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  • Hi Christiaan,

    How's your therapy going on? Any improvement? Which apps( iOS or Android or PC ) do you recommend as the best NOTCHED THERPY for tonal tinnitus( traffic accident,7990 Hz, for 25 years) I ve nearly no hearing loss. Kind Regards,
    It's going smoothly, thank you @Mehmet ;) My tinnitus is lower than a few months ago. Hopefully it will continue to improve. About your other question: I've only used Adobe Audition. You can download it from the Adobe website. Let me know how if you have any questions
    I actually forgot I have T while watching The Great British Bake Off.I should watch this show more often:p Matt Lucas, you've saved the day!
    @Damocles Some of those Irish shows does seem unique and yet somehow old-fashioned in some ways. If you've seen Mrs. Brown's Boys, you'd probably think that they're stuck in the past. I mean, is it really a novelty to see a man dressed as a flamboyant granny + with all that slapstick humour. We've already survived the 90's by watching those kind of shows:)
    Most Irish comedians are great. You'd probably like Jason Byrne , Dylan Moran & Chris O'Dowd as much as I do. I also love Dara O'Briain, but his accent is so thick, I always use subtitles to help me understand this guy XD
    You mean THE Greg Davies? That magnificent beast is going to present Taskmaster? He would certainly be a nice addition to the squad. The problem is that I can't receive Channel 4 in the Netherlands, but I try to get a glimpse of the show on Youtube. Another thanks for this tip btw!
    I would rather listen to Fran Drescher than sit through another TRT session #Thanks4nothingJastreboff
    Oh yeah, sure @Lurius ;) What's the story? I only heard of Drescher's husband (who also happened to be the producer of The Nanny!) coming out as gay during their marriage. That sounds like an unbelievable Hollywood plot, but it's true to a T.
    Unfortunately, Fran Drescher experienced a nightmare when burglars broke into her home, tied up her husband and raped her at gunpoint. It's one of the absolutely worst things I've ever heard happen to a celebrity like that. The only other thing I can think of that compares is the thing that happened to Jodi Foster (guy tried to murder President Reagan to impress Foster).
    @Lurius this is indeed downright horrible. I still can't belief that someone goes through something like that.I've just read her story and it seems she has kept it for more than 30 years from the public.It's quite an incredible effort that she has channelised her horrific experience into something meaningful by going into comedy. And it's truly admirable that she remains resilient despite this horrific experience.
    Thanking again for the messages in the forum, I would like to mention a series of books( Risale-i Nur) which Ive been reading for about 25 years since I started University. live in Ankara,Turkey. You may find any answer regarding Islam Religion,Beleif in God, Hereafter etc.
    Thanks for your kind words @Mehmet . To be honest, I'm not much of a religious person, but I will certainly check your site and perhaps learn a thing or two about your religion. There's a lot I don't know about the Islamic religion and this is certainly a great way to get in touch with it:)
    You'll definitely find what you re looking for regarding religion. By relİgion I mean blief in single Allah.
    For anyone who lives in Ohio 11th district: don't forget to vote for Nina Turner. A true fighter for working class, environment & equality.
    @Tanni It's indeed a shame that Labour has not shown effective opposition so far. It is actually quite telling that a famous footballer managed to convince the Tories to keep providing free school meals to children living in poverty or that Neville gained relatively more news coverage for his sharp remarks about BoJo's culture wars (e.g. ''taking the knee'')
    than anyone from Labour. With the recent shake-up in Starmer's office, time will tell if they have learned their mistakes after the fall of the Red Wall. I don't know if you share the same idea, but I think it's a huge loss that they've sacrificed Angela Rayner after the Hartlepool loss. She seems to be more aligned to the (former)
    traditional working class heartlands in England and has personal qualities that would make her a great leader some day. But for now, it seems that Blairite, London-centric centrists have won the war within the party
    @Lurius It's really disheartening when you want to do something about it, only to find someone who doesn't support you in that effort.
    Yes, it's heartbreaking @Lurius Of course if this doctor came down with what we have, he highly probably wouldnt find it too "experimental"
    It sure is @TheDanishGirl . I wish we had more of those medical professionals who have empathy and some capacity to imagine what we're going through.
    I really hate those guys who ''upgrade'' their cars with sound-amplifying exhaust pipes. Another example of toxic masculinity, I guess.
    We have lots of bikers in the Summer. I think the beach is a very noisy place during the season. Isn't the beach a place where you go to show yourself (or how you say overcompensate) and to look at others in the first place? You are complaining but why do you live there then?
    @Vassili . Yeah, every place has it's pros and cons. But the thing is, I love this place for the most part of the year. The ambiance is very relaxing and the people who live there are nice to each other. People also go to the beach to enjoy the sun, relax and enjoy each others company. But to me, it's a different ballgame when some people (especially young people from other parts of the country)
    go there to make a lot of noise, show behavior like catcalling (which happens quite often) and just simply not being mindful of other people who are annoyed by they behaviour. Call me old fashioned, but I have a bit of a problem with people who fuck up the neighborhoud. Luckily, it only lasts a Summer. So that counts at least for something:)
    @Lurius Caffeine might be the culprit (probably glutamate related).My T also spiked on coffee and Coke. Probably best to stay away from it.
