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  • Small succes with BDNF lifestyle (HIIT, BDNF booster food like soy, blue berries, theracurmin supplements, etc.) lowered HF tinnitus 50%
    Tinnitus worsened after my dog kept barking at the door (despite her wearing an anti-bark collar). There is no safe space with this madness
    You matter a lot to me & the folks at TT @FGG . My birthday wish would be that you will find happiness again in the near future
    If life was Star Wars, tinnitus would be the Phantom Menace. If only we had the force to cancel its existence. Yoda, where art thou?
    I have overcome many challenges in life, but severe T might be the thing that will break me. Just a few years left to ride this one out.
    Does anyone have problems with hyperventilation due to T? I had to step off the train midway as I was overpowered by visual/auditory stimuli
    Moving again, this time to a nice little house next to the beach in Scheveningen. Super quiet and a total T-free zone
    If there is some super smart alien civilisation out there reading this post, please PLEASE invade us and share your wisdom in curing our T.
    I have given it some thought,but I'm seriously considering DBS.I would be practically a cyborg, given that my skull is partly titanium/metal
    Even if it does work, how long do you think it would last? Seems like a pretty big deal.
    @Steph1710 . Yep, multiple studies about DBS indicate that it lowers T, even for severe cases. In these studies, efficacy varies on which part of the brain is modulated
    @Zugzug The Cheung study was about 24 weeks. Improvements vs. level at pre-study were constant and significant. The battery lasts between 3-6 years, depending on customisation voltage use
    Darn it! Never mind making progress. New T went down a bit, but old T changed from a subwoofer into a jackhammer. This sucks B time
    Sorry to hear that Christiaan. :( I'm sure it will settle down again. T is constantly changing. I'm sure that's why we all find it so hard. Big hugs <3
    Thank you @Steph1710 . It feels so different this time. Had a stable T for three and a half years, but the last few months it fluctuates and also worsened here and there. It's hard to get adjusted to this uncertainty
    My hissing has faded some more and is barely audible. Would it magically disappear?
    Alright! Two days in with lowered T. Can finally read a book in three months after spike. Hope it continues to improve
    Ey there again @Steph1710 . Great news! By the sound of it you're pretty much cured. What great feeling you must have, knowing you're almost ride of it.
    Well, about my T: my spike was caused by headphones, yet again;) It was on pretty low volume but we know by now that life does not provide guarantees. Now I'm left with a low hum and a hiss sound. Have you heard about American Dirt? I'm currently reading it. It's about the plight of a mother and her child from Mexico to the US looking for a better life.
    @Emgee . Thanks bud! I hope your T quits being annoying. Yours is quite fresh so normally it would become less prominent. Fingers crossed!
    Hello, has your reactive T improved?
    Hi @HeavyMantra, and how's your T doing? has the rumbling t sound diminished yet? In my case it did improve, as in: it's no longer a reactive and a high pitch pure tone anymore. It took about 2 months for it to subside to a snake-pit like hiss that I can hear when I'm at home. Less dominant but still annoying as hell. I'll only settle for it's complete destruction:)
    It comes and goes, I think. It's actually really hard to judge whether or not I hear it, because it sounds just like many sounds both in my apartment and in the world. I don't know if it's just silent when I plug my ears, or if the sounds I hear aren't my tinnitus... Sometimes it's really loud though. Glad to hear your T improved!
    Wow, that's sounds like quite the challenge heavymantra So it's fluctuates a lot, am I right? I can imagine it's quite tricky to get wel adjusted to those ever-changing sounds, especially when it can be sometimes so loud. Hope it stabilises asap!
    It's hard to realise that my life depends on the possible effectiveness of Tzounopoulos' pill & Frequency Therapeutics gel.Yep, this is hell
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