I was forced to get the vaccine or be on unpaid leave.
Your employer
cannot do this. It is
illegal to force an employee to undergo a medical procedure under the threat of losing their job. What you should have done, is told them they would have to fire you, or leave you alone. Then the ball would have been in their court; if they had the balls, they would have had to issue you a letter of termination and you would then have been within your rights to take them to court.
I got Pfizer, left arm, on September 3 and tinnitus on September 5th. The tinnitus is worse in the right ear.
Sorry to hear it. Still, count yourself lucky it was just tinnitus you developed. There have been far worse
immediate results.
My hypothesis is that the vaccine causes the body to produce spiked proteins which can mimic similar inner ear proteins leading to tinnitus.
This is a video describing the Pfizer cellular mechanisms associated with the protein spike:
This is an article describing the anatomy of the inner ear including the proteins:
The molecular architecture of the inner ear
My concern is twofold in that it may be permanent and that if I have to take the second or subsequent doses the tinnitus will increase.
I'm afraid I can't watch your video because the speakers on my
new laptop are busted (already). Generating
white noise every time I play audio.
In any case, I'm not familiar with this
spike proteins mimicking inner ear proteins theory.
What I can tell you, is the spike proteins -that vaccines utilising gene therapy- trick your cells into producing, have been found to be highly toxic, and cause carnage to every organ and cell within the body, they meet.
This research was made public by a Canadian Immunologist named
Doctor Byram Bridle and Pathologist named
Doctor Roger Hodkinson, along with a paper published by several researchers at the Salk Institute.
Both have had their names dragged through the mud for daring to raise awareness of the potential dangers of the vaccines. The "fact checks" have become increasingly comical and the "debunking" less and less convincing.
Doctor Bridle has even been honoured with his own "misinformation" website by the pro-vaccine lobby, check it out:
Byram Bridle's Vaccine Misinformation
Imagine that. This guy's research was
so laughably wrong and easily disprovable, that
someone (I wonder who...

) actually went to all the trouble of creating a website in his name, so that anyone looking him and his research up, would quickly find everything he said had been "debunked"...
Anyway, this was the Salk Institute paper proving that spike proteins are toxic:
The novel coronavirus' spike protein plays additional key role in illness - Salk Institute for Biological Studies
In the new study, the researchers created a "pseudovirus" that was surrounded by SARS-CoV-2 classic crown of spike proteins, but did not contain any actual virus. Exposure to this pseudovirus resulted in damage to the lungs and arteries of an animal model—proving that the spike protein alone was enough to cause disease.
Now just remind yourself, we're talking about trillions (of spike proteins) that are produced here, by the body's own cells. The cochlear, is supplied, by the venous system just like any other organ in the body, so it's not inconceivable that damage could be done to the inner ear as well.
So far I've heard only two credible rebuttals of the new findings:
1) From several COVID-19 vaccine enthusiasts who asked Uri Manor -who was co-senior author of the Salk Institute study- to address his paper's use as evidence
against COVID-19 vaccines. Uri Manor in response, said that the amount and potency of spike proteins used in the study, was
far greater than what one would receive in any of the vaccines. (Article:
The "deadly" coronavirus spike protein (according to antivaxxers) | Science-Based Medicine (sciencebasedmedicine.org))
But, (grain of salt moment): by this point it looks a lot like Uri Manor may have unintentionally played a hand in causing some big Pharmaceutical companies to lose a lot of money, and is now
backtracking and trying to steer interpretation of the article to save himself from being chucked under the bus (just like all the other doctors and scientists that have made the mistake of going against Pfizer et al), even if it means undermining his own study.
2) That the danger is negligible, because the spike protein is engineered to be "inactive" and unable to bind to to human cells (layman's terms), also that it remains at the site of injection, within the deltoid muscle via the addition to the spike protein, of something called a "transmembrane anchor".
The "deadly" coronavirus spike protein (according to antivaxxers) | Science-Based Medicine (sciencebasedmedicine.org))
Now that
sounds great, in the same way that
Top Secret Alien Hover Boards that only the Military have access to sounds great, but here's the problem: it doesn't add up with what we're
Doctor who vaccinated 900 calls blood clots at capillary level an 'absolutely new phenomenon' – World Tribune: U.S. Politics and Culture, Geopolitics, East Asia Intelligence, China, Geostrategy, Military, National security, Corporate Watch, Media Watch, North Korea, Iran, Columnists: Dennis Prager, Michelle Malkin, John Metzler, Jeffrey Kuhner, John McNabb, Joe Schaeffer, Bill Juneau, Alexander Maistrovoy, Donald Kirk
A Canadian doctor who has given the Covid vaccine to more than 900 patients has reported that 62 percent of those patients are positive for blood clots.
Dr. Charles Hoffe, who has been practicing medicine for 28 years in British Columbia, said he has given about 900 doses of the Moderna experimental mRNA vaccine and the core problem he has seen are microscopic clots in his patients' tiniest capillaries.
Hoffe said the blood clots are "occurring at a capillary level. This has never before been seen. This is not a rare disease. This is an absolutely new phenomenon."
Perspectives on the Pandemic With Dr. Peter McCullough - United Push Back
Dr. Peter McCullough has an impressive list of credentials1 — he's an internist, cardiologist, epidemiologist and a full professor of medicine at Texas A&M College of Medicine in Dallas and is the editor of two medical journals and published hundreds of studies in the literature.
In your cells, the spike protein damages blood vessels and can lead to the development of blood clots. It can go into your brain, adrenal glands, ovaries, heart, skeletal muscles and nerves, causing inflammation, scarring and damage in organs over time.
In his practice, McCullough is seeing an array of neurologic syndromes in people who've been injected, with symptoms including blindness, paralysis, difficulty swallowing, headaches, ringing in the ears, myocarditis and more. Other research suggests that the heart, brain, immunologic system and hematologic system may be most at risk from the jabs.
So it doesn't matter what the pro-COVID-19-vaccine lobby
tell you the vaccine does, what's important is what the vaccine
actually does. And what we're
seeing isn't possible with an inactive spike protein that is remaining at the site of injection...
It's the same principle with Tobacco lobbyists decades back. They would tell you smoking can't cause lung cancer etc. "It's simply not possible because of the
science", "There is
no evidence smoking causes cancer". But then, people who smoke were
and still are overwhelmingly prone to lung cancer... All you can do as a lobbyist at that point is
debunk debunk debunk, hope people don't notice the correlations, or do their own research on the matter.
Anyway, what this boils down to, is
who you
want to believe. My money's on the guys who have
nothing to gain and
no profit to make from the information they are sharing (see if you can identify who those people are).
Over the coming months the third booster shots will begin their rollout, and two scientists have left their positions at the FDA because of it (as they can no longer support the growing insanity, and
lack of
science being applied). Good read:
The Meaning of the FDA Resignations ⋆ Brownstone Institute
Returning to the catalyst for this post:
@Pamdamonium, you might be surprised to learn, I recommend you
don't take another "shot".