What About God?

A lot of males that pass on see many of the great pin up girls of years past....Marilyn Monroe, Jayne Mansfield, Farrah Fawcett etc.

YUM!! Now that's the way I wanna go!! If that hot Marilyn Monroe is standing there waiting to let me in....... woohooo!!
If I ever get to meet God, I'm going to kick him square in the nuts.
If there is a God, and you meet him and do as planned, please be sure I am nowhere around before raising your foot to testicles!! I'd rather not get hit accidentally by that lightning bolt meant for you!! Appreciate that! :woot:
If there is a God, and you meet him and do as planned, please be sure I am nowhere around before raising your foot to testicles!! I'd rather not get hit accidentally by that lightning bolt meant for you!! Appreciate that! :woot:
I have it on high authority that God is a female and made in the image of Kate Upton. Women as you know can be cruel so if it seems like some men get picked on while on earth, this is a plausible explanation. Now this female God isn't all benevolent to women either. After all, she gave them a period for much of their younger life. ;)
I don't believe in god. I am more of an existential nihilist than anything else (life and existence are arbitrary acts of the universe, and do not have purpose or higher meaning unless one deliberately assigns purpose to them to stay alive). I also identify as an animist (all things, living and abiotic, have a sentinent essence about them). I am spiritual, and I do, on occasion, believe certain events and occurrences are more than coincidences.

Just a couple of weeks before I (originally) came down with hearing loss and T from a loud noise exposure, I kept thinking to myself in the most 'braggadocious' way "gee, I must be one lucky bastard to have had no health problems all my life and to have my hearing so pristine after all of the times I have used my ears as shooting targets, hahaha". I was also kind of a jack### back in the weeks and months before hell paid a visit; I was always angry at everyone for no rational reason, never respected people's time, showed up late to meetings and to friendship occasions, had bad character when it came to failure or bad marks. And I still never acknowledged the multitudes of privilege I had, good health being one of them. I still worked hard in my academics and morals, and tried to set myself right, however.

When the storm hit and my ears went a bad way, I changed my ways. I started to appreciate my gifts in life a great deal more, my friend's company much more, and my anger towards everyone dissipated (I was just flat out depressed by that point).
But oh man I'll tell you it is like I have been put under a curse, that has not only tightened it's grip on me, but one that just so happened to follow my 'sinful ways' as well. When I experience nearly any form of pleasure these days, I am hastily punished (through my ears and tinnitus) every single time. Talking the original 7 deadly sins ideaology (Greek-Roman, but also related to Christianity), I have definitely experienced the worst problems with my ears and the largest hearing losses when:

a. Felt really angry at something, or directed said anger onto myself physically (sin of wrath)
b. Ate waay too much food or sweets in one period (sin of gluttony)
c. Sat for too long a period on my lazy ass watching TV or computer (sin of sloth)
d. Had strong sexual thoughts or pleasured myself (sin of lust)
e. Felt really secure and spiritually over-powerful in my identity and my state of health, only to have that destroyed a few days or hours later by another ear problem (sin of pride?)
f. Always getting anxious and really upset over how much other young people my age get to get out of the sounded world and the party life (sin of envy)
g. Stealing my a bit of my mom's money, or spending waay to much of my own money and going on some reckless adventure in the car when I am not insured, which then leads to hearing loss and T (sin of greed).

All this has just made me go 'hmm' at times. Just too many health problems as a result of only slightly naughty behaviors. This 'curse' has become so twisted and complex as to also affect me when I experience 'more virtuous' forms of pleasure. I also get T and hearing damage when I

a. Laugh, cry, even smile
b. Have way too much fun and become overwhelmed with joy, which leads me to become hyperactive.
c. Accept my current state of being, and try to stay calm and relaxed (something bad happens anyway).
d. Try to get back to making lots of art or planting my plants, or actually writing my thesis when I was at college (I think the stress of doing so gets to me)
e. Take long walks or get out in the world like American culture tells me to.

So, yes, some of this just seems to me as more of coincidence. But most likely, I am just trying to explain my extraordinary bad luck when it comes to the actions I make and the unintended, and unexpected, consequences they have for my ears.

