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  • Just got back from the clinic. Got small fluid in both ears and was told to start antibiotic and steroid treatment. Also told to wait 1/2
    Starting to feel like my auditory hallucinations is my brain filling in the sound that it knows it should hear from visual stimuli.
    Pretty sure I have a ear infection. Can't see an ENT till the 30th and my GP till next Thurs. Any advice out there?
    @just1morething I love going to Greenfield village when visiting the HF museum. What side of Niagara did you see? I traveled through Canada to see them on their side in 2019, so breathtaking.
    @Moni97, It was on the Canadian side. We ate at the restaurant at the top of the rotating tower but I remember it being very crowded. Also went on the Maid of the Mist. Seen the huge hotel on Mackinac island and rode in the horse and buggy. Lot of good fudge.
    @just1morething I gonna tell you a secret….I've never been to Mackinac o.o But don't tell anyone, It's like a sin in this state xD
    Can anyone tell me if my ears feeling wet with clear discharge is normal? Google is all over the place with it.
    Good God, there is such a vast difference between the Tinnitus and Hyperacusis communities!!!
    and the Vestibular ones too.
    Well like on here everyone tell me "Protect at all costs" this H forum I found is like "it's been a week, let's get back at it!" I mean it was like black and white lol
    Didn't know Lyrica was linked to T. Was on that for a 1&1/2 mths. Just stopped a week before my AT. Possibly related?
    I have been prescribed pregabalin 75mg by the psychiatrist,what dose were you taking? lyrica is the cause of your tinnitus? made it worse?
    Same dose as you. It was for nerve pain. 75 mg twice a day but I started only taking it in the morning, weeks ago. And I'm really not sure. I stopped taking it a week before my AT and honestly been to terrified to try taking them again.
    Do you think in a world like TWD, we'd even notice our Tinnitus?
    Only during downtime when we're not running or fighting walkers, I'd still welcome the distraction though. Just need to hold out and wait for the zombie apocalypse.
    @TheCapybara Right?? Hell, the zombie apocalypse will happen before modern medicine finds a treatment/cure for T. Lol
    Can someone recommend good noise canceling ear muffs please? I'm at a loss
    Anything in the Peltor 3M range is good.

    The X5A offer the best protection but are very indiscreet.

    X4A are good too. Offer less protection than the X5A, but still very protective and look more like a pair of headphones.
    Protecting your ears from sounds that are loud or that you just find painful is not going to cause any harm, and anyone who says it will is a quack. In the future you can think about increasing sound exposure to build tolerance. But so close to the onset of symptoms, you need to be protecting.
    Foam earplugs are fine. The other alternative are custom moulds (musician's earplugs), but you have to have impressions of your ears taken for those. I doubt you'd be up to that right now.
    What I would recommend you invest in, are some high quality ear defenders, as you don't want to be wearing earplugs all the time; otherwise you're going to put yourself at risk of an ear infection.

    Ear defenders will give your ear canals some much needed relief from earplug related abrasion.
    @Damocles Thank you for continuing to respond to me. I know I must seem like a drama queen, which isn't to fair off, but your responses have kept me from falling over the edge and doing a Kobain.
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