Will You Get Vaccinated for Coronavirus (COVID-19)? Can It Make Tinnitus or Hyperacusis Worse?

Will you get vaccinated for coronavirus?

  • Yes, right away, as soon as possible, when the first vaccine becomes available

  • Yes, planning to, but I will wait a while to see if there are any potential long-term side effects

  • Maybe, I haven't decided yet one way or another

  • No, I'm not going to get vaccinated

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I have kids, I need to get the vaccine. I'm booking the AstraZeneca in a nearby hospital. I hope it does not spike my tinnitus. In fact, wouldn't it be nice if, surprisingly, for once, something lowered my tinnitus?
I have kids, I need to get the vaccine. I'm booking the AstraZeneca in a nearby hospital. I hope it does not spike my tinnitus. In fact, wouldn't it be nice if, surprisingly, for once, something lowered my tinnitus?
You will be fine Chinmoku. Try not to worry you're doing the right thing having the vaccine. I was apprehensive about it until I heard the stories from people on LBC talk radio. A young woman just 28 years, regularly runs 3 to 4 miles a day. Got COVID-19 and now has Long COVID-19 and can hardly walk 30 yards without gasping for breath. Woman in her 40s, fit as a fiddle, has long term COVID-19, bleeds from her ears, gums and doctors haven't a clue how to treat her. She can't hold a cup of coffee in one hand as it shakes continuously. She was crying profusely. Had her own business, employed people, now she can't work and been like this for 6 months. A family of five all have long COVID-19. The three young kids can't play games as they all have breathing and other respiratory problems.
I have kids, I need to get the vaccine. I'm booking the AstraZeneca in a nearby hospital. I hope it does not spike my tinnitus. In fact, wouldn't it be nice if, surprisingly, for once, something lowered my tinnitus?
It would be nice indeed.
When I was in the hospital, I was treated with Dexamethasone, oxygen, and blood thinners (which is a standard thing to do when you're staying in a hospital, but it's more important with COVID-19 as it thickens your blood and puts you at risk of clots).

If I was vaccinated, it would have significantly reduced my risk of becoming really ill, and it would have saved me from the lasting problems I've been left with. I also lost a lot of earnings.

I would encourage anyone reading this to get vaccinated. Don't take your chance with the virus as it's a total lottery. I was very fit and healthy prior to getting COVID-19.
You will be fine Chinmoku. Try not to worry you're doing the right thing having the vaccine. I was apprehensive about it until I heard the stories from people on LBC talk radio. A young woman just 28 years, regularly runs 3 to 4 miles a day. Got COVID-19 and now has Long COVID-19 and can hardly walk 30 yards without gasping for breath. Woman in her 40s, fit as a fiddle, has long term COVID-19, bleeds from her ears, gums and doctors haven't a clue how to treat her. She can't hold a cup of coffee in one hand as it shakes continuously. She was crying profusely. Had her own business, employed people, now she can't work and been like this for 6 months. A family of five all have long COVID-19. The three young kids can't play games as they all have breathing and other respiratory problems.
That sounds horrible, Michael. I'm so sorry for that young woman and her children. Let's hope they will heal in time.
A young woman just 28 years, regularly runs 3 to 4 miles a day. Got COVID-19 and now has Long COVID-19 and can hardly walk 30 yards without gasping for breath
Sounds like me, except I'm 38. I'll tell you something, nothing is scarier than gasping for air. A sense of doom washes over you and it dominates your senses. I remember one day in the hospital I went to put my feet down so I could get a drink, and from nowhere, all of a sudden I couldn't breathe at all, I mean I was gasping for air like I was being strangled. I called out for help and nurses came running over and stuck an oxygen mask on me. When my sats were taken, I was about 79.

It was scary.

Now I'm out, I still can't walk very far without my heart rate spiking and me hunching over trying to catch my breath. This is the reality of it. It fucks you up.

Take the vaccine people.
I had the AstraZeneca vaccine yesterday. No impact on my tinnitus at all. No noticeable side effects apart from slight headache that evening which had gone by today.
Looks like the vaccine did in fact cause the blood clots.
The NHS says the cases of blood clots are within normal statistics and are not due specifically to the vaccine.
Breaking news, it looks like the blot clots may in fact be caused specifically by the vaccine. The good news is that they say they now know how to treat these cases:

Two teams of medical researchers independently found that the vaccine could trigger an autoimmune reaction causing blood to clot in the brain.