    Germania Inferior - is it something like weaker Germany? I may be wrong. You see, I don't drink Coke every day but I do drink 2-3 cups of coffee and I'm so glad that my T is not affected. So yeah, I'm a living legend, son. :D
    You're the man @Vassili;) And yep, that's one way of looking at it. It literary means weak, but in a more historical sense, the Romans used the term as an indicator for low lands where Germanic tribes lived (parts of Belgium & the Netherlands) as opposed to Germania Superior (the mountainous areas of Germany, France and Switzerland). Pjuh, that's enough history for today, don't you agree:)
    You've wrote an awesome post. I like history. I had a thought that it could indicate low lands but I looked again at your previous post and wrote what I wrote. Knowledge is power. Superior power ahahhahahah. :p
    Belgium vs.Italy almost feels like the match of the century. Come on Red Devils, you can do this!
    He was also one of the few players who played professionally, if I'm not mistaken. Anyway, Russia is ok-ish. Physically strong, but they lack the players who are technically good. Andrej Arsjavin is one of those few players who is still greatly missed
    I can see that you're a true soccer fan. You have lots of knowledge on the subject. That's great. When I was a kid I always played soccer with my pals but I never was a true fan. Now I just keep an eye on some sports news time after time.
    @Vassili Even more so, I actually was a hardcore fan for a local football team and went to tons of matches. Since having moderate T, I watch the game on TV but still miss the sweet smell of ambiance in the local stadium. Anyway, are Estonians more ice hockey minded? I thought Baltic states are big players in that area of sports
    Went to the beach to relax a bit but two ambulances drove by with a blaring siren. Now my ears are burning + in pain. What a cosmic joke
    btw, don't stress about it having done any harm though. Two ambulances driving by in the open air certainly doesn't sound like enough to have caused any permanent damage.
    Pretty sure in the unlikely event you develop a spike, it'll be very temporary.
    @Lurius Thanks for the encouraging words. I'll try to live as normally as possible despite this setback. Glad to hear that you've managed to get rid of H. Some people are not that lucky.
    @Damocles I hope you're right. I actually wore hearing aids during this recent incident and that is in hindsight not a smart move if you go to a busy place. I hope you don't live in a very crowded place. In The Hague, it can be extremely noisy at times. Especially when tourist arrive in late Spring/early Summer to visit the local Scheveningen beach, f. e.
    @_nico_ I'm at a loss for words. FWIW,it saddens me greatly that you've arrived at that point.No one should be in that position like you are
    For Dutch /Flemish speakers, there's a special on the news about tinnitus today> tune to channel NPO 1 at 18.15
    @Kriszti I've read somewhere that Dayvigo is considered a safe choice. Perhaps it's something worth a try?
    Thanks. :) I think it's not available in Europe.
    @Kriszti Via the grey market:) If you're in dire need for good sleep meds, you could talk to Hans from TT perhaps? He managed to get some Dayvigo that way.
    @Kriszti oh and if that doesn't work out, you could always try mirtazapine, though I understand you still have worries about it. However, I can safely say that after one year on this med, I don't have any problem whatsoever (e.g. weight). It still works like a charm and I sleep generally 8/9 hours on it. Maybe it's worth a try?
    I'm wondering how @all to gain @Autumnly are doing. Haven't heard from them for a long time. Hopefully they are doing great
    I'm good friends with Autumnly, but she's on a pretty long break from TT right now. The last time I heard from her was 1st of March.
    Thanks @Lurius for keeping tabs with her. I could only imagine that some of us need a break from TT for a while. It can all be mentally exhausting at times
    Even though my tinnitus has reduced significantly, I am still extremely annoyed by it. Multi tonal T is still devastating in many respects
    When all of this is over, I at least expect that every one of us will receive an honorary degree from the Royal Institute of Sufferology
    use TRT the right way. Some people are brainwashed by the TRT-Jatroboff gospel. If someone needs to be canceled, this guy deserves it 100%
    You're right @Gabriel5050 . It's inconsiderate of me to post a lot of messages in the profile post section.
    In my short burst of infinite rage, I lost track of that. Sorry. I'll post something asap about this issue in a more constructive way. Hopefully we can put some ideas together in addressing the over importance of people who capitalise on the suffering of others.
    people if they ''failed'' his course & that TRT lacks empirical merits for severe T sufferers. And yet, she still maintains that I didn't
    I looked her in the eyes and said she can't be serious. This man had only done the tinnitus community a huge disservice by victim blaming
    and that it will always get better if I follow TRT the right way. She mentioned Jastreboff as a credible authority in this field.
    Alright, so I just came back from an appointment with my hearing care professional. She said not to worry about tinnitus getting worse
    of people on TT here as well. I also hope that FX-322 will offer you the sweet relief that you so much deserve (as well as other peeps)2/2
    and BDNF protocol (20-30%) could be an explanation for change in HF T,though still bothersome. Thanks for your kind-hearted message BTW 2/2
    Well...the hearing aids project has failed. My HF T is above 10 kHz apparently. Now just listening to notched music and see where it goes
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