What Type of Tinnitus Do I Have?

The palate - roof of mouth is innervated by the pharyngeal plexus which takes its motor fibers from the vagus nerve (CN X) and the cranial portion of the accessory nerve (CN XI). The vagus nerve sends sensory information to the accessory nerve with help from neck muscles. The sternocleidomastoid and these muscles.
Scalenes, Trapezius, Semispinalis Capitis, Semispinalis, Cervicis Splenius, Suboccipital, Levator Scapulae
Fast metabolism per somatic and PT in relation to what you mention above sometimes runs in families more so on the mother's side. You might get kinks in the neck. ETD can come and go along with a sore throat and pressure to the ears. All this takes is a small amount of off center of C1 or straightening of the c spine. All this can also associate to the thyroid including roof of mouth.
A MRI will not show these problems. Discuss with your doctors as mentioned in a post above; complete blood work including a thyroid panel and neck X Ray.

My thyroid is normal as of early January. My bloodwork is pretty normal except for the Lupus part. I have an appointment with NUCCA chiropractor in mid April, will do an X-ray then probably. Is the face pressure/ear spasms related to sinus/ETD or TTTS? I don't really have a runny or stuffy nose, can breath normally.
My somatic symptoms have been getting worse. Now, even my head touching something such as pillow, increases the volume and pitch and the increases stays. Any recommendation for relief?
Met my rheumatologist today. He wants to me continue taking Plaquenil (ototoxic antimalarial), since I stopped taking Plaquenil for two months and noticed no decrease in the tinnitus (instead tinnitus worsened a bit). He said that Lupus is treated with antimalarials. There is another injection type drug Benlysta which is too strong for me. I used Cellcept (chemo drug) for a bit but then had a lymphoma scare (went through the whole range of tests and biopsy, Cellcept could cause lymphoma) and I stopped that.

He also wants to try the steriod (Medrol) for a week to see if it is makes any difference. Isn't it a bit too late to test with steriods? Four months in.

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