"Nothing but the vaccine can explain why these individuals had this immune response," Pål André Holme, MD, PhD, a professor of hematology and chief physician of the Oslo University Hospital in Norway, told the Journal.

European scientists say they've found link between AstraZeneca's vaccine and blood clots
Europe is in a bind. Variants are causing yet another spike and their most prominent vaccine seems to have issues (even without the clots question, it doesn't work at all on the South African variant). It's telling that the US has chosen to essentially dump its stock of AstraZeneca to other countries, not that it's useless, but it's the least good of the western ones (no opinion on Russian or Chinese).

In the US there's really no reason for hesitancy. All 3 vaccines are good, although if I were a policymaker I would earmark J&J for under 40 only.

Everyone in my immediate family has gotten at least one shot including myself and we haven't grown tails or turned green.

My opinion is the US is right now already slipping into a variant-fueled spike. It just hasn't been "called" yet. Those who are taking a wait and see attitude may regret it. When a spike happens it only takes a few weeks to get completely out of control as it did from Thanksgiving through February. Yes, vaccine supply is accelerating but I think there will be a squeeze where supply isn't quite there yet, the spike crashes over the US like a tsunami, and stragglers suddenly have a deathbed conversion and completely freak out. Don't be one of those if you can avoid it.

If you're eligible, get protected while things are still relatively manageable. The last to suffer and die from this pandemic after vaccines are readily available and waiting in their area are going to be Darwin award winners due to their anti-intellectual paranoia and misplaced displays of "personal freedom".
Looks like the vaccine did in fact cause the blood clots.

Breaking news, it looks like the blot clots may in fact be caused specifically by the vaccine. The good news is that they say they now know how to treat these cases:

Two teams of medical researchers independently found that the vaccine could trigger an autoimmune reaction causing blood to clot in the brain.

"Nothing but the vaccine can explain why these individuals had this immune response," Pål André Holme, MD, PhD, a professor of hematology and chief physician of the Oslo University Hospital in Norway, told the Journal.

European scientists say they've found link between AstraZeneca's vaccine and blood clots
It seems to me that the vaccines are actually being tried out on humans right now, and that the vaccination process is some sort of global experiment.

I thought pharma companies had to comply with a series of phases and trials before a drug or a vaccine were approved for human use, but the lack of public information and the fact that vaccines were created at lightning speed and are administered and managed by governments gets me thinking...
Getting my vaccine on Monday. It will be the Pfizer. I figure if I was going to get an increase with the vaccine then the same thing would happen with COVID-19. I think I'd rather have increased tinnitus than increased tinnitus with COVID. What do people think about loading a little NAC + Mag prior to shot? Would that have any negative effect on efficacy?
I thought pharma companies had to comply with a series of phases and trials before a drug or a vaccine were approved for human use
In the United States the COVID-19 vaccines are NOT yet approved by the FDA. Rather, the FDA has issued an "Emergency Use Authorization" for them which does the following:

"authorizes FDA to facilitate availability of an unapproved product, or an unapproved use of an approved product, during a declared state of emergency from one of several agencies or of a material threat"


From the FDA website:

Q: What is an emergency use authorization and how is it being used to respond to COVID-19?

A: In certain types of emergencies, the FDA can issue an emergency use authorization, or EUA, to provide more timely access to critical medical products (including medicines and tests) that may help during the emergency when there are no adequate, approved, and available alternative options.

The EUA process is different than FDA approval, clearance, or licensing because the EUA standard may permit authorization based on significantly less data than would be required for approval, clearance, or licensing by the FDA. This enables the FDA to authorize the emergency use of medical products that meet the criteria within weeks rather than months to years.

The people I know who have had COVID-19 recovered quite well after a month, and none of them reported any hearing issues.
Okay? I know like three dozen people who've had the vaccine now including people with existing audiological issues, and none of them have had issues, either.

These anecdotes are not that useful, we have large datasets.

The large datasets indicate that COVID-19 carries a much more substantial risk of at least short term audiological problems, than the vaccines do (datasets in question being the various adverse incident report DBs available, as well as the hundreds of myriad COVID-19 outcome studies which are increasingly subject to meta-analysis).

