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  • The perfect pill would be taken everyday for sleep, stop T the next day and protect your ears. Too bad it doesn't exist. Good night.
    Bill Bauer
    Even sunblock combined with bug repellent (which you would think is a lot more mainstream) doesn't exist...
    @Bill Bauer I'll invent that first and raise enough money to invent my pill
    I am now currently in my quiet room eating BBQ crispers chips and have almost complete silence. Maybe chips is the cure. WTF. lol
    Bill Bauer
    As long as you don't hurt your ears a second time (especially over the next three years), you ought to be fine.
    @Bill Bauer I don't even know what I did to hurt my ears the first time. T__T
    Glad I could barely hear it this morning but it gets louder every night or when lying down. Less anxious right now though. Hope it goessss.
    Hey man, I'm four months in and know how you're feeling. Some days are hell, others are a bit more tolerable. I've had some mornings where I've woken up to silence as well, and assume this is a good sign, so hang in there. It seems that most people do get better, it just takes a lot of time which isn't an easy fact to accept this early in the game. If you need to talk feel free to send me a message.
    Lorazepam helped me for a bit. I felt a bit like myself again. If I can control my anxiety I may be alright. I think I can sleep tonight...
    Had the mildest T since I took lorazepam at 8pm last night to 6 pm tonight. I even fell asleep after the lorazepam had worn off. Hopefully these are good signs. T gets loud every night but quiets in morning.
    EEEEeeeeEEEEeeeeEEEEeeee wtf sigh
    Does this actually get better? Only slept one hour last night. I'm suffering. May need to ask for sleeping pills.
    Sitting here at 2am listening to the fridge. Ears feel at peace. Some sense of quiet at last. A sign I should stop looking for the T.
    Taking a break from this site. Been reading too much negatively. Will finish off by reading some success stories.
    Only hearing a slight ringing in the left ear and static hissing in the right ear now. Gives me hope it will get better. Scared to sleep.
    Ears are hurting today. Feeling head and ear pressure. Stressed out even though I've been trying to relax. Hopefully will get better.
    Saw my GP today. She told me she believes the T will go away. Quiet all day today except for bad flare up tonight. Trying to sleep now. :(
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