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  • In a dark place with this Visual Snow, it's 24/7 and inescapable. Can't believe this is happening to me
    atleast your T isn't bad.Personally I would sacrifice my vision for my hearing
    I too have bad visual snow, floaters and light sensitivity, I basically got both T & VS from Pregabalin. My brain over time got used to VS much more than with T. I wear glasses, watch out for bad lighting and try to control my environment. VS gets bad when its dark outside for me. It gets better with time for most, but eyes have more hope than ears. New laser surgeries coming out for floaters and possibly VS.
    Experiencing my first spike, T was silent then after a few loud days out it's spiked to unbareable levels. Hoping it calms down again :(
    Give yourself a little piece-of-mind for going out in public places that might be loud. Get fitted for custom earplugs. I personally keep a set of Westone TRU earplugs on my keychain with 20db filters just-in-case. I'm sure they've saved me from a number of spikes over the past year.
    Went out shopping yesterday for a few hours, woke up and Tinnitus is a little louder. Are these spikes temporary or permanent? Any help :)
    Probably temporary, but be careful, they can last from hours to weeks. Also, always have ear pro on yourself.
    Was you exposed to any loud noises? If not, I shouldn't think it would be permanent. Tinnitus tends to fluctuate. Sometimes my tinnitus is louder if I haven't had enough sleep. I hope things improve for you!
    Bill Bauer
    It is most likely temporary. However, if you keep giving yourself temporary spikes, eventually one can become permanent. So if it was loud where you shopped, learn from your mistakes and avoid places like that for the next year or two.
    Eye exam came back perfect. Convinced it's visual snow. Falling into a dark place, I can't deal with this
    I'm somewhat of a health freak myself so I've always been boosted up with vitamins. I started taking magnesium & b-12 but I don't think they could be related :( @Diesel
    Atleast it's nothing sinister. How bad are the floaters and visual snow? Is it impairing your vision or just a minor annoyance? It's strange for me because I've basically had this my entire life so I thought it was completely normal untill I mentioned it someone else and they thought I was talking nonsense. That's when I followed it up through hospital visits but they basically told me to live with it.
    Mine is fairly mild, however my vision is blurred when trying to read text from afar now which is odd. I just have the static and really mild floaters if I look at a blank wall, it's fairly unoticeable unless I look for it but it's still scary to know it's there :( @orbiter12
    My T has been somewhat of silent the past week. But I've experienced flashes of light and blurred vision these past 2 days, is that normal?
    Absolutely go to an eye doctor! Can be benevolent, but get it checked out. I have this visual problem with migraines (aura) but it doesn't last this long.
    A few weeks ago when I was at my optometrist, she told me if I ever had your symptoms, go call your primary doctor immediately and if your doctor doesn't have an appointment in a day or so, go to an ER. It could be retinal detachment and can lead to permanent blindness unless you intervene immediately!
    Bill Bauer
    I've never read about anyone here having those symptoms.
    Always find that when my T localizes back to my head, I can't ignore it, no matter how mild it is. So annoying! Feels like electricity
    Every once in a while my T localized like that. I get waves in my left ear occasionally. Quite annoying indeed.
    My most annoying tone is like that too. I always say it's like an old charger. In silence I hear more tones but those do mask easily.
    Silent T, but pain in my ears? Not complaining, but what on Earth is happening!
    Bill Bauer
    Over the next 2-3 years you will want to be extra careful. Compared to what it takes for a healthy person to get a serious T spike, it is easier to get a serious T spike now that you have T. Even after the 3 years are over, it will probably not be a good idea to attend concerts, etc.
    @Thuan I've had minor bouts of T in the past after festivals that lasted a few days, but this has been constant for 4 weeks, it has gotten milder though!
    Its funny you say that, because my parents say they also have mild T if they focus in a quiet environment.
    Of course I will! I am very lucky that mine is so mild, I praise every single person on this forum that have been suffering for years.
    @Bill Bauer thanks for the reassurance - still very new to all of this.
    Good, now get off this forum :)
    I'm pleased for you, keep distracting yourself and don't listen out for it. Sounds like you will be just fine :)
    Ear fullness and popping back after a loud day - T is very quiet though. Hoping I haven't done further damage and that it subsides :(
    Bill Bauer
    Does "loud day" mean that you were exposed to loud sounds? Or was your T loud. Ear fullness is a sign of your ears being hurt. Try to avoid the activities that result in ear fullness. The good news is that after several months ear fullness usually resolves itself.
    Question for all: after a loud noise, do spikes occur straight away or can they be delayed? and whats the latest they can be delayed for?
    Most spikes are the day after, but it has be known to be delayed, sometimes two days or more. Try not to stress about delayed spikes though. Usually if it's not worse the next morning, you're fine.
    Anyone know any good vitamins to be taking to maximise recovery? I take b-12, zinc, magnesium & a multivitamin at the moment :)
    I take vitamins religiously but they do not help the tinnitus, but I do feel better healthwise.
    Three week update - tinnitus has been milder, able to sleep 8 hours a night, have random spikes for moments. But overall better :)
    its been a better day today. I can only hear my T when in quiet rooms, at night, or when i plug my ears. I just hope it continues to fade.
    Bill Bauer
    After less than a month, you are where most people (those who end up recovering) get to after 1-2 years. You have nothing to worry about.
    Woke up this morning after no sleep and my tinnitus is so high pitch I can hear it over everything, it's in my head too, can't get relief :(
    Lack of sleep definitely increases mine. I find if I spend a couple of days in quiet, then it settles down pretty quickly. Junk food also increases my T, and lack of water it seems.

