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  • Hey man hope you're doing well. When you said you think prednisone made you worse what do you mean by that
    After the 2+ years of being on this sight, seeing lots of people come and go. Most people get better one way or another.
    Did you also get better?
    True brother, i just randomly logged in today. I had completely forgotten about my T and my H is 99% gone. Been almost 1.5 year but things did get better eventually.

    Btw my T is still there and its loud but 9/10 times i dont even hear it. Habituation for the win!
    I hope this is me one day. Hoping against hope.
    Hey @Marshall so glad to read your updates and see you're doing well! Did you have any detected sudden hearing loss when T came on?
    Yes, I had a measured 45db dip at 8K, that reduced to a 25db dip over the span of a year. Haven't had a hearing test in a year, and I never had a baseline hearing test before the incident.
    I admire the positivity and information you are trying to bring. It's hard to see the light with this terror in your head sometimes.
    I've been there brotha I'm proof that there's another side. There's a lot of people who've made it. There's people when I first joined on the brink of SS who are in a way better place now
    Again, @Marshall thank you for coming back and giving us updates and support. This is invaluable.
    Walked outside the gas station with a beanie on, and it was dead quiet.. It actually scared me for things to be that quiet. lmao uno reverse
    My fridge has a weird noise that could be considered a distortion but my wife hears it too, which makes me think they are normal to some degree, but we didn't care unitl we got bad tinnitus.
    @RunningMan I'm extremely grateful I have days like that, especial from how this started, I never though I'd get to this point. I lived like a hermit for almost 2 years reading almost this whole website deciding how I should treat this and came up with my best plan of action. Gave up the last of my 20's, and even them I'm still diligent with my ears
    When I have quiet days like this, I started falling alseep in the early afternoon. I guess when my body doesn't hear any ringing, it just wants to catch up on all the missed sleep. Of course, I fight to stay awake because naps will spike it.
    In my 3rd year of T. Never had more of a humbling experience in my life. This whole adventure has made me a better person.
    @Marshall it looks from your posts you could write a success story. You are another one that seems to give me some hope. And I on the verge of giving up.
    Sorry, it's been quite a while. I could definitely write one, but I'm not the greatest writer LOL maybe I will soon
    Was good to read all your posts, took everything like a champ. Glad to see you getting on with your life now
    I'm doing the best I can taking it a day at a time. Slow and steady wins the race.
    I think prednisone is making my tinnitus worse. Currently tapering off, need advice
    Prednisone may or may not of permanently made mine worse. I can't be 100% but i would avoid unless you actually need it for other medical issues.

    Sorry I'm late i don't get on here often. But you should finish the taper if you start.

    I hope youre doing well.
    How have you been doing these days Marshall?
    Great to hear you are doing better these days and living a normal life as you should :) definitely not being fearful of noise helps immensely with this challenge. Static is a healing sign as @Bill Bauer has said :-D
    @Marshall the static you've been having, is it reactive to driving, running water, TV, fan, etc or has your tinnitus also become less reactive ?
    My T gets irritated from certain noises usually higher frequencies like running water/fan/vacuum you get the idea. But it's never permanent and always short lived. I try not to think about it too much like i used to. But definitely less reactive than it used to be.
    Hey @Marshall ! I have read some of your posts about how working out has helped you immensely. Wanted to know what kind of workouts you did with reactive tinnitus? My T gets revved up by just my heart rate going up! But I know how important it is to maintain health.
    Thanks for the input @Marshall .. thankfully I have also learned that I do not permanently spike from many things that I was once scared to consider, and I count this as a blessing, so I will definitely be leaning into workouts more.
    This website is a hypochondriacs nightmare. Seriously think I'd get worse from so many things when I never even did in the past lol
    Hey man, i've been following your story, glad to see you are getting better, can you give advice to a newcomer like me? @Marshall
    Don't be anxious about every noise making it worse.

    Take a break from loud sounds.

    Get custom earplugs with filters for when you're in a situation that can be loudish.

