Will You Get Vaccinated for Coronavirus (COVID-19)? Can It Make Tinnitus or Hyperacusis Worse?

Will you get vaccinated for coronavirus?

  • Yes, right away, as soon as possible, when the first vaccine becomes available

  • Yes, planning to, but I will wait a while to see if there are any potential long-term side effects

  • Maybe, I haven't decided yet one way or another

  • No, I'm not going to get vaccinated

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Please stop posting in these threads. We all know you think COVID-19 is a hoax so move on. We don't need to hear about it.

Some of us, who have permanent damage from COVID-19, find posts like these extremely offensive and enraging. This is just like people who talk down about tinnitus because they have never experienced it.
What about the people who took the vaccine and are permanently damaged and even had to quit their jobs. Who are in 24 hours of pain, cannot walk... are partly paralysed, etc...

They can tell you how fun their lives are now. Which they are not...

And they were perfectly healthy before taking the shot. So it is apples and oranges...
What about the people who took the vaccine and are permanently damaged and even had to quit their jobs. Who are in 24 hours of pain, cannot walk... are partly paralysed, etc...

They can tell you how fun their lives are now. Which they are not...

And they were perfectly healthy before taking the shot. So it is apples and oranges...
But what's the alternative to vaccines?

Do you think we should let SARS-CoV-2 run rampant amongst the world's population indefinitely?
According to a study released today, "7.6% of people infected with COVID-19 experience hearing loss, while 14.8% suffer tinnitus" (that's 1 in 7). The study doesn't say how many tinnitus sufferers ended up with it permanently, but anything which has an 1 in 7 chance of giving me even a long spike is something that scares the bejeezus out of me.

I dunno what risk the vaccine has but it must be orders of magnitude lower than 1 in 7. Otherwise, we'd have literally millions of vaccinated people complaining about fresh tinnitus, and a global shitstorm. I sure as hell know which risk I'm taking

COVID-19: Hearing loss, tinnitus and vertigo may be associated with coronavirus, research suggests
@Ed209, I hope all the conditions you have now clear up and you are 100% back to normal. I was just wondering why you didn't get the COVID-19 vaccine after you got your first mild case of COVID-19? I know some people are immune from COVID-19 after contracting it. I had 1 Pfizer shot so far.
What about the people who took the vaccine and are permanently damaged and even had to quit their jobs. Who are in 24 hours of pain, cannot walk... are partly paralysed, etc...
They can tell you how fun their lives are now. Which they are not...
And they were perfectly healthy before taking the shot. So it is apples and oranges...
What about the people who chose to get in their cars and wound up in a freak accident? Risk of getting mugged? Lightning strikes? Plane crashes? In risk-management it's not about whether such misfortune exists, it's about the probability of something like that happening.

The fact is that the risk of acquiring COVID-19 and having life-altering symptoms is several orders of magnitude greater than vaccine complications even from the worst of the vaccines. To say otherwise is to simply be in denial of the established reality due to some combination of ignorance and paranoia.
@Ed209, I hope all the conditions you have now clear up and you are 100% back to normal. I was just wondering why you didn't get the COVID-19 vaccine after you got your first mild case of COVID-19? I know some people are immune from COVID-19 after contracting it. I had 1 Pfizer shot so far.
They are distributed in order of age in this country. I'm still waiting for it, and it will probably be a while yet.
They are distributed in order of age in this country. I'm still waiting for it, and it will probably be a while yet.
I thought that some would get prioritized regardless of their age, but maybe not? I know frontline healthcare workers got vaccinated early in the US.
What about the people who took the vaccine and are permanently damaged and even had to quit their jobs. Who are in 24 hours of pain, cannot walk... are partly paralysed, etc...

They can tell you how fun their lives are now. Which they are not...

And they were perfectly healthy before taking the shot. So it is apples and oranges...
[citations needed]

You got some non-anecdotal, verifiable data to back up this rather extraordinary claim, or are you just spreading fear, uncertainty and doubt?

Do you know the percentage of "recovered" COVID-19 patients who appear to have life-changing long term problems?
COVID-19 Appears To Be Linked To Tinnitus, Hearing Loss, And Vertigo

More evidence that the actual virus is the real danger here.
To me, no thing under the sun is "perfectly safe", everything is a risk calculus.


It's objectively true that based on hundreds of studies of millions of COVID-19 patients and vaccine adverse reactions that COVID-19 is orders of magnitude more dangerous to your ears than any of the vaccines are.

Clearly, not everyone believes this, but the cool thing about facts is that they're true whether or not someone chooses to believe them. Someone could choose to not believe that a 12" pine section can weigh 100 pounds, but if it fell on their head, their belief doesn't matter because reality doesn't care about your beliefs, and neither do selfless viruses or novel mRNA strands.
AstraZeneca may have included 'outdated information' in Covid vaccine trial, U.S. health agency says


We're in firesale rollout mode and a lot of the data coming in has been conflicted or subject to redaction.

