Wondering What We All Do for Our Work/Job/Living

I was a Carpenter /Joiner running my own business in the south of England before T and H struck, Now I am a construction skills trainer.

Being a construction skills trainer it gives me the chance to warn youngsters of the dangers of loud noise exposure. I use a white noise app on my phone to let them here what T can sound like.
I like that you can give newbies a taste of what T is like. When I was an apprentice, one of our instructors had been severely burned when he made contact with a 5000 volt conductor. At the beginning of each new apprentice class, he would show the new "apes" his scares. Sometimes half the class would get up and walk out. I wasn't too bothered by his show because I had been a groundsman on the job when he was hurt. The upper levels of supervision eventually made him quit his "show and tell." Too many apprentices were quitting the apprenticeship.
Spent my life in IT initially writing student and instructor guides using GML that went through various changes that were all predecessors to HTML. Enjoyed the varied roles I could take on as needed, software testing (beginning on IBM mainframe products and ending with testing websites). Was a system test & integration manager along with acceptance test manager. In later years, when working at an online and offline mag and book company, took lead roles helping out my test manager (incognito) and doing project management work. Hated that - you have the title and people reporting to you but are powerless if someone screwed up - it had to go into their manager's hands.

I also enjoyed putting test depts. together. I'd do phone elimination first and it was a game (one of my co-workers slid next to me and tried to answer my questions without interfering). If someone wrote HTML or Java on their resume, they'd get a question specific to it. ALWAYS turned out they tested a system that used those. They puffed up their resume. Good way to weed organically first :) .
I work with people who have advanced Huntingtons Syndrome. Mainly working on comunication and ensureing they have as full a life as possible often working thru immense frustration issues.
Hi Cher69, Hi everyone,
So heres my two pence worth :)
I studied and qualified as an Electronics engineer but changed to IT in my mid twenties and spent the next 20+ years programming on all sorts of machines. At 61 years old I am still working as an IT System Administrator in Germany where I moved home to some 22 years ago. My T started about a month ago for no apparent reason and I'm still learning to live with it.
I am a Management Consultant who travels Mon-Thur to client locations to advise them on Strategy and Operations. Nearly 2 months old when it comes to 'T'. Awesome to see people from varied backgrounds!
Amazing how many IT colleagues, especially software engineers with tinnitus! It is interesting that many of my friends from college, have had or have problems with anxiety, stress, depression or alcohol dependence. Perhaps universities should include these diseases as occupational hazards jejej.

In my case, I am a product manager for a small software development company here in Mexico. I was a software engineer for over 10 years, now my work is more related to the analysis, design and marketing of new software products.
Thank you LadyDi.

I have a tone app on my mobile which helped me determine the frequency of my T and now whenever I am asked by friends or Family "How is my Tinitus?" I can turn the app on and Play the 11KHz tone and I must admit I take a little pleasure as I watch their reaction as they scream for me to turn it off :)
I'm self taught game developer (programmer/designer).
I have to admit it does feel like winning a lottery because this line of job allows me to do anything at all despite T even when i'm uncomfortable. I can't imagine how dire is situation for people that have to work with other human beings.
I'm a digital effects animator for Disney who has worked on such films as Frozen and Maleficent, but my degree is actually from the University of California SD in European History (I originally wanted to become a teacher like my sister)
I quit my job it was stressing me too much and not helping my t, so now I got another one start next week and soon I'll be in real estate which should greatly help with stress
Graphic artist for local trophy company. Fairly noisy environment; pretty sure it triggered my T. I like my job, though, in spite of the hum of laser engravers :)

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