I think I need to end this personal reflection before it goes other strange directions...moral of the story is I that I personally believe bad luck more often trumps personal choices, but that there can be an element of karma to it all.
there can be an element of karma to it all.
I super believe in Karma. Seen it at work myself and had it come back on me many times. Many things I went thru I totally deserved. I'm pretty sure with some of my past luck, I more than paid off for my arrogance and self greed. However when I got bit with Sudden Hearing Loss and a MASSIVE increase in tinnitus, I cannot fathom for the life of me what I may have done to deserve this come onto me. I was a bad boy at times, and I paid for it, trust me! My hearing loss and tinnitus increase was simply a combination of not looking after my ears enough and a bad bad reaction to a medication during kidney surgery! No karma involved there as I know I am at the very least even steven before this with what was coming to me!
YUM!! Now that's the way I wanna go!! If that hot Marilyn Monroe is standing there waiting to let me in....... woohooo!!

I just googled this and apparently ~6400 people die every hour.
That means that St. Peter or whoever is at the gate has to service about 2 people every second.
There's no way you'll get a chance to check out Marilyn at that rate.

PS: I don't know if there are more gates for people of different beliefs. I suppose one could sneak into a small religion's gate like Zoroastrianism.
I just googled this and apparently ~6400 people die every hour.
That means that St. Peter or whoever is at the gate has to service about 2 people every second.
There's no way you'll get a chance to check out Marilyn at that rate.

PS: I don't know if there are more gates for people of different beliefs. I suppose one could sneak into a small religion's gate like Zoroastrianism.
Its kind of like that. Entrance to the pearly gates is fashioned in the format of a football stadium with many gates. That is in fact how the flippant term, 'punch my ticket' came into usage...a cavalier reference to people dying. Before the population explosion, the pearly gates was a single point of passage but due to greater influx, God had to revamp the design. Heaven, is like many venues, a work in progress which if you think about it, it makes a lot of sense because it is a construct that people made up to make them feel better than evaporating into nothingness...like we were before we were born. ;)
I dunno guys, I may very well be the second coming of Christ! Praise me or else........................:facepalm:
I put more thought into a post here about... where our energy goes when we die. Seems to be a debate at times for religion that every person has a detectable amount of energy. Therefore there must be someplace else our energy goes when we pass on so must be a heaven or hell. You would think the really smart, high IQ people would have figured this out right? Well sorry Einstein, Freud, Newton...... it turns out if you have an IQ of 4 like me, yep, same as a carrot, that there is more empty space in the head for those 4 little IQ's to lay out diagrams and chart etc. They don't have to compete with a hundred or more little IQ's over space or waste time arguing among one another.

So my 4 IQ's figured out that, the energy is simply released into our atmosphere and is trapped here. Most days the little bits of energy just float harmlessly around the sky and are quite boring however every so often they get bunched up in an energy accident on the skyway. A few too many and they create dark clouds, rain and lightning with thunder. Also at times there are large gatherings of our spent energy that get together for big sports events. If its the playoffs or world series event, so much energy accumulates to create super cells of storms. Hurricanes, tornadoes etc. Also every now and then they attend wrestling matches. A couple professional energy wrestlers are in a ring and duke it out so hard it creates earthquakes!!

I know, I know, don't thank me now for having finally solved the energy/spiritual issue!! Thank me whenever you eat a carrot! ;)
The Tibetan Book of the Dead is a good read. They believe that after death we see visions based on what we believed during our lifetime. So Christians will see visions of Christ and Satan, Muslims will see Allah and their devil, Hindus will see their deities etc. All these visions are projections of the dead persons mind, they are not 'real' as such. However following the light of Christ, Allah etc may lead to nirvana while following the light of satan or the dark deities may lead to the hell realm. Or we may just get reborn as humans (which for some people can seem like a hell realm!) or animals, insects etc.
The Tibetan Book of the Dead is a good read. They believe that after death we see visions based on what we believed during our lifetime. So Christians will see visions of Christ and Satan, Muslims will see Allah and their devil, Hindus will see their deities etc. All these visions are projections of the dead persons mind, they are not 'real' as such. However following the light of Christ, Allah etc may lead to nirvana while following the light of satan or the dark deities may lead to the hell realm. Or we may just get reborn as humans (which for some people can seem like a hell realm!) or animals, insects etc.
Wacky humans...the stuff we conjure up while alive to make sense of the absolution of death...trying to make a substantive difference while alive and then slipping into nothingness.
There isn't much proof of heaven and hell but if you ask somebody who lives with chronic pain or severe tinnitus, they can tell you what hell is. Many believe life is unfair which if you look at the world it clearly is. People with incredible wealth and health and those with the complete opposite. So the fairness lies in death. We begin the same and end the same.
Of all the so called theories or belief systems that people adopt, there is compelling evidence of reincarnation...or the spirit of a given person somehow inhabiting the body of another after death. This plays into the narrative of collective consciousness. There is no explanation for prodigies having the talent they do. Mozart's ability to compose music at the age of 4. In his DNA? Maybe, but he didn't have enough experience to draw from at that tender age to do what he did. It also explains extraordinary talent that some have....they bring this predisposition from a previous life.
The most compelling evidence, is people that actually recall a previous life in an earlier time and place...vividly. This is the single most compelling argument. This includes circumstances and even names of dead people from previous lives in different areas of the planet. There is no explanation for that...why a given person can channel the previous life of another and there are countless examples on record.
I don't believe in god. I am more of an existential nihilist than anything else (life and existence are arbitrary acts of the universe, and do not have purpose or higher meaning unless one deliberately assigns purpose to them to stay alive). I also identify as an animist (all things, living and abiotic, have a sentinent essence about them). I am spiritual, and I do, on occasion, believe certain events and occurrences are more than coincidences.

