What Is Your Dream Job?

I would be blunt and say that I do have my dream job already! Well, I will probably move up from here but my dream job was to work for a gaming company. I am no programmer, artist or scripter, since I have no talent for the technical part.
But I am working at a well-known gaming company since July last year and it has been great. Fortunately, the job I have doesn't require me to be exposed to loud noises :)
I had my dream job for 40 years. I am/was a clinical psychologist who not only saw clients but also trained future psychologists. I loved it! I've always fantasisized that. I would write great fiction. But I know people who have written important fiction and poetry--big prize winner type writers. I could never work that hard. Plus, I figured out if I wanted to be a writer, I would have written something more than 50 page clinical reports for the courts. Go figure
I want to be a research assistant in my college. I'm studying English Language and Literature but I do not know how to manage it with a full blast jet engines in my head :cry::cry::cry:
The researcher who finds the allusive cure for T! Then I would not patent it so everyone can get it for free. Jonas Salk (the inventor of the polio vaccine in 1953) did not patent his discovery because he believed, like the sun, a vaccine for polio belonged to the people. Legend!
Think an electric energy design will nullify the airflow noise? :p
No but really, engines are the problem. I wouldn't mind flying again in a glider when H will be better for instance.

Airflow can be loud but you can quite easily cut it with earmuffs, especially in a big airliner.
Trust fund princess
I also want to be a writer/author. I would love to tell stories and make a living of it.
This is a dream I've had for a long time. Even if I don't get succesful and don't earn money on it, I still want to write/tell stories.

That is why I really want to come to grip with my T so I can start living a normal life and do the things that I like. To be honest, even before my T kicked in I always said "I want/will write" and never did. But now I'm serious about it.
I have the job I want, though since I am a freelancer every assignment has it up's and downs.
I am a camera operator, that's how I got T as well, as many of my colleagues.
From now on I am a bit scared to do certain assignments though. I loved to film music-festivals, but I'll have to skip them at least this year, don't want to risk it.
Medical research scientist who comes up with the cure for tinnitus.
eh I don't know.. probably to be a businessman and travel around the world. Doubt that will happen with Tinnitus. 8 years ago my dream job was to become a doctor lol

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