Hi all.
I would be interested to know if anyone else out there uses yoga, meditation or reiki as a mechanism to reduce stress and as a consequence, reduce ones awareness that tinnitus exists within us.
Such disciplines may not be the way to go for some, but for me it certainly helps. The key thing is to keep focused and regluary adopt such practices, always the hardest thing to do when there are so many things to juggle in life.
During my initial days of reiki (post L1 attunement for those who know), I kept a diary on how such techniques improved the way I managed things, including tinnitus. I attatch a link to my blog site (Day 3 refers to an extract to an alternative way of looking at tinnitus) and may be of interest:
July | 2013 | infinitybeckons | Page 2
The diary was over a 30 day period, if anyone has any trouble sleeping due to tinnitus, read all 30 days that's sure to send you off into the land of nod
I would be interested to know if anyone else out there uses yoga, meditation or reiki as a mechanism to reduce stress and as a consequence, reduce ones awareness that tinnitus exists within us.
Such disciplines may not be the way to go for some, but for me it certainly helps. The key thing is to keep focused and regluary adopt such practices, always the hardest thing to do when there are so many things to juggle in life.
During my initial days of reiki (post L1 attunement for those who know), I kept a diary on how such techniques improved the way I managed things, including tinnitus. I attatch a link to my blog site (Day 3 refers to an extract to an alternative way of looking at tinnitus) and may be of interest:
July | 2013 | infinitybeckons | Page 2
The diary was over a 30 day period, if anyone has any trouble sleeping due to tinnitus, read all 30 days that's sure to send you off into the land of nod