Did you actually read this article? It says this:
"It is not unknown for a DSMB to disagree with investigators over interpretation of trial results," said Stephen Evans, professor of pharmacoepidemiology at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine.

"It is usually done in private, so this is unprecedented in my opinion," he added. "It does not leave me concerned particularly unless they had found a safety issue that was being hidden, which does not appear to be the case."

AstraZeneca said Monday that the independent DSMB had found no increased risk of blood clots.

Ruud Dobber, executive vice president of AstraZeneca's biopharmaceuticals business unit, told CNBC's "Squawk Box" on Monday that it was "very pleasing to see that even with a magnifying glass the Data Safety Monitoring Board didn't see any imbalance between the vaccinated group and the placebo group."

"So, that gives us a lot of confidence," he added.
What, specifically, do you find interesting about this / why did you post it?

Have you carefully followed a lot of drug and device trials or rollouts? Things being temporarily halted and/or some amount of data confusion working into the mix is hardly an unusual thing, there's a reason there are concrete protocols in place to deal with these situations as they arise.

To me, it's very expected that stuff like this would happen during this kind of mass-vaccination land grab, so this seems like a story about "things that I expect to happen, happening".
Someone could choose to not believe that a 12" pine section can weigh 100 pounds, but if it fell on their head, their belief doesn't matter because reality doesn't care about your beliefs, and neither do selfless viruses or novel mRNA strands.
Ask me about almost getting brained by 12" wood sections.

Fortunately I don't suffer that particular delusion so I calmly* stepped back as the pile collapsed in the now empty space where I'd stood. This time. Don't take anything for granted ;)

* once my brain caught up to what had happened I felt dizzy and a little ill
Watching the documentary about Kate Garraway's husband, Derek, shows what COVID-19 can do to a person. What happened to him is incredibly tragic.
That's because it is like an ordinary cold or flu.
Ok but regular cold or flu does not cause loss of smell and taste - in some cases permanently.

Also, this COVID-19 can cause a fatigue syndrome and long recovery.

I mean it definitely is not an "ordinary" thing. It's a Chinese gm virus unleashed onto the west.

Now I do agree that these vaccines are being used incorrectly. A vaccine that in a "prophylactic", meaning it only lessens the symptoms and does not prevent infection and viral shedding. This gives the virus an opportunity to mutate into a more dangerous strain, which is then passed onto another "vaccinated" or unvaccinated person. Except, the vaccinated person's innate immune system no longer has the ability to fight off a different type of coronavirus, so the body will go into ARDS/cytokine storm, severe form, or possibly death.

I didn't make this stuff up, it was said by a vaccine expert Geert Brosche. He talks about viral immune "escape". So basically you put pressure on the virus thru a vaccine that won't kill the virus in a timely manner and allow it to pass on to another person, and it will by natural selection be able to mutate into something from a Zombie movie.

God help us. Stock up on food, supplies, antibiotics, weapons (maybe a bow and arrow), because it's going to get real scary. Ok, in the best case scenario, vaccinated people will be totally dependent on big pharma to keep feeding them new vaccines when the last ones stop working and we all know that we don't have the capacity to produce vaccine in time, so virus will win.

I think the governments are just winging it and hoping the virus won't mutate, which is fine, but if it does, then God help us all.
We don't have time to waste, and I don't have much patience for conspiracy theorists who say otherwise based on dodgy "science" and fear mongering.
Please explain how can a "vaccine" that allows a virus to reproduce and shed in a human being, be able to stop COVID-19 in its tracks? You do realize Coronaviruses mutate easily just by altering their spike protein.

What will you do if your "vaccine" stops working one day? Would you get another one, and another one, and another one? What if one day for some reason we have a shortage of vaccines or the virus outsmarts us and mutates so badly that we have a hard time finding the antidote? By that time your innate immune system will be helpless against Coronavirus and you won't stand a chance without a vaccine, you'd be dead in 24 hours.
Why, what happens after 3 years outside?
I am at high risk for hospitalization from COVID-19. My PCP was telling me that I needed to be prepared to isolate as much as possible for the next 1-3 years if I do not choose to vaccinate. I do believe the stress of quarantine and COVID-19 over the last year contributed to my hearing situation.
I am at high risk for hospitalization from COVID-19. My PCP was telling me that I needed to be prepared to isolate as much as possible for the next 1-3 years if I do not choose to vaccinate. I do believe the stress of quarantine and COVID-19 over the last year contributed to my hearing situation.
Yes, my question is what's going to happen in 3 years? Is COVID-19 just supposed to vanish?
Yes, my question is what's going to happen in 3 years? Is COVID-19 just supposed to vanish?
It seems they want to sell still more vaccines and that people would have to get vaccinated every year, like some people do for the flu.