    Sending love hugs <3
    I understand you. Sometimes my T is localized to one ear and sometimes it goes into the head. It is disturbing, jarring and increases our anxiety. Hang in there.
    @aot is right. It's normal for it to fluctuate in the early days. Also, try not to monitor it if you can. It will help push it to the back of your mind.
    Was up all night crying at the idea that this could be for life, I feel like I'm never going to be happy again :(
    I know the feeling Beth. I was actually okay with it when I first developed T, but after a temporary but major spike, I became terrified at what it could potentially become.

    If I could come and comfort you I would. In fact I would visit everyone I'm friends with on here, just so we wouldn't feel so alone in all this. <3
    I understand your pain and i'm sorry you're going through this tough time. You will be happy again. I have very severe unmaskable T with several sounds that I can hear over the shower and everything else. Your T is new and you have great chances of improvement, Time is your friend :)

    Love and respect
    My T is mild but it definitely comes from my head which is making it harder to ignore, even in quiet rooms it's mild, but its just THERE
    2 week update: my T is very mild, i can only hear it in silence and it is easily masked. I'm trying to remain hopeful I am anxious.
    Fingers crossed you're gonna be okay. :) rooting for you.
    We believe in you!
    So pleased for you girly <3 I have everything crossed for you!
    I can barely hear my tinnitus now which is a good sign, however, when i plug my ears the ringing is really loud? so it's still there?
    Bill Bauer
    Yes, it's still there, but quieter. It will keep getting quieter, but the quieter it gets, the slower it will be fading. Unfortunately there is a relatively high chance that you will always hear T when it is quiet or when you plug your ears. Not many people on this site report eventually hearing true silence.
    Yes. Although, it may have been there and you were just never aware. Stay consistent with protecting your ears and you'll probably continue to see improvement. It takes time, patience, and lots of discipline.
    @Bill Bauer my mom had it for 1.5 years, hers went away 100%. Her bf had it for 2 years. His went away 100%
    My tinnitus has been very quiet, almost silent these past few days. However, my ears are feeling blocked/full again - anyone know why?
    Maybe the eustachian tubes, I have ear fullness more often recently (mainly at evening and night time).
    Bill Bauer
    Ears take months or years to heal. The ear fullness ought to go away after 6-12 months.
    I can currently hear silence? I hope this is a good sign. Trying not to jinx myself
    Seems like you might be lucky. If it goes, just remember that sound exposure you could tolerate before getting tinnitus can make it come back much worse and be permanent.
    It is! You are very early in, you may be one of the lucky ones. Keep protecting your ears and fingers crossed that you'll be fine. I'm so glad for you. :)
    Bill Bauer
    It's a sign that eventually you will get to hear silence. Make sure to not hurt your ears again, and you ought to be fine.
    My tinnitus has been stable now for 3 days, definitely quieter and less intrusive, it spikes randomly for a few moments but its manageable
    Updates: my tinnitus has been less noticeable the last few days, it's still there but very mildly. I can only hear it in quiet rooms
    Hi all, great news. Last night I could barely hear my tinnitus and this was in a more or less silent room with just a fan on! Hopeful
    Using this as a diary now to update progress - it seems as if my tinnitus is getting quieter but higher pitched, is that a good sign?
    Ok thanks guys - mine is also now more located in my head rather than my ears, its like a high frequency static sound, as opposed to the ringing ears i had earlier this week. I've read that this can also mean improvement? I really hope so
    My T over the past week has also gotten quieter and higher in pitch. It is a good sign as before my last spike, my T went this way then virtually disappeared. Hope that helps <3
    Oh thats made me feel a little better - I'm only on day 6, but my god I hope its temporary.
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