Just a couple of weeks before I (originally) came down with hearing loss and T from a loud noise exposure, I kept thinking to myself in the most 'braggadocious' way "gee, I must be one lucky bastard to have had no health problems all my life and to have my hearing so pristine after all of the times I have used my ears as shooting targets, hahaha". I was also kind of a jack### back in the weeks and months before hell paid a visit; I was always angry at everyone for no rational reason, never respected people's time, showed up late to meetings and to friendship occasions, had bad character when it came to failure or bad marks. And I still never acknowledged the multitudes of privilege I had, good health being one of them. I still worked hard in my academics and morals, and tried to set myself right, however.

When the storm hit and my ears went a bad way, I changed my ways. I started to appreciate my gifts in life a great deal more, my friend's company much more, and my anger towards everyone dissipated (I was just flat out depressed by that point).
But oh man I'll tell you it is like I have been put under a curse, that has not only tightened it's grip on me, but one that just so happened to follow my 'sinful ways' as well. When I experience nearly any form of pleasure these days, I am hastily punished (through my ears and tinnitus) every single time. Talking the original 7 deadly sins ideaology (Greek-Roman, but also related to Christianity), I have definitely experienced the worst problems with my ears and the largest hearing losses when:

a. Felt really angry at something, or directed said anger onto myself physically (sin of wrath)
b. Ate waay too much food or sweets in one period (sin of gluttony)
c. Sat for too long a period on my lazy ass watching TV or computer (sin of sloth)
d. Had strong sexual thoughts or pleasured myself (sin of lust)
e. Felt really secure and spiritually over-powerful in my identity and my state of health, only to have that destroyed a few days or hours later by another ear problem (sin of pride?)
f. Always getting anxious and really upset over how much other young people my age get to get out of the sounded world and the party life (sin of envy)
g. Stealing my a bit of my mom's money, or spending waay to much of my own money and going on some reckless adventure in the car when I am not insured, which then leads to hearing loss and T (sin of greed).

All this has just made me go 'hmm' at times. Just too many health problems as a result of only slightly naughty behaviors. This 'curse' has become so twisted and complex as to also affect me when I experience 'more virtuous' forms of pleasure. I also get T and hearing damage when I

a. Laugh, cry, even smile
b. Have way too much fun and become overwhelmed with joy, which leads me to become hyperactive.
c. Accept my current state of being, and try to stay calm and relaxed (something bad happens anyway).
d. Try to get back to making lots of art or planting my plants, or actually writing my thesis when I was at college (I think the stress of doing so gets to me)
e. Take long walks or get out in the world like American culture tells me to.

So, yes, some of this just seems to me as more of coincidence. But most likely, I am just trying to explain my extraordinary bad luck when it comes to the actions I make and the unintended, and unexpected, consequences they have for my ears.

I think I need to end this personal reflection before it goes other strange directions...moral of the story is I that I personally believe bad luck more often trumps personal choices, but that there can be an element of karma to it all.
Your perspective and introspection shows you are a woman of substance. If you want any feedback at all, I think your comment about trying to explain your bad luck is at the core of the linkage you feel about pleasure and intensity of your tinnitus. A form of guilt. Will say further, when you let go of this and love yourself more, you will shed this burden and likely your tinnitus will improve as well. There is remarkable linkage between emotion and health and I believe you have created this construct perhaps out of guilt. You have created this coincidence in your mind so it is more than a coincidence. That is not to say you can't decouple this relationship but will start with forgiving yourself for essentially feeling normal and the range of emotion we all feel.. None of us are perfect. Your list is no different from others.
Continue on the path you are on of self discovery and I think you will find happiness and better health.

