by the vaccine, on top of the 6% caused by the infection itself.
Get ready for this overwhelming piece of common sense to fall on deaf ears:




Also, we have no concrete reliable data with which to apply a percentage risk for tinnitus from the "vaccines" yet. The studies simply haven't been done.

That "0.5%" that's getting quoted everywhere, has, I believe, been derived purely from the incredibly unreliable VAERS reporting system. Unlike the link between the virus and tinnitus, which has been subject to numerous investigative studies already.

Q&A: Link between COVID-19 vaccination, tinnitus 'worth looking into' (healio.com)
Within a few hours of receiving his second COVID-19 vaccine dose in February, Gregory A. Poland, MD, a vaccinologist and director of the vaccine research group at the Mayo Clinic, knew something was not right.

Within about 90 minutes after receiving his second dose of an mRNA vaccine, he experienced the sudden and severe onset of tinnitus. He soon discovered that he had tinnitus, becoming one of at least 2,250 people who reported developing the condition following COVID-19 vaccination. The actual number may be higher, and a critical question is whether it is coincidence or causal, according to Poland.

He said it is time for federal health agencies to examine the COVID-19 vaccine-tinnitus link, although he acknowledged that the FDA and CDC are "overwhelmed with the amount of data" they are receiving regarding vaccination.

Poland: About 2,250 people have reported having tinnitus soon after receiving the COVID-19 vaccine. That is just the people who had symptoms sufficient who had symptoms sufficient to motivate them to spontaneously report their symptom and who knew where and how to do so.
Also, just look at how many people are joining this site weekly now reporting tinnitus after Pfizer/Moderna/J&J etc. Just conduct a preliminary search and it appears far greater than the amount of people joining attributing the virus to their (worsened) tinnitus.

I've already hinted at this,


but if people here want to keep asserting that the risk for tinnitus from the virus is greater than from the "vaccines", then they should be willing to collect and assemble the data from Tinnitus Talk, which would be far more accurate and reliable than what we're currently doing, which is: % from controlled studies (for the virus) vs % from the broken VAERS reporting system (for the "vaccines").
Get ready for this overwhelming piece of common sense to fall on deaf ears:




Also, we have no concrete reliable data with which to apply a percentage risk for tinnitus from the "vaccines" yet. The studies simply haven't been done.

That "0.5%" that's getting quoted everywhere, has, I believe, been derived purely from the incredibly unreliable VAERS reporting system. Unlike the link between the virus and tinnitus, which has been subject to numerous investigative studies already.

Q&A: Link between COVID-19 vaccination, tinnitus 'worth looking into' (healio.com)

Also, just look at how many people are joining this site weekly now reporting tinnitus after Pfizer/Moderna/J&J etc. Just conduct a preliminary search and it appears far greater than the amount of people joining attributing the virus to their (worsened) tinnitus.

I've already hinted at this,


but if people here want to keep asserting that the risk for tinnitus from the virus is greater than from the "vaccines", then they should be willing to collect and assemble the data from Tinnitus Talk, which would be far more accurate and reliable than what we're currently doing, which is: % from controlled studies (for the virus) vs % from the broken VAERS reporting system (for the "vaccines").
Bingo, this is what I've been trying to say. There's no evidence the vaccine lowers your chance of COVID-19-infection related tinnitus, we just don't know that yet.

I saw two guys on Facebook who reported no tinnitus with COVID-19 infection, yet got it from the shot.

If EVERY person who got COVID-19 and was vaccinated did not get tinnitus then yeah, it's definitely worth it if you're a healthy person. Otherwise imo not worth the risk.
Bingo, this is what I've been trying to say. There's no evidence the vaccine lowers your chance of COVID-19-infection related tinnitus, we just don't know that yet.

I saw two guys on Facebook who reported no tinnitus with COVID-19 infection, yet got it from the shot.

If EVERY person who got COVID-19 and was vaccinated did not get tinnitus then yeah
Absolutely. What would be the argument here if COVID-19 "vaccines" showed something like a 90% drop in the risk of tinnitus from COVID-19?

Most of us would top ourselves within a period of 48 hours if our tinnitus doubled over what we're currently coping with; so long term risk doesn't even factor into the equation in the hypothetical I've outlined above.

But the problem is it is just a hypothetical, and these "vaccines" don't offer that protection, as you rightly say.
it's definitely worth it if you're a healthy person. Otherwise imo not worth the risk.
Again, spot on. The associated risks of the "vaccine" begin to outweigh the benefits, the younger and healthier the age group becomes.

The good thing about the truth, is it's very hard to suppress, no matter how much money you throw at it. Which is why we're finally seeing some sense prevail:

US FDA panel: Covid-19 boosters only for people 65 and older, high-risk [Video] - (crystalclearnews.com)
Absolutely. What would be the argument here if COVID-19 "vaccines" showed something like a 90% drop in the risk of tinnitus from COVID-19?

