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  • Hi Billie, my mom has had tinnitus since the age of 35 she is now 77. Six months ago she went into a deep depression and had to be up in a mental hospital. She has anxiety attacks all day long which makes her T really loud.
    Do you know what her anxiety is about? Usually anxiety caused by distorted thoughts or cognitive distortions can be helped by CBT counselling and also mindfulness meditation. If she has anxiety attacks all day, then the doctors should give her some anti-anxiety drugs to help her.
    Thank you. Is it okay if I tell you her story she does not speak English very well.
    Sure. You can click the conversation mode to start some private messaging as this profile only allows limited number of characters per post.
    Hello Billie, read your story and it sounds like what my mom is going through right now. I'm losing hope that she will get better, how long did it take you to get back to normal?
    Sorry about your mom. Perhaps ask her to join in the forum so everyone here can give her some support. My first year was filled with sufferings and was on Ativan & Prozac with sleeping pills. The 2nd year was better but still with lots of setbacks. I felt much better and more stable on the 3rd and after that I wrote my success story. Perhaps show her my story to give her hope. Take care. God bless.
    Bille... Thank you for sharing such an encouraging testimony. This is the second month my T & H getting worse due to unexpected acoustic exposure. I am struggling to adjust & adapt to them. Like you said, one step a time to get over it which takes you six months to overcome Hyperacusis. Other than removing ear plugs gradually to let ears desensitized, have you done other treatments like TRT or white noise ?
    I didn't do TRT. Back then there wasn't even a TRT trained specialist in our area anyway. Desensitizing with sound enrichment plus avoidance of loud venues and passage of time seem to be most helpful in my case. For many, H that follows after high pitched T seem to fade slowly over time, many within the year it started. So be patient. Take good care. God bless you.
    Sorry to bother you but saw you have high frequency sounds and now I do too. I think and it's quickly eating me up. My life has stopped and it's affecting my personal relationships too. It's so loud and intrusive and I have pulsing tinnitus on top. I'm slowly fading away right now. How did you even begin to get your head around it. I hope you don't mind me asking as I have few people to talk to right now.

    Thanks you
    Hello Billie, you are a gift to the world and a true inspiration. Reading your story saved my life today. You seem to possess the wisdom of the fabled ''wise masters'' and then some. Is there any way I could talk to or chat with you directly? I understand if this is not something you're okay with but I see myself a bit in your story and I feel like I could learn a lot from just a short chat with you.
    Thank you,
    Hi Dan,

    Glad that my success story has helped you. Please remember to read up as many success stories as you can to give you hope.

    I am often using the Conversation function to do private chat with some members. You are most welcome to contact me and I will do what I can to help out. But don't forget to post more about your situation in the main support forum. Take care. God bless.
    Please do feel free to start a conversation with me any time you feel you need support. Thanks.
    HI billie you seem to have the same sounds as me jet engine i have it in the left so lound i find it hard to hear my right ear which comes and goes with t I am finding hard to cope on meds have h to certain noise plastic bags are the worst for me How do you manage to sleep without meds regards jay
    Billie, you're one of the great stars here. It's incredible what tragedies you've faced in life, yet you've come through, and not only that, but how you bring hope and empathy into other people's lives. I genuinely deeply admire and respect you, and wish you a blessed 2018.
    Markku, I am deeply humbled by your kind words. I am just one among many on your well-run support forum trying to help. You and your team have done a great job and thanks God for such a forum for those who are deep in suffering with intrusive T. Wish you and your loved ones all the best in 2018.
    thank you for the post , it was very positive , i have had T for like 4 to 5 years now .r ecently its high piched and louder , left side only . sleep is not a problem for me . sound masking helps me alottttt ... thanks once again for the positivity bro
    I love the way you think Billie,
    the way you write is so helpfull
    Thank you
    Thanks for the kind words, @Jazzer. Glad that you find some helpful info from my writing. Take good care. God bless.
    how long before it got better ? for me around 2 years till I just ignore it.. I'm still not 100%
    About 3 years for me. It is a progressive thing and there were setbacks in between.
    How to cope up with hyperacusis..
    Try to use earplugs initially for loud sounds but try not to over protect as your ears need to get used to normal sounds. Hyperacusis is more likely to fade away within a year from start for many members. You should post in the hyperacusis support forum so more members can advise you.
    Billie48 I have one question my friend, when you're eardrum is a bit open, do you hear less? Or when you have an infection or have yellow moisture in your ear that drips out?
    Billie I have been reading your posts and they have been giving me a bit of hope. I have a high pitched ring and H and have been beside myself. I feel like my life is over and keep rereading your story to carry on. Would I be able to message you personally? Do you live in Vancouver?
    You can select my or any member's name or avatar to view their profile, just like you are posting on my profile. Once the profile screen is shown, you can click 'Start a conversation'. That is all. However, I tested with your avatar and it works as I say. But my own avatar doesn't seem to have a 'start a conversation' button. Don't know why. Perhaps post an introduction first and I can comment on your post.
    Sorry posted in the wrong area. Do you live in Vancouver?
    Thank you so much for your reply! Really appreciate it Billie!
    Hey I am struggling with extremely high frequency T. Was there anything you took in the early days to help you? I haven't slept in 5 days.
    Crickets with a sound machine help with high pitch. Take a long shower. Might wanna talk to your doc about getting something for sleep.
    Gotta get some sleep my friend
    I'm new here and also suffer from constant, loud tinnitus. I'm very interested to hear any suggestions you might have, especially as regards masking noise and tools for getting to sleep. My T is loud enough to keep me awake all night. Thank you in advance for any direction you might have time to offer!
    Billie48, Happy Holidays my friend!! You are the bomb! Thanks for all you do! You have been an amazing help to me and a huge advocate for all here on TT!!! All the best to you!! Jeff
    Thank you Jeff. Merry Christmas & Happy New Year to you. I am humbled by your compliment. Just trying to help the sufferers like other members here on TT, yourself included. Together, we can hopefully make it a better day for others who are still struggling and who need some advise to help them out of their suffering. Take care my friend. God bless.
    Y do some clan that they found a cure only to find its a lie these people are bad for example one person said just buy certain foods and it would clear it but he wants money if this was me and I found a cure I give it away free to help people not make money from people who need help badly shame on themy you know if who you are
    Thanks for the like and the support, billie. I can tell your words come from the knowledge of personal experience, and its such an inspiration that you've turned the pain and anguish into a positive thing. Its very hard to do, this forum is proof of how hard it is to do.
    3 weeks into my first spike (always had a little very high pitched t)... hanging in there. I think we have the same freq... very very high, difficult to mask. Hard to sleep...
    Hey Billy, you are such an awesome inspiration to many sufferers, keep up the good work !
    Oh wow you do allot on hear! I only know how to pose questions and start conversations. Whats the profile for who sees it and how do you use everything on it? I want to get more involved in case I do start feeling as good as you do.
    Thank you for your encouraging posts. I always feel a bit better reading your posts during this stressful time.
    Thank you Teresa. I hope you feel better. Keep positive.
    Hi Billie! T has over time increased my empathy and I know that positivity is the key to helping others and yourself succeed. Keep up the good work and be the light in the midst of darkness!
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