Recent content by Allen Y.

  1. Allen Y.

    Poll: Would You Trade Your Tinnitus for a 5-Year Prison Sentence?

    I wish I could do good behavior and get rid of this tinnitus shit hole!
  2. Allen Y.

    Hearing Loss and Severe Tinnitus — From Loving Life to Suicidal in 2 Months

    @gameover, you have read many posts here, and I don’t know how much of anything I write can help. But I have had horrible high-pitched (11 kHz - 13 kHz, not sure) tinnitus for some eight years now. And I have been in hell all these times. To think: I used to keep a map of the quietest places...
  3. Allen Y.

    Almost Two Weeks with Constant Ringing for Unknown Reason — And I've Always Avoided Loud Noises

    Jack, My story is almost exactly yours ... started out of nowhere ... for no apparent reasons ... always taken care of my ears ... hearing stops around 11-12 kHz. Also have white coat syndrome ... What freq is your tinnitus. Mine is at edge of my hearing - around 11-12 kHz. I have had...
  4. Allen Y.

    Tinnitus, My Dear Friend

    Someone find laser treatment helpful, that doesn't mean necessarily that it is the solution for everyone. Someone find acupuncture helpful, that doesn't mean necessarily that it is the solution for everyone. Someone find Vitamin B helpful, that doesn't mean necessarily that it is the solution...
  5. Allen Y.

    Tinnitus started 6/17/2016 or so out of nowhere to something quite loud (12 KHz, heard over...

    Tinnitus started 6/17/2016 or so out of nowhere to something quite loud (12 KHz, heard over shower, air blower, jets taking off)
  6. Allen Y.

    Poll: In the Past 7 Days, What % of Your Waking Hours Was Spent Thinking About Tinnitus?

    2 years 3 months in. 10% of the time it’s bearable ... that is I feel I have my “normal” life back. But rest of time I am almost constantly aware ... even if not constantly mad...
  7. Allen Y.

    Looking for a Cure

    There is no cure... but that just means that there is no one thing that we can give that makes tinnitus go away. That however doesn't mean your tinnitus won't fade ... or go away ... or that - strange as it may seem - will become a non-issue. Like people who first wear glasses, or clothes the...
  8. Allen Y.

    Two Year Anniversary

    I don't like hearing aids. They amp up sound ... so we hear better. But I hear well enough. By amping up sound, you expose your hair cells to that much more sound, which reduces their lifespan. And then when they go, then what, turn up more? It's not sustainable. I am 47. Audiologists...
  9. Allen Y.

    Loud Tinnitus

    What you experience is very similar to mine ... except I don't have a feeling of "fullness." I was blindsided by the appearance of T. I estimate it to be about 12-13 khz, appeared out of nowhere. I wasn't sure what it was initially... but it kept louder over the first 3-4 days to something I...
  10. Allen Y.

    Two Year Anniversary

    I did ask my audiologists - but since my speech tests returned 100% - they say hearing aids aren't recommended. My understanding is that no hearing aid aims to improve things above 8khz (my loss is above that), at 7-8 khz, I have 5-15, maybe 20 db loss, but they say that's "mild." My loss is...
  11. Allen Y.

    Two Year Anniversary

    For the first year, I was yearning for a complete cure. Every time my T diminished, I thought I was on my way ... only to get knocked down to ground zero a few days (or hours) later. Now I still hope ... and yearn ... but I don't get "knocked down" any more when the spike hits...
  12. Allen Y.

    Two Year Anniversary

    Oh... I have seen 3 ENTS ... 2 GPs... 4 alternative medicine doctors ... 3 audiologists. I have not done an MRI (all mainstream doctors said my symbols don't justify it) ... but have done blood tests ... but nothing there showed anything to the doctors... I have followed the flowchart. I get...
  13. Allen Y.

    One Year Anniversary and My Departure

    One of the sad things about Tinnitus talk is that people get on each others' nerve sometimes. You don't know how miserably my T is. You don't know how bad T can really get. You are too negative. You are too weak minded. Your "facts" are wrong... etc. etc. If T really has a million causes...
  14. Allen Y.

    Two Year Anniversary

    I tried sleeping well ... but same (long term) pattern... Tried taking B12 ... same ... Acupuncture ... same ... Changing salt content ... same .... Various sound treatments ... same ... Drinking self squeezed fresh juice ... same ... Melatonin ... same ... etc., etc. All above tried...
  15. Allen Y.

    Two Year Anniversary

    I stopped piano for a few months when T started, but I have gone back to playing ... and composing ... even when T is blaring. I have found no cause. Nutrition, sleep, mood, health, anything and everything... No correlation. I have a pattern that sometimes change ...but for the most part...