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  • Hey, how are you doing now? I read your post about not being able to go see the ENT due to pain, how are you now?
    hi! hope ur doing well. if u don't mind, what were ur initial neurological symptoms? i suffer from an undiagnosed condition since 2018 that gives me tingling &now i think i have H. when u said u experienced sensitivity to all sounds, what was the discomfort like w/high frequencies specifically? (electrical beeping, bird chirps) thank u &so sorry u have to go thru this!
    Hello @Ellaenchanted868 i started with heaviness in limps and pain in my fingers and now I've lost sensation all over from damage in my neck and lower back. Doctors think that my neck damage is causing my H and T, my H was slowly building over time till an acoustic shock sent me over the edge.I also experience hearing sounds after they've stopped, echoing, tinnitus and phantom sounds. Though
    vibrations, high frequencies and water sounds are the worst. My own voice hurts at times.
    I'm sorry we're all going through this. Just remember to be kind to your ears
    Haha… my bathroom has to be remodeled due to my shower/toilet leaking. Pray for my ears .-.
    Ohhhhhh. Have any fun colors picked out?
    Hey! I hope you're doing well! I'm kind of in the same living situation as you are right now. How did you manage your noisy environment? Were you able to recover somewhat despite the noise?
    Somewhat seems like a good word choice. I'm still very very mindful of sounds, volume and vibrations though my medication Cymbalta really helps my anxiety from those things. Honestly I recommend anxiety medication for anyone with TMJ as it's brought down my facial pain from less clenching
    haha ear go eeee
    @Moni97 How were you wearing three layers of protection?
    @haha ear go eeee i would wear ear plugs, put wax plugs over those and then noise canceling headphones.
    My ear always telling me when I clenched my jaw while sleeping ~._.~
    Do you have a night time mouthguard?
    No .-. I wear a retainer and didn't think I could do both
    @Moni97 I have one but it doesn't stop the clenching it just saves my teeth from crumbling :-/ maybe one would be more beneficial too you? Or a TMJ clinic may help with xrays or some kind of therapy :)
    Hey @Moni97 how is your reactive T and H now? Any improvement?
    @Moni97 I am still early into my healing/recovery period but I have also decided to go the overprotection route for now. I've been wearing either ear muffs or plugs as much as possible and staying in my house most of the day.
    @Moni97 Watching TV with no sound, reading, etc. Making adjustments and trying to keep myself busy/distracted. I think this is the best method. Allowing the ears to heal and then at some point trying to slowly re introduce normal sounds again.
    @LostTruck I 1000% recommend overprotection rather than under. I have been able to reintroduce sounds back into my life(obviously very very mindful about volume vibrations and sounds I expose myself too BUT I am still in 24/7 protection though now I am mostly in ear plugs instead of plugs and headphones. I have only been without protection for max 5 minutes three times so far, 6 days between each.
    Anyone else have TMJ that causes face pain and sever nausea?? I'm sick of how connected everything is .-.
    I've recently developed some partial facial numbness/tightness & I'm not sure of the origin. My TMJD has gotten worse though with all the clenching around sound & hearing protection, so I wonder whether it's this agitating my TN.
    How is everyone doing this week?
    haha ear go eeee
    Slowly getting through it. My TTTS is acting up but I hope it calms down soon. How are you?
    @haha ear go eeee im sorry to hear that. I'm alright. Just struggling with my H. I have to wear protection 24/7 and ear plugs work best however my canals are swollen and need a break but I can't wear my headphones without setting off my TMJ symptoms which is mostly face pain and sever nausea:D you ya know, just another day in this life
    At the point where I'm not sad I'm just so p***** off with my conditions.
    I understand both. Find blessings in every day and every moment, they're there!
    Aaaaaaand.. unclench!
    What are you doing for the TMJD? Have you gotten any imaging to diagnose the problem?
    @MadeleineHope As of right now nothing but cold compress and pain meds. My insurance covers no treatment options. And no I didn't. Apparently I have enough tell tale signs from questions and physical exams.
    How's everyone? Solid 8 today myself
    @ErikaS im so sorry to hear that my friend. I just got back from a girls trip and suffered a setback myself .-.
    Do you guys have hearing loss with your T?
    @Mo8409 yes I had sudden hearing loss in my right ear from an ear infection back in September, that is what caused my tinnitus. However the HL is ultra high frequency so it wasn't seen on normal audiogram that only tests up to 8k hz. my loss starts at 12k hz and going to about 17k. And that's where my most debilitating sounds are ;( How about you ?
    Well everyone, my biggest H fear happened tonight. Freakin fireworks .-.
    Ooo TMJ you're so much fun. Didn't know you can affect my ears, face AND my neck :D what an over freakin achiever you are
    Oh, that's awful. Even at low volumes? I have had tinnitus for around 2 decades, but music at low volumes is fine. I love music, my dad was a musician and owned a record company. Some years ago the ex and I went to New Orleans and I could not go into any of the bars that had music because it was way too loud even in the streets. The ex did not have tinnitus and even she could not stand it either.
    I mean some music, yes. Softer stuff. (Not classical though, I think the piano/violin messes with me) But my ears get tired and achy from music. Someday are better than others though.
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