Not getting vaccinated against COVID-19 while the disease runs rampant, when large international datasets make it very very clear that COVID-19 is hundreds or thousands of times more likely to impact your hearing than the vaccines are, is not a decision that can be supported as rational at this time. I am sorry if that comes off as abrasive, but that's just the objective truth, to the extent such is discernible.
It's one thing to be hesitant at launch but we now have what, tens of millions of data-points to go by? That's more than any conceivable clinical trial. So one can be upset that these vaccines were fast-tracked and all but by now the jury is in.
In the United States the COVID-19 vaccines are NOT yet approved by the FDA. Rather, the FDA has issued an "Emergency Use Authorization" for them which does the following:

"authorizes FDA to facilitate availability of an unapproved product, or an unapproved use of an approved product, during a declared state of emergency from one of several agencies or of a material threat"


From the FDA website:

Q: What is an emergency use authorization and how is it being used to respond to COVID-19?

A: In certain types of emergencies, the FDA can issue an emergency use authorization, or EUA, to provide more timely access to critical medical products (including medicines and tests) that may help during the emergency when there are no adequate, approved, and available alternative options.

The EUA process is different than FDA approval, clearance, or licensing because the EUA standard may permit authorization based on significantly less data than would be required for approval, clearance, or licensing by the FDA. This enables the FDA to authorize the emergency use of medical products that meet the criteria within weeks rather than months to years.

I think that's not the right way of doing things, I mean, letting a vaccine be administered for human use without fully complying with the usual procedures for approval, clearance etc.
It's one thing to be hesitant at launch but we now have what, tens of millions of data-points to go by? That's more than any conceivable clinical trial. So one can be upset that these vaccines were fast-tracked and all but by now the jury is in.
Not getting vaccinated against COVID-19 while the disease runs rampant, when large international datasets make it very very clear that COVID-19 is hundreds or thousands of times more likely to impact your hearing than the vaccines are, is not a decision that can be supported as rational at this time. I am sorry if that comes off as abrasive, but that's just the objective truth, to the extent such is discernible.
If there are so many data, and vaccines are so safe to use, why have European countries stopped using the AstraZeneca vaccine AFTER some people died or developed strange blood clots right after getting vaccinated?
If there are so many data, and vaccines are so safe to use, why have European countries stopped using the AstraZeneca vaccine AFTER some people died or developed strange blood clots right after getting vaccinated?
Well, for one thing you're moving the bar here -- you've moved from expressing a specific concern about tinnitus to general concerns about vaccines.

As for the incident you are referencing. It is true that AstraZeneca vaccination was very briefly halted to investigate these incidents; AstraZeneca vaccination has been resumed, but only after the cause was detected.

Also COVID-19 appears to cause vascular problems (clotting) in a very significant percentage of cases, vastly more than we're seeing with vaccines.

There's a very strange kind of data filtering that people are doing where they are obsessing about the roughly 0.005% of COVID-19 vaxx cases that are potentially linked to any significant adverse outcome, while completely ignoring the much larger percentage of COVID-19 patients who literally just died from the disease, let along the number of walking wounded Long COVID-19ers out there.

tl;dr there's still no reason to think that any of these vaccines pose a specific audiological risk, and the risk profiles of even the worst vaccines are so much lower than the risk profile of even a minor, asymptomatic case of COVID-19, that the consensus of the global health apparatus is full steam ahead on the vaxx.

Frankly, it would be astonishing if we hadn't had to halt a few of the studies or rollouts temporarily -- as @lymebite pointed out, we're operating under FDA emergency procedures. This is a theater of war. That said, even FDA emergency authorizations have very, very substantial and significant safeguards in place. Part of that means that if any weirdness pops up, we put the brakes on stuff until we can clear up the weirdness. We've seen this happen several times in the various vaccine trials and rollouts. In every case so far, the weirdness was understood clearly in fairly short order and vaccination resumed within a few days.

Getting COVID-19? No safeguard there. Maybe you get the sniffles and barely notice it, maybe you die, maybe you get the sniffles and barely notice it and then develop breathing problems 2 months later that seem to last forever? No thanks.

