Hi Gary wondered about the Morse key,my husband thought you were an ex Service Signaller as himself or a Radio Ham,know now it's the later solved. Bit cheeky underpaid husband,tell you wife wasn't looking over your shoulder as you typed that,and to the eyeing the neighbour lady what you fellas like,I must e Granma on TT 67 this Sunday,plus been married 47 years think mines a keeper to.
Did you ever wished you'd had another job in that 40 years.? Nice to be retired my husband says all of 4 years ,another underpaid by yours truly,us wives are good at that. All the best
Hi Marlene, you are correct, my wife was no where near me when I posted I was under paid

I really liked my job, I worked in a factory, so we called ourselves "Factory Rats" I started out working on the assembly line, then went to school and became an electrician there. I am very fortunate the have a good retirement plan & medical coverage. Company was/is good to me.
I may change my avatar to a telescope, or a photo of myself. I'll look around and see what I can find. Many "HAPPY B DAY" wishes you're way

ps: ask your husband if could still Pound Brass