It is a great example of achievement!Depends on your environment. One of my neices is deaf from birth and has a disabled father and a mentally handicapped brother. Yet she ended up being highly educated, having a loving (and deaf as well) husband with two wonderful kids (one deaf, one hearing) that can attend school without any problems. They can drive the car in traffic and are fully independent in whatever way. She all owes it to her parents: her mother in practical ways, to the point of attending classes with her so she could translate, and her father in the mental areas, like a wise man she could always go to whenever there was an issue.
I grew up in a wonderful family myself, but this one always set an example for me of what self-sacrifice means once there are children involved. My aunt did pretty much anything in the household, including taking care of her MS-struck husband who soon could not work or help around anymore. Haven't heard her complain even once, she took everything life threw at her and destroyed any barriers they encountered.
But to attend to your point... if given the choice, I'd prefer the situation of my neice above having severe tinnitus, assuming a cure isn't around the corner. Silence is golden.
What does your niece do? What's her job?