I hope that's all I've got to say on this; people can do whatever they want, if I let my self get stressed about people drawing what I think are objectively incorrect conclusions from very glaring and obvious sets of data, I don't think I'd be able to handle being online without going into a blind rage :) You do you, good sir, and I wish you the best!! I know that unvaccinated people are certainly not going to be allowed inside my house any time soon, but, doubt you were planning on stopping by for a visit anyway ;)
I think that's not the right way of doing things, I mean, letting a vaccine be administered for human use without fully complying with the usual procedures for approval, clearance etc.

There is a virus to deal with that is rapidly evolving. It was more sensible to fast track the vaccines than to continue watching people die a horrible death. Nearly 3 million people have died worldwide, and many others have been left with heart and lung damage as well as a myriad of other problems.
My mom finally had her box yesterday to do the 24 hour ECG. COVID-19 caused a problem with her heart, but it's taken all this time just to try and get a diagnosis. Now it's just a waiting game until a consult reviews it.
Also COVID-19 appears to cause vascular problems (clotting) in a very significant percentage of cases, vastly more than we're seeing with vaccines.
The first thing my doctors talked to me about was the clotting risk. I had to continue injecting myself for 2 weeks after I left the hospital with Enoxaparin.

I don't think any more can be said to convince those with vaccine concerns. It is the virus we should all be concerned about, as it can mess up your body in many ways.
Well, for one thing you're moving the bar here -- you've moved from expressing a specific concern about tinnitus to general concerns about vaccines.
I am expressing a concern about side effects that have not been carefully studied before starting to vaccinate people.
Getting COVID-19? No safeguard there. Maybe you get the sniffles and barely notice it, maybe you die, maybe you get the sniffles and barely notice it and then develop breathing problems 2 months later that seem to last forever? No thanks.
Of course I don't know how COVID-19 would affect me personally, but acquaintances who got COVID-19 overcome it and they are just fine now.

By the way, I don't get vaccinated for flu every year and I have been fine all my life so far.

For me, the obvious option about COVID-19 is just waiting. Why rushing things? Why getting a vaccine developed real fast and that's been around only since January? What's the rush here?

Why would I rush since I became an expert at staying at home for many hours a day due to severe hyperacusis and bad tinnitus? I am pretty much doing my normal life despite COVID-19, since I try to avoid rush hours everywhere, I seldom go to places crowded with people etc, I don't use public transport, my work is like a small bubble and we don't mingle with anyone else and do not have to deal with customers, clients or anyone at all etc etc... where would I catch COVID-19?

Even when I go cycling I choose a route where there's barely anyone at all.

My option is not getting vaccinated, for the above reasons.

I understand that someone who works with customers or is exposed to a different set of people every day at their jobs has a different take on this...
There is a virus to deal with that is rapidly evolving. It was more sensible to fast track the vaccines than to continue watching people die a horrible death. Nearly 3 million people have died worldwide, and many others have been left with heart and lung damage as well as a myriad of other problems.
Because those people did not follow the guidelines provided to stay safe. They did not stay at home. They did not limit social contact. They did not take regular tests for COVID-19, to see if they were ok or not, before meeting with other people.

That's how people catch COVID-19: gathering with others, eating out, going to crowded places, not wearing masks etc.
Some interesting comments have been made for and against taking the COVID-19 vaccine. I am pleased that I had it but believe, there might be trouble ahead if the EU carry out their threat and block 19 million vials of AstraZeneca being shipped to the UK. Therefore, some of us may not get the second dose. Quite a bizarre way to carry on when one considers, they rubbished the vaccine at first and were adamant they didn't want it. In addition to this some scientists are saying social distancing and the wearing of masks will be with us for years.
Because those people did not follow the guidelines provided to stay safe. They did not stay at home. They did not limit social contact. They did not take regular tests for COVID-19, to see if they were ok or not, before meeting with other people.

That's how people catch COVID-19: gathering with others, eating out, going to crowded places, not wearing masks etc
It was endemic by then; the horse had well and truly bolted from the stable. This isn't going to go away, and people can't stay at home forever. The solution was always a working vaccine from the beginning.

The second time I caught it, I hadn't left the house for about 2 months.
I just read tinnitus has been made worse after taking the Moderna or Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine. I am scared to get it now.

What have people's experience been with it?
I had my first Moderna shot on 3/2 and my tinnitus stayed the same. I also had no side effects.

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