I got the COVID-19 vaccine 4 days ago. Afterwards, I was only sore in the arm for a day, no effect on tinnitus. Just sharing my experience.
My parents both had theirs on Saturday. So far, so good.
I got the COVID-19 vaccine 4 days ago. Afterwards, I was only sore in the arm for a day, no effect on tinnitus. Just sharing my experience.
I have an open mind about everything and try to approach all serious matters with a sense of neutrality. It is of no benefit to either me or my family to be so easily suggestible. My wife is also one of the smartest people I know. She dominated national scores in testing and attained a first-class degree from Cambridge with ease (and was one of only 2 from her college to do so in her chosen field). She has read a lot about this and is on the same page as me.If you research and have an open mind, you should ultimately conclude that the vaccines are likely harmful and Michael Leigh's speculation regarding a conspiracy theory is pretty accurate.
People have been conditioned and trained to think ALL conspiracy theories are wrong, made-up and could never happen. Governments would never betray or harm people.
Many people have closed minds and refuse to believe they might have been wrong. Instead, they whole heartedly trust their politicians, social institutions including healthcare even if they are contradicted. Anything else is part of a "conspiracy theory."
My dad has advanced heart failure and he's had the Pfizer vaccine.I've got heart failure, 20% ejection fraction and have an implanted defibrillator/pacemaker. I'm in a very high risk category. My cardiologist said I should get the vaccine as soon as I can. I'm still thinking I want to wait until at least February so I can see what happens to all of the elderly in nursing homes that get the vaccine. Many of them will probably have heart failure like me. If they are ok then that will set my mind at ease. My doctor didn't think I would get offered it until around February anyhow.
I've also had tinnitus now for over 30 years, and recently started having what I think is MEM (Middle Ear Myoclonus). I too hope that this vaccine doesn't make that worse. It is driving me mad.
You don't understand, Ed. Anyway, I am not impressed about your education credentials nor your relatives'. That means nothing here. Also, saying you researched on YouTube illustrates you still don't get it. How are you going to get objective, unbiased information on a platform that censors anything questioning the official narrative on COVID-19?I have an open mind about everything and try to approach all serious matters with a sense of neutrality. It is of no benefit to either me or my family to be so easily suggestible. My wife is also one of the smartest people I know. She dominated national scores in testing and attained a first-class degree from Cambridge with ease (and was one of only 2 from her college to do so in her chosen field). She has read a lot about this and is on the same page as me.
When you say "if you research," what on earth are you actually researching? I've delved deep into this and everything points to COVID-19 being far deadlier than the flu. I've read all through the Office for National Statistics' data, and I've read a ton of studies from reputable journals on the matter. I also have a lot of real-world experience with this, both personally, and from a network perspective. So, what am I missing? I have also seen many of the YouTube videos that have been in circulation along with a ton of the conspiracy-style posts on social media.
A lot of the stuff that people gobble up online is embarrassing as most of it isn't even fact-checked or based on reality. I see people sharing inaccurate and deceptive memes all the time, as if the information came from Harvard or something, and not from Dave down the local pub. People get so carried away sharing this stuff that it starts a movement all of its own. Almost like how cults are formed. It's crazy.
Judging from your posts here, Pete, you are one of those lost souls that have been led astray, which is unfortunate. You can preach all you want, but I will always follow the hard data from as much a neutral perspective as is possible. To think that the entire worldwide scientific community and/or governments are in collusion with one another is laughably absurd. Nations are at odds with each other all the time, disagreeing over borders and trade deals, etc, but when it comes to this, the world is in unison. Think about it. If this was some form of corruption it would be on a scale that is near impossible.
Have you been wearing a mask with a fairly tight strap? I've also gotten MEM lately and I suspect it's caused by the constant pressure/irritation on my face and scalp. Sensitized some nerve.recently started having what I think is MEM (middle ear myoclonus)
I work at a cancer research biotech and so far we haven't gotten any of that sweet bribe money ostensibly given out to suppress cure research, lol. But after all, this is exactly what I would say if I was one of them, right?To think that the entire worldwide scientific community and/or governments are in collusion with one another is laughably absurd.
There isn't a definitive number on this, especially to within the kind of accuracy you're asking for. There isn't even a precise figure for the flu and we have data going back generations. The reason for this is that there are a lot of things to consider, ranging from socioeconomic issues to population density, individual viral loads, people's age and health, etc, etc. There is a range of statistical probabilities, but most people agree that it is somewhere around a factor of ten times worse than the flu. Maybe more.Do you deny that there's a 99.7 survival rate?
No, there are numerous doctors who I've seen talk about the response being disproportionate. Some are definitely questionable, but some raise some good arguments. Those calling it a hoax can be dismissed immediately as being idiots.Do you deny that there are numerous legitimate doctors calling the response overblown and many even call it a hoax?
The stats are nowhere near the same as the flu. April alone in England and Wales had a doubling of all deaths, which is statistically massive.Do you deny that the statistics more or less match the flu (flu stats have disappeared?!?) and that the PCR test isn't just flawed, it doesn't work?
I know that you aren't talking to me but I must make this point.Do you deny that there's a 99.7 survival rate?
Oh, wow. How long has it been? I'd guess about 1 week. Let us know if anything negative happens. My heart failure is advanced as well and lots of rhythm problems. Your father then has a defibrillator like me. I hope he is ok.My dad has advanced heart failure and he's had the Pfizer vaccine.