Most of us would top ourselves within a period of 48 hours if our tinnitus doubled over what we're currently coping with; so long term risk doesn't even factor into the equation in the hypothetical I've outlined above.

But the problem is it is just a hypothetical, and these "vaccines" don't offer that protection, as you rightly say.

Again, spot on. The associated risks of the "vaccine" begin to outweigh the benefits, the younger and healthier the age group becomes.

The good thing about the truth, is it's very hard to suppress, no matter how much money you throw at it. Which is why we're finally seeing some sense prevail:

US FDA panel: Covid-19 boosters only for people 65 and older, high-risk [Video] - (crystalclearnews.com)
Yup. My pro vaccine cousin informed me she got temporary blindness, roaring ears, vomiting diarrhea etc after the vaccine. Just ridiculous playing roulette like that.

So you factor in the low death rate, with main comorbidity being obese. Then factor in the non-data of COVID-19 infection based tinnitus for those vaccinated vs without (we know it helps with severe symptoms).

So if you're a non-obese person with no underlying issues, I think the percentage of dying is incredibly rare without having the shot.

Vs. the percentage of ACTUALLY contracting the virus + getting tinnitus as a side effect is lower imo than straight up getting the shot.

Again, if there was true evidence of the vaccine protecting from COVID-19 infection based tinnitus, then sure I would get it again.
My pro vaccine cousin informed me she got temporary blindness, roaring ears, vomiting diarrhea etc after the vaccine. Just ridiculous playing roulette like that.
Hi @Wrfortiscue -- I'm just astounded how successful the "powers that be" have been able to minimize the "side effects" (such as the many deaths) from the COVID-19 vaccine, often using their favorite propogandized "safe and effective" mantra. Talk about manipulated "science".
So you factor in the low death rate, with main comorbidity being obese.
And the death rate would be even far lower if people would do some common sense preventative measures. From everything I've read, this "fearsome virus" infection is fairly easily prevented, and relatively easily treated--at very low cost. This poses huge problems for the financial interests at stake in this ongoing charade. And is why they want to stifle this kind of information using all kinds of deceptive and denigrating tactics.
I've had nonstop tinnitus since my second Moderna vaccine in March. 4.5 months now. Been to 4 ENTs, all of them have told me they've seen an increase of patients reporting the same thing. It's sad because it's not easy for people to report it to VAERS. My sound is high pitched all day. Lying down is even worse because it goes from a 6 to a 7-8. I've had 17 acupuncture sessions. Stopped drinking all alcohol. No gluten, salt, caffeine, sugar. Exercise daily. Tried all the recommended vitamins… nothing works. I think I'm going to have to live like this forever. Went from having a great life to very low quality of life all because I got the vaccine.
Got my tinnitus from the Moderna vaccine too...

Any update on your tinnitus?
I just signed up to Tinnitus Talk because of this thread. I am 73 years of age. Up to the time of my 2nd Moderna vaccination, I had had ringing in the ears, but it was really minor and would quickly dissipate. Periods of extreme tension mostly.

However, within days of receiving my 2nd Moderna vaccination on March 25, 2021, the ringing in both ears started. 24/7 ever since to this day 1/19/2022. My only hope has been that a Dr Gregory Poland, a vaccinologist at Mayo Clinic, also got severe tinnitus after the 2nd Moderna vaccination AND he stated that the severity of the tinnitus should fade within 6-12 months.

It's closing in on 10 months for me and there is no change.

On the good side, I've lost that 20 lbs (145 lbs now) and I've stopped drinking coffee. I've also started praying on my knees now.
I just signed up to Tinnitus Talk because of this thread. I am 73 years of age. Up to the time of my 2nd Moderna vaccination, I had had ringing in the ears, but it was really minor and would quickly dissipate. Periods of extreme tension mostly.

However, within days of receiving my 2nd Moderna vaccination on March 25, 2021, the ringing in both ears started. 24/7 ever since to this day 1/19/2022. My only hope has been that a Dr Gregory Poland, a vaccinologist at Mayo Clinic, also got severe tinnitus after the 2nd Moderna vaccination AND he stated that the severity of the tinnitus should fade within 6-12 months.

It's closing in on 10 months for me and there is no change.

On the good side, I've lost that 20 lbs (145 lbs now) and I've stopped drinking coffee. I've also started praying on my knees now.
I've had tinnitus from suspected inflammation before. The first was pulsatile tinnitus. It took 10 months to dissipate. I had ordinary tinnitus for 2.5 years before it faded.

Now I have pulsatile tinnitus and ordinary tinnitus from the Pfizer jab. I think 6 months is optimistic but possible. However I fear it may take much longer. Will never take a vaccine again.

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