PS. as a laugh and oh btw, we are essentially biological robots with limited free will. We are restricted by our DNA and programmed by our parents and by those in society that evaluate our relevance. This is what forms our psyche and propensity for clutching to religion and a transcendent God that understands our true value...a God 'that loves us' unconditionally.
I must agree with much of the spiritual arguments. Many things and stories available where people saw visions of things impossible to see according to science. I was always an aviation buff and seen many Air Crash Investigation video's on youtube. One video I remember that had a spiritual element to it was a story about United Airlines Flight 811. Was a Boeing 747-122 aircraft on a scheduled flight from Honolulu International Airport eventually heading to New Zealand. I believe the jet was quite full of passengers. As they were climbing to the assigned altitude and diverting around a storm cell, the cargo door failed at around 23,000 feet. There was instant decompression in the craft that ripped out an area of the body above where passengers were still seated with seat belts on. I believe 8 or 9 people lost their lives in that accident. The flight crew managed to get the plane on the ground to save hundreds of others.

A gentleman from New Zealand named Lee Campbell lost his life. His seat ripped out of the craft and he was lost with 8 others. His parents were sleeping at the time in New Zealand. When they woke up his mother spoke to his father about some stranger visiting her in the night. Se said it was a very vivid dream. They discussed it over breakfast and went on with the morning. She at the time didn't exactly see the face of the stranger in the night, but remembered the demeanor and clothing. About an hour later they got a call from a friend I believe that heard news of an accident with Lee's aircraft, and that most landed safely but a few were lost. The mother said immediately her blood ran cold!! She knew her son Lee had died and was the stranger in the night! A short while after that the got a visit from the police. She opened the door and basically said I already know my Lee is dead. The cop was shocked as the names had just been released but not in the media. He confirmed her feelings.

Tons of these stories out there. Not everything is scientific. Supernatural I suppose. So there very well may be more to all of this than 60-90 years on earth!! Who really knows!! As humans we love proof!!
In the paranormal study world this is called a crisis-apparition or crisis-ghost I believe. It is not that uncommon it would seem.
As humans we love proof!!
So true, yet in some things we can never get it.

For spooky, try the multiple anecdotes for people with donor organs taking on personal character traits of the original donor.
That one I haven't heard. Are you saying handwriting transfers for guys with hand transplants? ;)
Well if that ever was scientifically proven, it sure could mount a great defense in court!! .......but your Honor, it wasn't me who passed the stick-up note at the bank.......... Case dismissed!! :sneaky:
Maybe not, but if you got a kidney from a Bieber fan?

Bumped into an article while looking into stem cell research. I cut out a part of it. It reads....

The American experts are claiming to have used cloning technology to transform cells taken from a cow's ear into functioning kidneys.

The 'spare-part' kidneys were genetically identical to the cell donor and so were not rejected when they were transplanted into the animal.

The scientists are confident that the same technique will work in humans within the next few years.

Using just a few skin cells, doctors would be able to grow perfectly matched organs with none of the problems of rejection associated with donor tissue.

They have already started trying to produce other tissues, including heart cells.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-97207/Kidney-breakthrough-end-need-donors.html#ixzz4MJbkgU1x
So if they can make new kidneys for humans in a few years, there is hope for Cholera Hair Cell regeneration no?
Absolutely Mike. One day this will replace donor organs and solve the incapability issue.
Also age regression is on the horizon, improving eye sight and a host of other genetically based disease.
Its the next generation that will really benefit. Just like those in the 1800's died young due to no solutions, those in the next century will have the veritable fountain of youth.
fountain of youth.
Yes was thinking the same thoughts. Once they master all the tricks to making a cell produce any organ, they can easily reverse aging. Imagine being 187 years old with the skin of a 21 year old? You have lung cancer? No sweat. We will grow you new lungs and off you go!

I hope the generations that benefit look back and appreciate where all our hard earned tax dollars went too. Doubt it tho!
So if they can make new kidneys for humans in a few years, there is hope for Cholera Hair Cell regeneration no?
Personally, I would prefer not to have Cholera in my inner ear. But, hey, we are all different.
Wow, the amount of atheism and agnosticism on this thread is disheartening. Tinnitus can absolutely cause us to doubt our faith, I get it. But I firmly believe in my Saviour and in my God. I have no idea why I have been afflicted with this horrible malady, but His ways and thoughts are much higher than mine. I find strength in His Word and knowing that we are simply sojourners in this world, our destination is yet to come. @erniej God is not laughing at you, He has a plan for you and for me. Our T sucks, but it i not out of His control. Don't lose hope, don't lose faith!

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