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  • This current spike is gradually and expertly eroding the layers of psychological defense I built over the last few years. Tinnitus is just Evil. Plain and Simple.
    Samsies... Nearly 4 and half years ago when this all started, I thought I'd just have to turn my music down, get used to it, and that would be that. I wish it had been that simple.
    I definitely feel that. I keep a card my daughter made for me that says "You got this!" On my dresser and read it every morning. It keeps me going
    @Tryn2BHopeful I love that for you. I live for my kids! They a great motivator to fight on.
    Well. It was nice while it lasted. Nothing like a good spike to remind you how obnoxiously relentless this condition is.
    Trouble is when you experience 'better' days you naturally expose yourself to more noise and 'normal' behavior causing T and pain returning like a boomerang.
    *knock on wood* having alot of good days lately. Pain and noise tolerance is up. Anxiety and depression are at a low ebb. T is still loud and all encompassing but doesn't seem to be in the driver's seat for now. Wishing everyone here better days.
    Feeling Raw today. Failure to distract or mask on all levels. Just a spike... just a spike. Hope all my friends here are coping well enough. Much Love!
    Seems cliche af. But Mondays are always hell on my tinnitus. It's definitely my work schedule adjusting back to graveyard shift after the weekend I assume. But dammit it's like slowely acclimating all week just to go back to square one. *sigh*
    Deciding whether I even want to post a 4 year tinniversary update. Never really thought this would be permanent and ever increasing. Alas
    I read everywhere that T gets better with time but mine worsens every single year despite taking what a normal person would call excessive precautions.
    @cjbhab That has been my experience as well. Short of a miracle or maybe just some dumb luck. Gradual worsening seem like the natural trajectory of my T.
    My gradually got worse on year 5, 6, 7, 8 😂,it's all good F-T.
    @Kain Sorry to hear you been struggling with your mental health lately. I know it can be rough at times. Hope you can find your footing soon
    Very, very poor sleep last two days. Not letting its get to to me quite yet. Also not sustainable for good mental health. *breathe*
    Ugh. So crappy. My sleep has been bad too the last couple days.
    I sleep for some odd reason. I like when the day is over. I always went to bed 1 or 2 am. Now, by 10 pm I am spent. Need to shut down.
    Sitting on the porch listening to the rain and thunder. This ambience used to mask the T. I guess those days are over...
    @kingsfan yea.. its pretty much impossible to mask unless I'm cranking shit up over 80dbs and that doesn't seem reasonable. The only saving grace I have at this point is no hyperacusis or physical pain.
    @4Grace agreed. At this point all I really want for you brother in that tldamn pain to go away. Tinnitus is hard enough to cope with by itself. Much Love. Keep fighting my man. Give it all you got.
    My Job. My Home. My Wife. My Kids. My General Environment. None of this is conducive to making T better. Just gradually worse over time. :(
    I'm gonna need a vacation from my vacation... good heaven's the world is a loud messy accident waiting to happen. Lord help us!
    My vacation was sadly ruined so I hear ya! Will definitely need a vacation after this latest blow from destiny.
    Hey friends. Hope everyone is coping. I'm trying real hard not to log into this forum more then once a week. I want to check in not obsess.
    I am trying to log in less, lest I obsess. Sleep is not going well. I pray daily for healing and help in handling it, and that we would all have relief soon.
    ...good morning... time to vomit. Wish it actually helped. T sucks and I'm a broken record. Hope some of you are having improvements. Peace.
    L along the way
    Thank you, a good day to you too. I have been a broken record for months now, uff it was not nice at all. I hope to find more a new day vibe, that a new day can really bring us rejuvination, renewal, & healing. It shouldn't be the same as yesterday. I'm trying to be patient & have hope that time will make things better. A better day
    Staying outside and busy is the only way for me to have moderate masking/distraction. Slow down or go in the devil begins his awful whisper!
    Starting to effect my mental health again. Periods of tolerance are short lived and barely noticeable. Whatever Habituation I had is fading.
    I pray to Jesus for you and all of us. He exists. No doubt. I believe in habituation to the noise if you don't have relative T. Stay strong my friend.
    I swear my wife must be hard of hearing. Her cell volume is always maxed out. The moment she clicks on a video anywhere near I shit myself
    Same thing with my MIL. Anytime her cell or house phones ring, I reflectively stick my fingers in my ears. TV always blasting too. Then again she's 92.
    @Jammer - when I hear others do what we need to do I think to myself - how are we supposed to live like this. It's crazy. There is enough stress in life. I can't get over this!
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