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  • 2)Gastritis, which has been going on for almost 4 months, is giving me trouble. It's definitely all due to stress.
    1)Update after 10 months of suffering. Unchanged, tinnitus appears quieter due to the warm season and the associated time spent outdoor.
    Mine is a little quieter after 5 months, but it may be just that I am learning not to allow the extreme anxiety to take over.
    Almost 9 months without any improvement. Hope that something will finally happen in the next few years (Shore). Too many are suffering
    health is getting worse. Gastritis doesn't go away either, and now there's also a strong fever since sunday. I am very sad
    3M with SNR 37 dB - what is the reduction at e.g. 100 dB? Is it acutally 37 dB, so 63 dB? I remember reading something else
    UK is SNR-4db

    France: SNR-5 (earmuffs & custom earplugs) and SNR-10(al other earplugs)
    Germany: SNR-5(earmuffs), SNR-9(Foam earplugs), SNR-3(custom earplugs), SNR-5(all other earplugs)

    Italy: SNR * 0.75 (earmuffs), SNR * 0.5 (foam earplugs), and SNR * 0.3 (all other earplugs)
    @kingsfan Thank you! I will inform myself about that. I'm invited to a wedding and want to protect myself as best as I can
    Drank strong alcohol in the last weeks because it made the situation a little easier for me. now gastritis with incredible pain. fucked
    Was lying in bed and thought my neighbor was playing music with a lot of bass. Wrong. My left ear has a new sound - bass. I am done
    I have this, too. Variable very low frequency T in left ear only. I had thought it was noise external to my house for months. It hit over a year before my bilateral high frequency T turned severe. Some days it's more intense and has some reactivity after low freq sound exposures but can be masked.
    @RunningMan this seems to be very rare. Outside of this forum I only know people with the typical high monotonous T. I thought maybe it's gone today, no. Probably a new annoying companion… but it doesn't bother me as much as my terribly high hissing sound.
    @Angieuurope today I tried to be normal. Went to a doctors appointment then breakfast with my wife. Honest to God my T is just escalating. I can't isolate all my life. I'm freaking out. I know you feel. I'm so sorry I can't change the sunject it's just way too much suffering. Way too much. I'm going to need Mirtazapine. Something. Desperation is not the word at this point.
    used to really enjoy the start of spring. it gave me joy in life. T no longer makes me feel anything
    That's the horror of this experience. Joy vanishes and no one around you seems to notice, and it's all replaced with hideous noise.
    @Pinhead no one notices it or takes it seriously. It's "just a noise". Running away from all noises, the most normal things like cutlery hurts my ears. A nightmare that never ends
    New shit. T since beginning more present on left ear. Lately louder on the right for hours, then back to normal. Similar experience?
    Almost 6 months.
    Feel very hopeless at the moment. In the past, when faced with difficult situations in life, I always said that in six months the world would look different again and you would be able to get through the most situations.
    Actually I have been through worst situation, death of parents, best friends and other drastic situations. Maybe not understandable for some, but T is above it. The pain of loss becomes less but this daily torment does not change
    I'm sorry to hear that. T is truely a horrible thing. I am hoping you find some relief soon.
    suddenly 10x louder. it screams so that I hardly hear anything else. I didn't do anything. why doesn't anyone help us
    hope you are feeling better
    @SumGuy it has reduced, but not to the normal level. the tone has changed, but unfortunately not in a more bearable way. I think it also depends a lot on the tone. I could probably handle a different, softer one better
    :( I wish there was a treatment soon, I hope after I die future generations do not have to suffer from this.
    Wanted to sleep with earplugs this night because of neighbors. Double hell, no chance. I prefer to hear the noise from the neighbors
    I've been through this hellish dilemma so many times, people without T will never understand or will gaslight you and ask why you don't use a fan/white noise instead when that can spike T
    @cyberspace absolutely, I can only play at a very low volume. Turning the volume up and hearing my neighbors making noise at the same time would drive me crazy
    Yesterday in a restaurant for about 4 hours. Ears feeling closed today. What a life. Not even that can be done without being punished
    Today a restaurant killed me. First time in over a year. I can't even do breakfast.
    First therapie today. Was afraid of not being understood, but that wasn't the case. She also has T.
    When someone says they have T, I assume it's mild and nothing like mine unless they give me some details to think otherwise because most people have it pretty mild and don't notice it outside of a really quiet environment.
    @RunningMan shr said that she always hears it, even at this moment. But I agree with you, I also believe that its extent is not close to that of most of us
    @RunningMan - based on what people say in most posts on here most are very mild. Anything that does not change.
    colleague said today that I'll get used to it cause he can also hear something when he covers his ears. What a joke… wanted to scream
    i have a few colleagues like that. my T absolutely screams in a quiet office, ears covered or not. the majority of people have it mild and it never changes.
    Maybe in a while I'll see it differently and be able to talk about getting used to it. I can't imagine it, but who knows. I would be grateful if I could just hear it if I closed my ears. What I would give for us all to have it like that...
    when he covers his ears, oh this poor soul
    louder for no reason. not in my perception, but actually. masking needs to be turned up to get relief. what a damn situation
    I feel your pain. Some day I really notice mine over the TV, and other days I'm more able to tune in out. Of course, also sometimes a single tone squeal and other times hissy.
    @RunningMan your words could have been mine. I have to distract myself as much as possible today to get through the day. Hope it goes down quickly, still annoying, but easier to deal with
    @RunningMan - if you can tune it out some days that's awesome. I don't even know what that means. I guy like me took him 4 years. He no longer cares too much. He decided to live and make it do what ever. That's courage.
    Did T make any of you extremely irritated, sad and unhappy and at the same time so sensitive and understanding of others? Crazy like T
    @crescentsky I understand that. A very evil side comes out of me on days too. Terrible what that does to us
    Just goes to show that being good is linked to feeling good - or at least not tortured 24/7. Unless you're a saint. Which I am not, haha :)
    I can relate. The pressure to be better is heavy. I can't help but be miserable around family. Everyone needs to keep it down. They don't always do. Don't blame them. I'm in the middle of a severe worsening. I'm done.
    I've never been religious, please don't judge me. Since T I have been praying daily. You all are in my prayers
    Hope it helps you. For me it has been pointless and aggravating exercise.
    @gameover in despair, people do many things. I'm sorry it's aggravating for you. If it becomes a burden, it's not the right thing to do
    I discovered Jesus through this. I cannot out it in words. He is real as real can be. He is king. This may sound weird coming from someone you don5 know on the internet. I have had an insane spiritual journey. Just that it was not a good one. Keep you faith in God. He can help you. If not today, one day.
    Looking for a new masking sound for sleep. Can't stand my regular 10 h video on YouTube anymore. The same thing for months. annoying
    microdosing with shrooms today. I can't stand this noise for the rest of my life
    @dd314 Please excuse the late reply, I didn't see your message. Felt very calm and tired during this, even though T hissed like always so it did exactly nothing for T. I probably or certainly expected too much from one time. I was disappointed and haven't done it again since. I would probably have to do it regularly to see effects
    Psychodelic ones?
    I experienced something very scary today. suddenly voices sounded like robots for a few seconds. I experienced it for the first time
    I use to experience this a lot with some TV voices in my earlier months after a sudden worsening of T two years ago, but I really haven't been noticing it lately. I'm not sure when I stopped hearing/noticing it since other problems came along.
    Sorry for my late comment but this happened to me frequently as a child
    I just remembered due to reading your comment
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