Recent content by AverageJoe12

  1. AverageJoe12

    Tinnitus Caused by MRI

    32YO here in Texas, dealing with tinnitus and hyperacusis for 2 years. An MRI was my second trauma after the nightclub incident that incited this all. I'm sorry man, auditory conditions are difficult to contend with. For now, to keep on living, carry some foam plugs or Loops with you (search for...
  2. AverageJoe12

    Dizziness, Headaches and Eye Pain

    I’ve switched to Clomipramine in an effort to better manage my hyperacusis. I did feel that Nortriptyline, at doses up to 75 mg, was somewhat effective for me. While using it, I found myself less bothered by noise in my office. In addition to hyperacusis, I deal with significant neck and...
  3. AverageJoe12

    Anyone Have Hyperlipidemia?

    I do... crazy high. I never thought there could be a correlation.
  4. AverageJoe12

    Characteristic Alterations of Gut Microbiota and Serum Metabolites in Patients with Chronic Tinnitus

    Hot dang... the gut-brain-ear axis now... The full study is here.
  5. AverageJoe12

    Hey buddy - I had my appointment with Dr. Stefane Maison at Mass Eye and Ear and signed...

    Hey buddy - I had my appointment with Dr. Stefane Maison at Mass Eye and Ear and signed paperwork to join a future trial for CIL001 if it becomes available. Dr. Maison mentioned hidden hearing loss or cochlear synaptopathy as possible causes of my tinnitus and hyperacusis. Their auditory...
  6. AverageJoe12

    Tinnitus Worse After a CT Scan with Oral and IV Contrast — Anybode Else?!

    One more data point. I had a CT of the head with and without contrast 3 weeks ago. No change in tinnitus volume or perception.
  7. AverageJoe12

    My Hyperacusis Is Cured & I Barely Have Tinnitus Anymore

    How did you get from A to B, if you don't mind me asking?
  8. AverageJoe12

    Reactive Tinnitus for the First Time: Are There Success Stories?

    I'm really sorry to hear about the reactive tinnitus. Some have likened reactive tinnitus (unstable tinnitus) to migraine-like processes. Reactive tinnitus may respond to migraine prophylaxis protocols. How was the brain hemorrhage diagnosed?
  9. AverageJoe12

    Delix Therapeutics — Neuroplastogen for Hearing Loss

    I believe synaptic repair has been limited to animals only so far, and it's possible that the therapeutic was only effective when administered within three days of acoustic trauma (per the interview below). I would take a closer look at it. The discovery of cochlear synaptopathy dates back to...
  10. AverageJoe12

    How to Manage Reactive Tinnitus That Followed Loudness Hyperacusis?

    I will say that the new AirPods Pro 2 is probably one of the best active and passive noise-cancelling mechanisms out there. I have to be cautious about loud noises being played through them. However, playing brown noise through them while in a grocery store with active noise-canceling turned on...
  11. AverageJoe12

    Hearing Aids with Notch Therapy — Post Your Experience!

    Do you experience any hyperacusis or sound sensitivity?
  12. AverageJoe12

    Tumor, Tinnitus, Depression, and the Journey Back to Life (Moscow, Russia)

    I'm glad you're feeling much better. What dosage of Anafranil and Quetiapine did you find helped most? Could you attend concerts with earplugs? Did you have any hyperacusis in the early years? If so, how is the hyperacusis today?
  13. AverageJoe12

    Neurotrophin 3 Regenerates Cochlear Synapses

    I don't think the trial has been firmed up just yet, but I'll be keeping an eye on the NIH repository and will update this thread as soon as I learn more. Hopefully, there will be multiple recruitment sites or facilities. It might also involve just a single intratympanic shot, which means there...
  14. AverageJoe12

    Dizziness, Headaches and Eye Pain

    This sounds like vestibular/ocular migraine. I have had the same issue since an acoustic trauma in February 2023, as well as floaters and light sensitivity in my vision. Nortriptyline and Gabapentin are helping, as well as magnesium, riboflavin, CoQ10, and vitamin D.
  15. AverageJoe12

    NeuroMed Tinnitus Program — Founded by Dr. Hamid Djalilian

    @marqualler meant 5,000 IU. Dr. Djalilian's protocol at one point called for 10,000 IU Vitamin D, but the recommendation has since been revised to 5,000 IU per my Neuromed clinician.