I don't think my mask would have much effect on me because I hardly ever even venture out in public to have to wear one. When I do go, like to the doctor or car service, I wear a N95.Have you been wearing a mask with a fairly tight strap? I've also gotten MEM lately and I suspect it's caused by the constant pressure/irritation on my face and scalp. Sensitized some nerve.
I've registered for the vaccine both on our govt page and at a private clinic that offers preregistration and will get it as soon as they offer. It might have risks but I believe they'll be much lower than the very well known risks of COVID-19.
As a 32-year-old healthy man, death isn't the threat... Long COVID-19 is. The net is full of athletic young people trashed by chronic fatigue, insomnia, unceasing headaches, heart damage, lung damage, nerve damage, newly induced tinnitus, and God knows what else. And it's not just studies and online anecdotes. My personal trainer, a 27-year-old dude built like a tank, now has trouble walking. My physiotherapist, 25-year-old and fit as a whistle, now has to pace herself going up on stairs lest she faint.
Yeah, gimme that vaccine.
I took a look at the CDC's numbers for total deaths in 2018, 2019, and 2020 in the US. The number was up about 200,000 when comparing 2020 to the other years. So unless there is something else new this year that is killing off people, COVID-19 has indeed killed about the amount being reported. There is normally a small increase in total deaths from one year to the following year because of the increase in population size, but nothing so large as 200,000 increase in 12 months.Now I'm free for a moment I'd add that no testing method is 100% reliable, but this doesn't detract from the number of people that COVID-19 is killing. If you look at the data, you have to agree that it's considerably more deadly than the flu. Those that call it the flu are either misinformed or clueless. It's also an insult to those who have lost loved ones to it or seen their health decline because of it.
Also, imagine what the peak numbers would have been if we hadn't locked down.
Your father then has a defibrillator like me.
You don't understand, Ed. Anyway, I am not impressed about your education credentials nor your relatives'. That means nothing here
Hungary has 10 million residents and out of these, merely 300K have registered for the vaccine so far. This means I have a fairly good chance of getting it early, in 1-2 months from now. I'll most certainly report back once I have gotten it. We'll probably get the Pfizer/BioNTech mRNA vaccine.Would be great if people on the forum getting the vaccine could report here if there are any negative effects to tinnitus/hearing. I'm way more concerned about that than of Bill Gates tracking my afternoon walks![]()
Yeah, I guess the other side effects such as strokes are not that worrisome.Would be great if people on the forum getting the vaccine could report here if there are any negative effects to tinnitus/hearing. I'm way more concerned about that than of Bill Gates tracking my afternoon walks![]()
You had me until you said the Earth is round. If it's round, how does it balance on the back of the turtle?I know that you aren't talking to me but I must make this point.
I need you to understand that the most frightening aspect of COVID-19 is not death (even though it has already killed more Americans than World War 2). It is long COVID-19, that is, long-term disability from viral damage.
According to the Tony Blair Institute's Long Covid: Reviewing the Science and Assessing the Risk:
"The King's College London study appears to be the largest in scale and indicates [..] between 1.5 and 2 per cent still experiencing such symptoms after three months."
"As Professor Spector says, long Covid is likely a bigger issue than excess deaths as a result of Covid"
You catch COVID-19, you run a 1.5-2% chance becoming long-term disabled. The US has roughly 18M cases; even in the best case, that's 270K people disabled (in addition to the 325K already dead).
Even if your 99.7% survival figure was true (it isn't, as any high schooler glancing at any COVID-19 statistics tracker can tell you; the real survival rate is 97-98%), the disability rate alone would be more than enough reason to go after this virus with all our might.
Also, now that we're at it: Joe Biden has won the election free and fair, vaccines work, vaccines do not contain microchips, vaccines do not cause autism, the Earth is round, 5G has nothing to do with the coronavirus, prayer does not heal people, medical science does heal people.
Where might that be?it did cause me to live in a place that looks pretty solid even with radical climate change over the next 100 years,
In fact, much of the research and materials that went into the development of COVID-19 vaccines already existed, which is why the process happened so quickly. It relied heavily on discoveries for prior coronaviruses.This is a good thread and my compliments to the author.
Conspiracy theorists believe COVID-19 isn't an accident but is deliberate and part of a New World Order. They create the problem (COVID-19), get a reaction (fear) then supply the solution (vaccine). Problem, Reaction, Solution. I am not a conspiracy theorist, but have listened to top UK Scientists and Epidemiologists for months on TV and Radio talking about COVID-19. They say to find a vaccine for any virus, it takes at least 5 to 8 years of vigorous testing, screening and research to find out if there are any side effects adverse reactions with people taking it.
In less than one year we are led to believe a vaccine for COVID-19 has been found and is supposed to be safe. It has me thinking, did they indeed have the vaccine all the time?
I want to know how many cheese burgers the people in these studies had throughout their lives before I make up my mind.Yeah, I guess the other side effects such as strokes are not that worrisome.
Some folks still think we never landed on the moon, that it was all on a movie set. Lol
As I said in my previous post: I am not a conspiracy theorist, just voicing my opinion and you have done the same, of which you have no proof. Unless you're one of these people that believe everything the media spoon feeds us, or read on so called official websites - not dissimilar to the the rubbish purported by tinnitus researchers, who have no long term experience with the condition and believe it's all about science.In fact, much of the research and materials that went into the development of COVID-19 vaccines already existed, which is why the process happened so quickly. It relied heavily on discoveries for prior coronaviruses.
Given contemporaneous resources, it's actually more startling that the polio vaccine was developed in 20 years than multiple COVID-19 vaccines were developed in a single year.