Does anyone have access to the full study? I would like to know if and how they talk about tinnitus loudness.
Evaluation of a Cognitive Behavioral Model of Tinnitus Distress
A Cross-Sectional Study Using Structural Equation Modeling
Handscomb, Lucy; Shorter, Gillian W.; Hoare, Derek J.; Hall, Deborah A.
There is a great deal of variation in the extent to which people with tinnitusfind it distressing, which cannot be explained solely by differences in perceived loudness.
The Cognitive Behavioral Model of Tinnitus Distress proposes that tinnitus becomes and is maintained as a distressing problem due to a process of interaction between negative thoughts, negative emotions, attention and monitoring, safety behavior, and beliefs. This study used path analysis to assess how well different configurations of this model fit using questionnaire data obtained from people with tinnitus.