    It will calm down with proper care.

    It'll most likely get worse before it gets better as my did over a period of months.
    You got this. It's not the end. You'll adjust. Accept you have tinnitus. Don't dwell on it not going away. And it just might
    Sorry for the late reply, but it's going! Good Days with some bad days, still want my old life back, but that's life and anything can happen at anytime.

    How're you doing? :)
    Good to hear you are having those good days and more and more of them I hope?!! Things can only get better as I keep telling myself lol :)
    I've got a nice bit of morse code reactivaty that's flared up again so sleeps shit but other than that my T seems lower in volume (knock on wood lol).
    That's so amazing :) Yeah I have days where my distortions and reactivity are full blast, and I have day's of complete silence. I'll take what I while I can and try to make the best of it.
    Hey bro I hope you're doing well, reading your comments looks like you might be getting better. Super happy for you
    Hey man, been reading up on your story. How are you doing these days? H still under control?
    Yeah, I wear filtered earplugs to places where I can't control the noise like work, super market, etc.. and don't use protection around the house unless I'm doing something loud. My T & H have been getting better over time.
    I went from having T that I could hear everywhere no matter what, to mostly good days, and some days of damn near absolute quiet. And went from H to where I couldn't talk it hurt my hear and ears so much, to forgetting about H most the time.
    Happy to hear about your progress man. Gives me hope that I can improve to a similar level.
    Convinced my brain is just unable to filter out any tinnitus now
    The brain sure does love to obsess doesn't it. I have one super high pitch the jumps from ear to ear 24/7 with fleeting low tones.
    Its seems once the brain starts making noise, it fights any attempts to stop it. Any methods that work are only temporary until the brain adapts.
    A hiss is usually a good direction for T IMO just based off countless experiences and my own @Strawberryblonde mine was Tonal then to loud hiss, to back and forth, to a softer hiss, and now I mostly have a soft hiss and some times no T. But I do get a bad day at least once a week, but they are getting farther and farther in between.
    I agree with your assessment. Sound therapy is aggravating me more and more so silence really seems to be the fix for some of us. I think I'm done with sound therapy and will use nature instead
    I think most people that heal reactive T and H with sound therapy do bc of time and not pushing to hard coupled with natural healing. Not the actual therapy itself. Why would I blast frequencies of the broken nerve or hair cell with that frequency if it's irritated. That's just my 2 cents. @Wrfortiscue
    @Marshall i agree. I'm starting to feel TRT is just a thing to sell hearing aids haha
    D sound therapy. Rest your ears and stop hurting your self. Big hug to you, Same for you @Wrfortiscue
    I don't have a fear of sound and my H is not a problem anymore. But this T is could be forever so might as well be smart about it
    I'm only 28 and i know i got a long road ahead with this alignment. If that means wearing filtered ear plugs in environments i cant control
    What kind of filtered ear plugs?
    I use Starkey. No One really uses them on this forum but I really like mineb
    I also got Starkey plugs. I don't like them that much, I think the mold was done too short and they give me more occlusion that I expected.
    And it all depends on how much t bothers you. I hate it so I'm going to treat it like a baby so it doesn't get worse.
    it. So that's my theory after testing out multiple situations. Noise makes T worse, H gets better with resting your ears and moving at 4/?
    Unless doing something loud, and just generally avoiding the frequency of my tinnitus as much as possible. Only positives have come 3/?
    Hyperacusis has only gotten better, not worse, and my spike seems to be subsiding over the past 3 weeks. I do not wear hp indoors 2/?
    I've been "overprotecting" Earmuffs when i drive, earplugs at work, and sleeping in complete silence since my most recent spike, and my 1/?
    Anyone else's T change day to day. As in different sounds?
    Last week mine seemed more high pitched in my right ear with less power behind it and quieter in my left ear than usual and today its gone back to its old annoying self. I like to think it's figuring itself out and getting better one slow arse day at a time. :-/
    Yes. Changes throughout the day, everyday. Never stable.
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