Actually in all my life I never got vaccinated for the flu, and never caught the flu.
What, specifically, do you find interesting about this / why did you post it?
It's all over the news. That's why I posted it. I am not a specialist in vaccines, but I find it odd that first countries approve a vaccine for human use, then they revise the data afterwards and say clinical results cannot be "published" just using a press note.
It's all over the news. That's why I posted it. I am not a specialist in vaccines, but I find it odd that first countries approve a vaccine for human use, then they revise the data afterwards and say clinical results cannot be "published" just using a press note.
That's a mischaracterization of what happened here, and, as I said, data blips and temporary halts to rollouts are pretty normal in "these situations", given that situations where EUA is even a thing that's on the table are few and far between.

As for "all over the news", my initial googling of this very quickly led me to the articles I posted. So, I am asking again:
Have you carefully followed a lot of drug and device trials or rollouts? Things being temporarily halted and/or some amount of data confusion working into the mix is hardly an unusual thing, there's a reason there are concrete protocols in place to deal with these situations as they arise.
It does look like there was some sort of "cute" behavior on behalf of AstraZeneca, but, on the other hand, the big gorilla involved here is Pfizer and I could give you a 10 page diatribe about the immoral, illegal shit Pfizer has done in my life time.

A flipside of all this is: besides AstraZeneca, all the vaxx's are heavily IP protected. Johnson & Johnson is giving their vaxx out at cost -- but they are not giving up the rights. All of this makes it sound like Johnson & Johnson, Pfizer and modeRNA want to move into "profit massively from COVID-19 vaxx" mode as soon as it's politically possible.

This is not true of AstraZeneca, and as such, they are sort of looking like the closest thing we're going to have for a "common carrier" to get vaxx to impoverished nations that Pfizer is going to raise their nose at. As a result of that, it means there is inherently bad blood between Pfizer / modeRNA / Johnson & Johnson, and AstraZeneca.

So, when we have something like this AstraZeneca press release which was... challenged, but not in the normal channels, but through an unprecedented and very public press release that (temporarily) dinged their stock, it's hard for me to not at least suspect a political motive of some kind.

But, none of that really "matters". The dust on this has settled and a 5% differential in AstraZeneca's actual effective rate is both mathematically insignificant, and also not relevant with regard to how vaxx rollouts should proceed.

That's why I asked what you thought was interesting about this, the whole thing seemed incredibly predictable to me. Non issue that gets lots of news clicks because anything with "COVID-19" and "vaccine" will get lots of news clicks, so, hey, let's fabricate some controversy.
Based on this thread:

Share Your Coronavirus (COVID-19) Vaccine Experience: Any Impact on Your Tinnitus or Hyperacusis?

I took some numbers based on this thread and how people reacted to the vaccines. I didn't include those who didn't specify which one was taken.

To define some criteria; Temporary changes are less than 2 weeks and long term changes are more than 2 weeks.

No Change: 11
Temporary Change: 1
Long Term Change: 1

No Change: 5
Temporary Change: 5
Long Term Change: 4

It seems like Pfizer is the vaccine of choice based on this small sample. I would be interested to see how this changes the more people take it.

I encourage everyone who has "long term changes" to keep following up so we can track it.
Here are the updated numbers as of 3/24/21:

No Change: 26
Temporary Change: 4
Long Term Change: 3

No Change: 10
Temporary Change: 6
Long Term Change: 5

No Change: 4
Temporary Change: 2
Long Term Change:

No Change: 2
Temporary Change: 1
Long Term Change:

Still looks like Pfizer is the safest of the 4 shots. Not enough responses regarding AstraZeneca and J&J to make a decision.

Something to keep in mind when reading this. A lot of people who had "long term changes" didn't follow up. So their "long term change" could have resolved and we just didn't hear about it.
Hi, I'm replying because I also got tinnitus after the first Pfizer shot.

A day after the shot I thought my head would blow up. Lots of pressure and the ringing was horrible and then I lost hearing in my left ear and could only hear muffled sounds for 24 hours.

When my hearing returned, the buzzing got louder and louder. During the week after the shot I also felt dizziness, along with the tinnitus.

Now, 3 weeks after, I caught COVID-19 and the tinnitus is back along with the dizzy off balance feeling. My other symptoms of COVID-19 are loss of taste and smell, stuffed head and ear pressure.
Am I hearing this right? You got COVID-19 right after you got the vaccine? That's a bit puzzling...

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